Saudis seek tourism assistance abroad

It seems that the local parasite class is going to stop moaning about Bush and his Saudis for long enough tomorrow to welcome Prince Sultan ibn Salman, apparently secretary-general of the Saudi “Supreme Commission for Tourism”, who is here to open some anti-democratic jamboree down at the Forum, to which local women’s groups presumably haven’t…

Unipeak nicked my ad revenues

This is interesting. Unipeak reproduces my site (your site) dynamically on theirs, as it were, turns off my ads, and turns on theirs. The site is presented as a tool to help among others the poor old Chinese, but the fact that my material ends up being cached by Google as if it were theirs…

Some advice for mayor Clos

For reasons that are unclear to me, the burlesque leader who ruled Dublin during carnival used to be known as Mayor of the Bull Ring. Barcelona’s Mayor Clos is so damn serious that he wants to close our bull-ring, but the chances that he’ll stop making a fool of himself the rest of the time…

Paisley’s parliament

These folks have been resting for a couple of years, but give them a stage and they’re away: BELFAST (Reuters) – Twenty-five police officers were injured in clashes in a flashpoint district of Belfast when the biggest day in Northern Ireland’s summer marching season ended in violence, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. [… Orangemen…