Irish: it’s official! Well, almost…

The Taoiseachracy got sick of being hassled during the Irish presidency of the EU by lobbyists for various unloved languages, so here’s a little bit of revenge that should end discussion of EU institutional language policy for the next decade:

LONDON — Ireland said yesterday it wants Irish to be made the 21st official language of the European Union.

Eamon O’Cuiv, minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht [Irish speaking areas], said the government would lobby for Irish to be given full “working language” status, which would allow people to speak it in the European parliament.

“People fully recognize the importance of the Irish language as part of the rich cultural heritage we have,” he said. “The next step is to go and talk to all the other member states and to evaluate their reaction.”

In Brussels, European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer declined to comment.

I fear Mr Ahern has his tongue so firmly inserted in his cheek that there’s a danger of it bursting through and slithering all over the place. Stop this folly, stop it now!

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