Irene Rigau and visualizar

Send her to prison by all means, but make Aleix Vidal-Quadras, Luís Soravilla and other ignorant pedants visit her in penance.

Modifications to Slovak language law

Bulbul on spasmodic change in another ethno-polity which gets a kick from auto-strangulation. At least Mishima didn’t manage to drag the whole of Japanese society into his heroic belly-op.

Catalan language policy: Marxist, Stalinist, Francoist or fascist?

The precedents for, and some possible implications of, the Catalanisation of Barcelona’s cinemas. Plus some crowd-pleasing video of the Quebec language police in action. (Allez! Allez! Allez! And the hell with the economy!) All in somewhat fevered response to an article by Martin Dahms in the Tages-Anzeiger.

Montilla at LSE

The British establishment doesn’t give a rat’s arse what he thinks.