There’s an interesting piece by Kini Nsom at the excellent Post Online (Cameroon) on topless, drunken and otherwise disorderly women in that country. This compelling issue came up in parliament in the form of a complaint by the MP for Sangmalima, Francois Esama, that what “the rights women are clamouring for is to go about nude and drink heavily.” Apparently, “on March 8, women in Sangmalima drank heavily, got drunk, became lousy and went home late in the name of celebrating the International Women’s Day”, presumably without pinching Mr Esama’s fat arse on the way past.
Randy Wah Kum (real name), a photographer from Obili, felt more relaxed about the whole business, pointing out that “it is unfair to talk only about young girls when old mothers in the villages move about with their breasts and abdomens completely exposed,” and businessman Noise Noubissie Fotso believes that “the sexy girls should be left alone,” except perhaps by himself. However, let’s move on to Barrister Buba Ndifiembou from Yaounde, who said that
“girls who go half-naked can be prosecuted and, if found guilty, they can go to prison for up to one year or pay a fine of FCFA 100.000.” He said article 263 of the Cameroon penal, which addresses the issue is in tandem with section 29 (2) of the UN Universal Deceleration of Human Rights, which cautions against indecent dressing.
Mr Ndifiembou is, like most barristers, not worth the money. Actually 29.2 says:
In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
Still, I wonder whether it would be worth trying to mount an international prosecution of our nudist-friendly mayor (and who can blame him?) before the UN decelerates human rights right out of existence.
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