Estat Català

While Italian politicians consider tying a reintroduced lira to the dollar (maybe they should talk to some Argentines first…), here’s something really special: a real, existing Catalan state, with flag, currency, map and passport. It’s Albert Porta’s Evrugo, a mental state which he founded in 1968 when they let him out of Barcelona’s Model prison…

Here comes the bike

I finally married my bicycle on Saturday in a ceremony celebrated by a minister of the little-known but damn handy Carpathian Independent Church, and we have both been seriously well-oiled ever since. The downside is that my Ugandan friends have disowned me, quoting this Acholi poem: I hear a bicycle bell, The bridewealth of Laker,…

Want to burn a convent?

The Segovian communists may be able to help (Noticias y Debates link, google “quema de conventos” if it goes).

Is Michael Moore a resurrected Saracen monster?

European acceptance of Michael Moore’s new anti-Americanism has been greatly assisted by the loving detail with which he depicts the country he has invented, bursting with gun- and God-happy fatties and ruled over by a Semitic mafia. Here, from El Semanario Curioso, Histórico, Erudito, Comercial, Público y Económico, El Blasón de Cataluña (1842; cited in…