Leprous language mine/thine

“In contrast with Arabic words, the words of [Other Languages] appear lame, maimed, blind, deaf and leprous, and entirely bereft of a natural pattern,” writes Zaid Al-Alaya’a (via Onze Taal), who is clearly up there with Werner Georg Patel in the self-deprecatory humour stakes.

I think (checking would be hard) that there’s a fairly good correlation between a general insistence on linguistic purity and economic failure, both in the Arab world and elsewhere. Here’s a snippet from Gregorio Mayans y Siscar’s Orígenes de la lengua española, published in 1737 as the Spanish empire continued its disastrous decline:

Germanía is the name I give to the language of ruffians, gypsies and other degenerate peoples who invented a language for themselves to be able to talk among one another without being understood by others. So, for example, an accursed language called Junciana [≠ Junkie ;-)] was invented as a tool for the wicked to communicate their evil deeds without others understanding, and in France the beggars [pordioseros, from por Dios] and vagabonds use a language called gueux, that is, pertaining to the poor. Juan Hidalgo, or someone else who chose to call himself so, published in 1609 in Barcelona many romances in Germanía by various authors, and, at the end of said book, which is in duodecimo, he printed a Germanía vocabulary, composed by him. This dictionary… contains many whimsically invented words; in others the syllables are just jumbled, such as chepo, demias, grito, lepar, lepado, taplo, toba, which, once the transposition of letters or syllables has been removed, are, in good Romance, pecho, medias, trigo, pelar, pelado, plato, bota. This way of talking is called gerigonza [Catalan gerigonsa/giragonsa, bend ← Provençal, gergons]. With respect to other Germanía words (I say this in passing), this being the language of vagamondes [vagamundos], it is composed of the words they have learnt in various countries and which appeared to them most appropriate in the creation of their thieves’ Arabic [algaravía/algarabia (Arabic/unintelligible speech/”rhubarb-rhubarb” crowd noise) ← al-‘arabíya (Arabic)]. And so there are some words that are used in Castilian, like acogerse, acorralar, picar, retirarse, toldar, trotón, trasmontado, tropel. Others that are antiquated, like gandido for fugitive [?: trasmontado]; others metaphorical, like abrazador for judicial flunkey; abrazado for prisoner; azor for bird poacher, and many, many others in this fashion. Others are Arabic, like alcandora, that is if we do not consider it a Basque term. Others are Limousin, like belitre, bochí, formage, gorja, sage, portar. Others are French, like gaya for a public woman, that is if we do not consider it a Syrian term. Others are Italian, like gamba for leg; picol for little. Others Latin, like hasta for lance. And in the same fashion other words from other languages. For which reason great discretion must be exercised in order to use this vocabulary well, because otherwise one will introduce many vile or barbarous words, or one will use insolently daring metaphors, such as we see in the work of many authors, who for the path by which they achieved celebrity amongst the ignorant, deserve complete contempt in the eyes of the educated.

(Seeing as how we like field research, we have no regrets that the pub the other night was, unlike the Irvine Welsh book do, less than full.)
(Something that I don’t understand is why gypsies in these parts are said to have spoken Caló and other argots up to around the end of Boney’s reign, thereafter shifting gradually into Catalan, which process was apparently complete by WWI.)

Llamo germanía al lenguage rufianesco, propio de rufianes, de gitanos i de otras gentes perdidas que se inventaron un lenguage para entenderse entre sí i no ser entendidos de los demás; assí como en Salamanca se inventó una maldita lengua llamada junciana para que fuesse instrumento entre los malos de la comunicación de sus maldades, sin que otros las entendiessen, i en Francia los pordioseros o tunantes usan una lengua que se llama gueux, esto es, de los pobres. Juan Hidalgo, o otro que quiso llamarse assí, en el año 1609 publicó en Barcelona muchos Romances de germanía de varios autores, i al fin de dicho librito, que es en duodécimo, imprimió el Bocabulario de germanía, compuesto por él. Este diccionario, como digo, tiene muchas voces inventadas por capricho; otras sólo tienen trocadas las sílabas, como chepo, demias, grito, lepar, lepado, taplo, toba, que quitada la trasposición de letras o sílabas, son en buen romance pecho, medias, trigo, pelar, pelado, plato, bota. Al qual modo de hablar llamamos gerigonza. En quanto a los demás vocablos de germanía (por decir esto de passo), como éste es una lengua de vagamundos, se compone de los vocablos que han aprendido en varios países i les han parecido más a propósito para formar su algaravía. I assí hai unos vocablos que son corrientes en la lengua castellana, como acogerse, acorralar, picar, retirarse, toldar, trotón, trasmontado, tropel. Otros que son antiquados, como gandido por trasmontado; otros metafóricos, como abrazador por alguacil; abrazado por preso; azor por ladrón de presa alta, i a este tenor muchíssimos. Otros son árabes, como alcandora, si ya no es que digamos ser voz vascongada. Otros lemosines, como belitre, bochí, formage, gorja, sage, portar. Otros franceses, como gaya por muger pública, si ya no es que sea voz siriaca. Otros italianos, como gamba por pierna; picol por poco. Otros latinos, como hasta por lanza. I assí otros vocablos de otras lenguas. Por cuya causa es menester gran discreción para usar bien deste vocabulario, porque si no se introducirán muchas voces vilíssimas o bárbaras, o se usarán metáforas insolentemente atrevidas como las que vemos en muchos autores, que por el camino que se hicieron célebres entre los ignorantes, merecen sumo desprecio en el juicio de los doctos.

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