More Lib Dems

The other day I was having a beer with Simon Hughes when he suddenly said, “Trevor, I want you to know that I’m gay,” and then tried to cover it up by asking the barman for yet another Freudian Pils. (Thanks Paul. Furt is appearing April 3rd in Norwich and April 22nd in Leeds.)

Rauschenberg vs Burroughs

I went through a phase in which I agreed (although slightly less volubly) with R Hughes re R Rauschenberg, but then I found WS Burroughs playing with similar ideas with more aggression and originality (although with less skill) and I changed sides. Further, Rauschenberg couldn’t write, while Burroughs’ Tangier stuff is better even than that…

Dutch in Korea

I’d like to see Guus Hiddink take over England asap, but then I was supporting Mark Oaten (go on, get me one for my birthday!) to run the Lib Dems until he started chasing the England job, leaving Boris Johnson as the LDs’ only potentially electable leader. (Apparently the Koreans gave Guus a villa on…