How to commit a political crime in Catalonia

Amid Catalan witches in Murcian pantomime and calls in Catalan tabloid Avui for the killing of anti-Catalanists, here at Nihil Obstat is Catalan central government minister Jordi Sevilla saying that Catalan colleague José Montilla (mayor of Cornellà for years) is a charnego and thus unsuited to be president of Catalonia. Charnego is a racist term…


Go see squires tapdance in DC on the 25th. A tapdancer came to audition for this the other day and I was bowled over: I hadn’t seen a proper dancer since I was playing in a pit and there was this hirsute lead in fishnets who made quite a deep impression. When I drink cubatas…

More bike paths

I probably don’t agree with Marc Belzunces about very much, but I’m with him on bike paths and poseur Jordi Portabella. Incidentally, my nominations for the two worst bike paths in Barcelona are those on Tuset and the tiny one on the northern corner of the junction of Diagonal and Paseo de Gracia. I know…

Spanish toponyms in Catalonia

The Cataloonies are running a campaign to de-Castilianise Google Earth. Stick your oar in too, should you feel so inclined…

Cutting of(f) fingers

I do like the Dutch foreign ministry desk diary, although more for its furry cover than the tired and overwhelmingly western images reproduced. One exception: Co Westerik’s Snijden aan gras (Westerik’s site -> enter -> Schilderijen -> scroll down or Ctrl-F to Snijden aan gras I). Fingers that are cut in Spanish culture tend to…