Why not dump “nation” from the constitution?

Check Ana Nuño’s Pequeño manual de mitología española. As she notes, one of the big problems we face is the dispute between those who say that “nation” is used in the constitution to refer to the group constituted by most of those living within Spain’s frontiers, and those who say that the word is actually being used in a Liutprandial (I have no reason to believe the bishop of Cremona was not a big eater) sense to refer to an invented and imposed sense of common customs, history etc etc, and who on that basis believe themselves justified in demanding their own nation within a new set of frontiers.

While I have every sympathy with the former, their case would be a lot stronger if they were simultaneously to campaign to have the word “nation” removed from the constitution. I can’t see the problem in drafting a citizen-based substitute, particularly in a country full of unemployed or underworked lawyers, not all of whom are drunk all of the time.

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