Speaking from baldie experience, most council tourism departments here offer an abysmal service, and things gets worse once you go online. I’m pursuing the tourismcrats at Vic, a medium-sized xenophobic town out in the sticks, to see how long and how far I’ll have to go to get any kind of response:
20/6 Mail to tourism department asking for info re the fiesta mayor
23/6 Follow up noting that I want to bring tourists to the town
25/6 Copied to mayor and senior councillors from the ruling party and the opposition, noting that, while no info is available on the official fiesta mayor, the alternative fiesta mayor–featuring excessive drinking–is widely advertised on the web
27/6 Copied to the rest of the council, apart from the neo-Nazi and the Communist
28/6 Standard missive from Carme at tourism trying to sell me guided tours with lunch (“Dessert to your election”). No info about the fiesta mayor. Reply asking if they really know nothing about it
29/6 Jaume, culture councillor, writes telling me that the information is on vic.cat, as usual. Reply saying I am unable to find it and tourism doesn’t seem to know where it is either
30/6 Carme at tourism sends me a programme
Turisme@Vilafranca shows how to get it right.
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