
Looks like phoney Catholic Catalanista candidate Montilla imploded today (via Barcepundit). But who/what the heck is Barrocs? (Check Rivera getting an easy ride over on CNN+.)


In Spain it’s a cubana, a Cuban, the Uruguayans call it una paja rusa, a Russian wank (not to be confused with a Russian mountain, una montaña rusa, which is a big dipper in the nicest of senses), while José João Dias Almeida’s excellent dictionary of Portuguese argot (calaõ) and idiom informs us that his…


Has a pretty comprehensive list of online dictionaries and the like. It’s a French site, and that’s what I was looking for. I wonder about the interpretations of some of the proverbs in Randle Cotgrave’s 1611 French-English. “Ce qui est venu par la fleute s’en retourne avec le Tabourin/What the pipe hath gathered the Taber…


A performancer is someone who gives performances. I am one–or so a Barcelona booking agency told me this morning–and googling demonstrates that there are more of us, spread across the domain dominated by Eurenglish. Performers of the world, adapt or die.