Liseuse posts on the difficulties of selecting from coffee menus and of translating coffee specialities from German. It would be nice to be able to purchase this kind of stuff in Barcelona–Starbucks don’t do liquor shots, so one boycotts–but first priority for most cafes is to start using decent coffee.
Translator Carlos Ferrero quotes bit of a piece called Aprender a ser libre (Learning to be free) by Jorge Edwards, whose work had the singular distinction of being banned by both the Castro and Pinochet dictatorships: I recall a Venezuelan poet of Arab origins who was contracting as a translator in North Korea. The documents…
‘Sídí Abú Yahya, who had been governor of Cordova, said of its people, “They are like the camel, which fails not to complain whether thou diminishest or increasest its load, so that there is no knowing what they like.”‘ (Gyangos, History of the Mohammedan Dynasties of Spain, quoted in Adolphus, Letters from Spain in 1856…
I’ve cycled south from Albacete via Yeste twice. On both occasions it would have been really nice to have had a direct road or track from Parolis / Parolix to Los Arroyos, but there just isn’t one, whatever all the maps say. The road from Miller up to the sierra does exist, but those extra…
Neither an aficionado of la Tomatina in Buñol nor a shooting victim in Millersburg, Ohio, but a follower of the doctrines of Thomas Aquinas: Si hun religios es bon thomatista, a tot sera bastant a satisfer. Per ço, nostre senyor Deu, ans que vingues esta saviesa en sent Thomas, ja li anava davant per profecia…
Bicycle sticker in the port: “Computer Asisted Design by European Engineer Group for Riamo Bikes”. Were computers really involved? Do either of these entities actually exist?