Meteorological data for 1930s Spain?

Lots of sites promise, but I still haven’t found one that delivers serious historical weather data outside of the US, the UK and other dominions of Anglocabronia. I’ll roast a baby lamb for the winning respondent.

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  1. Thanks very much Javier, that’s brilliant!

    (Explanation for non-Spanish speakers: Weather stations were introduced in Spain in the 1930s and only became widespread in the 1950s, so the Basque Meteorology Agency, Euskalmet, has launched a project called Klimat XXI with the aim of creating a database of information dealing with weather, climate, floods etc, particularly prior to the 50s, using references in newspapers from throughout Spain. So, for example, a search of all provinces for January 26 1936 throws up nine results, including an earth tremor in Córdoba, good fishing despite poor weather forecasts, a spring day in Bilbao despite the intense cold and rain in other parts, and the destruction by vandals of a pluviometer near the Igaratza Refuge; on the 29th, El Diario Vasco notes that “The weather is … pre-electoral.”)

  2. I may be able to find you weather data for the Sierra de Cazorla from around 1900 to 1925. You’ll have to wait, though, until the papers get out of storage and returned to their original location and I get looking at them. This is more or less imminent. Remind me every couple of months with an e-mail if you’re interested.

  3. Well, I really can’t tell a merina from a churra, but it is said the churra breed makes the best roast. At least that’s what they say in Castile, and they are really good at it..

  4. Let me know if you make it up to the Kingdom of Aragón one day. The girlfriend wants to quietly construct a 4-sheep-sized baker’s oven in the mountain apartment. The farmer will never notice, she believes.

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