Ships of fools

Andrew Scull digs up and burns Foucault in the TLS: Foucault’s account of the medieval period fares no better in the light of modern scholarship. Its central image is of “the ship of fools”, laden with its cargo of mad souls in search of their reason, floating down the liminal spaces of feudal Europe. It…

Man shares house with 80 sheep

Sorry, but this is not big news where I am this week, and the upstairs/downstairs arrangement is normal too. I used to play in a band with someone who lived with his elderly parents and a dozen pigs and cows in a one-storey Saxon loshoes in a German border swamp. From the rich sounds that…

Google MT interview

Doubts re the wisdom of using UN and EU texts aside, it seems to me that Franz Och is being unduly modest about the current state of affairs–the free Google service is already better than a lot of the €0.04/word Spanish-English guys out there. (Via the excellent Onze Taal)

Ugly authors

They’re photoshopping Jane Austen, so where will it stop? One writer who could do with some help is Al-Jahiz (776-868). Now known as something of a medieval Gollum, he killed and sold fish along the canal in Basra as a small boy, progressed into being a “notably ugle writer with ‘goggle eyes'” (hence جاحظ العينين)…

Spanish government rural internet service partners with online gambling business

Last autumn the US government, concerned at rising addiction, passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. Whatever one thinks of the wisdom of that, it’s a journey to India and back away from the Spanish government, which is using its Telecentro programme to encourage country folk to sign up with an online gambling provider.

Telefónica woes

My hosting provider is blaming yesterday’s down on Telefónica fooking oop the DNS. Conversation the other week with shop assistant employed by Movistar, the Telefónica mobile subsidiary: – Hello, I want to change this phone from Vodaphone to Movistar, keeping the number and using pre-pay. – OK, let me take your details and you can…

Inter-planetary supply chain management

With transportation delays of as much as six to nine months and very limited shipping capacity, this is surely a project less suited to MIT than to Correos, the Spanish postal service.

Tales of German technological failure

Here, with a flurry of thanks to the hermeneuticists of Bavaria, is the odd one out amongst tales of late nineteenth and early twentieth century German commercial activities in Iberia and the Maghreb: One of the first German missions was that of Colonel von Conring to Marrakesh in about 1878 to present to Mulai Hassan…

Mysterious sherry transports

Arthur Kenyon in Letters from Spain (GBS), in an otherwise standard mid-19th century account of the sherry trade in Jerez (“Zeres”), writes: A good deal of the wine makes a voyage to India and back before it is mixed in the way I have described and sent to England. Maybe the guys over Catavino will…