Swallows and seasons in Spanish and English versions of the proverb

Emanuel del Mar, Nuevo guía para la conversacion, en español é inglés (1839, via GBS): Una golondrina no hace verano. One swallow does not make spring. Both spring and summer are used in both languages, but you’d kind of expect northward migration to take swallows to Spain in spring and then England in summer. Perhaps…

Kill rootless scum

The other night I stayed with a neo-peasant Catalan hippy couple living in a grace and favour masia in the hills, for which you and I and anyone else without the requisite ethnic badge would probably have to lay down something in the region of €750K. The guy, son of Andalusian barkeepers, agreed that affection…

10 vol Alcover-Moll Catalan dictionary for 10€

Over on eBay, via the ever-vigilant Xavi Caballé. Burning is the most suitable fate for paper dictionaries now digitalised, but it seems a bit silly to spend 30€ (inc p&p) acquiring them on eBay for this end.