What’s your ex-pat blogging style?

Darragh McManus’ guide to travel guides works for ex-pat blogs as well. Kalebeul is clearly a coffee table whopper, but I wouldn’t dare suggest categories for Colin Davies, Charles Butler, Tom Clarke, Lenox, Graeme, or the rest of you.

Interactive electronics/dance performance

One for your diary: The excellent Martin Hug is presenting his latest super-instrument in a show with the dancer Juschka Weigl this Friday at 19:00 at Hangar, Barcelona.

Factual or fucktual?

Humiliating linguistic error in PR for Arcadi Espada’s new online newspaper

Fish update

Escolar is “a nasty fish with buttery flesh that can cause bizarre episodes of diarrhea, accompanied by a waxy intestinal discharge.” But that has nothing to do with Spanish bloggers.

Cost-cutting in the ancient world

Hera can no longer afford the dragon and has installed security cameras to stop the Hesperides stealing her golden apples. (Pomegranates, actually, which I believe some people also view as possible candidates. On this walk.)

What’s so hard about answering an email?

–Hello. –Hello, is that the Department of Tourism? Yes? Hello, a week ago I sent you an email asking if this Friday you could let me and a group in to see the crypt of blah blah blah, and I was wondering whether this would still be possible. –Oh yes, I read the email. –So?…