Barcelona Council, fan of the heavy metal umlaut?

The council’s Christmas greetings–some of which include Spanish, the city’s common language–wish passersby “Fröhe Weihnachten” instead of “Frohe Weihnachten”. Regional president José Montilla’s kids go to the German School in Barcelona, so presumably they didn’t get to proofread.

Why they didn’t find Lorca

Bishop Gibson of Granada understands beatific bureaucracy but not tradition. Featuring a bad Vietnamese flamenco clip.

A West Cornish Barbary pirate and ghost-ship

“Discontented devil of a blackamoor, why canst thou not be satisfied to live here?” “Avast there; all our gold and diamonds can’t procure us here the bright sunshine and joyous people, nor the rich fruits and wine, of my native clime.”

Porthcurno, once Cornwall's greatest port?