Katie Price to run language services for Barcelona Council?

The Melonfight Strumpdom of Jordan – more dark-veiled Cotytto in the Daily Mirror photo – has, presumably according to her media pimp, made an insignificant error in a text to some other debauched nonentity, thus distracting the organ of the socialist revival from a more serious task at hand. FT has enquired circumspectly of the…

Direct action

In all the years (how many?) this blog has existed only one repentant offender has ever got in touch, so it’s time for sterner measures. Here’s a positive way of coping with those gifts of faux-Anglo clothing that you can’t wear out of the front door because the slogan is so shamefully illiterate: Who said…

Blog translated entirely using Google Translate?

For El País user blogs’ sole function is to drum up page views for its paid-for content, and not all of them are to be taken entirely seriously. This was rather like listening to a person with dementia who may have something interesting to say but has lost control of words and syntax: This afternoon…

How the Babelian tragedy could have been averted

By employing teachers competent in the Original Dialect, and iron-fisted policemen of the Imperial Will, of course. The conservative subversive Ignacio Ruiz Quintano recounts that when Congress decided in around 1936 that schoolchildren should become fluent in French, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez (of whom I’ve only read El bosque animado) commented that since none of the…

New directors of Instituto Cervantes in New York and Dublin “can’t speak English”

Javier Rioyo Jambrina and Rosa León will apparently struggle to make themselves understood to their target audience in their new jobs. But then their boss, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has spent the last 7 years demonstrating that you don’t need English (or even particularly elegant Spanish) to triumph in the international arena. It surely can’t…