This time-lapse video reduces some 38 minutes to 2.5. The great bronze Vulture and Child on top of the Basilica de la Merced/Mercé was cast after the war from the remains of smaller monuments to red and separatist leaders and I think the phoney arch was added at the same time. The spectacle is visible…
I think this lunacy tops the great Ibizan Columbus vote. Are there really now legal grounds for pursuing Robbed in Barcelona for damaging the brand? Should the city council – a notorious den of corruption – also cease using the Barcelona tag? Is this the strategy that will help bring down the province’s 23% unemployment…
The first phoneme of the subject of this splendid story by the Diario de Jerez appears to have colonised the first of the (long defunct) Whiteways Cider Co. Ltd., and they probably deserved it. For Whiteways et al in 1966 sought a ruling allowing them to market as sherry beverages that used the Jerez process…
Apparently a splendid wind farm has been built in Portugal, whose only minor disadvantage is that it is so remote from the national grid that it will never be connected. One always wondered about those Great Leap Forward stories in the NYT etc. Some detail would be welcome.
English: deMOcracy, Spanish: demoCRAcia, German: demokraTIE. Would multilingual discussion and implementation of such a potentially useful concept be facilitated by the creation by Brussels of a well-remunerated Accent Unification Committee, or is diversity key? It’s downright aucword to think that others may think you’re dumb just because you stress such a basic term wrongly in…
Re this, JB comments that showing any kind of relationship between financial and technological innovation is kind of hard, but rather liked this illustration – of what happens when you let an entrepreneur also run monetary policy. (When was Spain’s first bubble? Spanish Wikipedia is big on Anglo disasters, but doesn’t mention Spanish railways in…
Bauhaus, Barcelona 105€ n/a 97€ + P&P to Spain 75€ inc P&P to Spain – for some reason they allowed me to apply the Super Saver Delivery option, delivery took 6 calendar days
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Torygraph believes a Basque nationalist blog has misquoted a conversation between him and a Catalan nationalist journalist. Unfortunately he struggles a bit with the Spanish, and since his articles often bear a sketchy relationship to basic fact – if fisk is still a verb then maybe someone would like to employ…