Breakfats, breakfast of the future?

Seen this morning on a bar in Barcelona’s c/ Ancha/Ample (not the Snake Bar: that’s on Laietana, and the menu is disappointing). Mike Abayan lexes it on Urban Dictionary as “a meal for those who are trying to lose weight. it consists of non-fatty and healthy foods or, if not, no food at all.” The…

If you want to be sent in a gift box

Over at PH. Dehesa de Los Llanos is one of a number of brilliant cheeses from down Albacete way that I have been trying, and generally failing, to introduce to friends whose first choice tends to be something local and expensive made by rich kids with mullets and flags out of what tastes like dog…

Who is the enemy of our happiness?

The Emperor of the French, just in case anyone had forgotten. I suppose there’s a frying pan-fire unionist argument to be made against secession, and who better to put it than a Frenchman: Well, one of the participants was a Frenchman. Here’s another load of Bellocs of which I’m also rather fond:

Translation, a secular Pentecost

The other day some kind person passed me the memoirs of the influential moderate republican writer and politician Carlos Esplá Rizo, Mi Vida Hecha Cenizas [Diarios 1920-1965], who sees his life turned to ashes by Spain’s political failure after WWI and by his long exile following the Civil War. In 1950 someone fixes him up…

Rosetta Stone dumbasses

Peter < Peter. The only way of learning a language quickly and (sometimes) cheaply is with a pillow dictionary. All else is suckerbait.

Jerez isn’t Auswitch

Jerez is in Spain. Dickslessia is not our national sport. Someone here thinks it sounds German, but you’d probably say “Hexe raus!” Your Ausweis is your ID. (H/t)

Hiking with Godzilla: Camino de Ripio / I walk rubble

Anything la madre patria can do, Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina can do better, said governor Alberto Weretilneck to himself, taking a break from the commission charged with finding a spelling for his surname that was not an anagram of Erect Winkle. And so he commissioned a premium-rate translation for this walking route map: Lacustrine…

Irene Rigau and visualizar

Send her to prison by all means, but make Aleix Vidal-Quadras, Luís Soravilla and other ignorant pedants visit her in penance.