Music is the antswer

And what’s your problem? Perhaps that the pun only works with one of the two common pronunciations of “answer”: /ænsə(r)/, but not /ˈɑːnsə(r)/, for which you’d need to find an image of a column of ah-aunts.

Single European mortgage market

The Central Committee via Barnier, 10/12/13: [The Mortgage Credit Directive] introduces responsible lending practices across the EU. Consumers will be better informed as lenders will have to provide them with a standardised information sheet so they know the risks but can also shop around for the best product at the best price to suit their…

Mike from Breaking Bad, alive and well and a prominent Swedish Nazi

The first photo is a PR shot of his body double, but then there he is… (dump) In many ways and for many reasons Mike was my favourite character, but Berth Milton’s Dalarna bikers always said that he was just in it for the money, and actually wanted nothing better than to get back to…

The dangers of medical interpreting

Unprofessional Translation kicks off a discussion with “the tragic case of Willy Ramirez, an American Latino baseball player who was left paralyzed because of a misunderstanding over the Spanish word intoxicado.” More here.

I changed my name

“Barcelona, Londres y Tilligte” no cabía en la tarjeta de visita. / “Barcelona, London and Tilligte” didn’t fit on my business card.

Migración del mosquitero común: amarillo = verano, azul = invierno. / Chiffchaff migration: yellow = summer, blue = winter.