Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Thu Jun 11 19:22 @steve_guy Ibsen's wife was called Suzannah, not Lauren.
- Fri Jun 12 08:44 Randy Howard Golden fiddle waltz
- Mon Jun 15 14:42 Credit where due: Dirty Desmond founded Home Organist
- Wed Jun 24 13:49 Comment: @aethelflaed @FitzroviaNews Depends what you put in it.
- Sat Jun 27 21:02 Comment: @helengibbons @WilliamChislet3 Yawn. It's Photoshop.
- Sat Jun 27 21:41 @carlosgutigarri Ah, tú también. Me hizo pensar en cierta señora.
- Sat Jun 27 22:28 Comment: @CarlosFerrero72 @helengibbons @WilliamChislet3 Make Photoshop courses obligatory for those identified as shameless? #amateurs
- Mon Jun 29 10:47 Vive una diosa en la Panxa del Bisbe!
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