Blackberry season

Through the hunting ground of this fortnight’s rapist, past the well-attended shrine to yesterday’s drowning victim (would you get into a weed-ridden canal to help someone clearly not in his right mind?), and past the nearby park as one drunk pummelled another into unconsciousness (Mr Blobby policemen pretending to run): all of this carrying a…


Political laughing chorus on the air from Der Freischütz.

What drunks think of morning and evening people

Venedikt Erofeev, Moscow-Petushki / Moscow to the End of the Line / Moscow Stations / Moscow Circles, translated by H. William Tjalsma: I’ve noticed that, in general, if a person feels nasty in the morning but is full of plans and dreams and vigor in the evening, he’s a very bad person. Mornings, rotten; evenings,…

Seagull attack!

A contribution to the craze: A friend’s friend is on remand and has been having problems with the screws. He’s taken out to the yard – he’s in solitary – and is walking up and down when a baby seagull lands in front of him. He walks up to it and pets its head, whereupon…

Etymology of Salafi clarified

Wikipedia says ‘Salafism takes its name from the term salaf (“predecessors”, “ancestors”) used to identify the earliest Muslims, who, its adherents believe, provide the epitome of Islamic practice.’ Brief research in my diseased brain establishes however that it refers to its adherents’ practice of iPhoning themselves with the severed heads of those with whom they…