Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Sun May 01 07:38 “A Victim of Irregularity”
- Sun May 01 19:37 RT @voyou: Kylie Jenner spearheads an R&bass revival, Carly Rae Jepsen meets Lush, and more:
- Sun May 01 19:53 No proof readers on Twitter
- Mon May 02 13:20 RT @RichardDawkins: This the best interactive tree of life ever. Many thanks to @Evolutionistrue for this post.
- Mon May 02 13:21 Filed under "interesting for monkeys"
- Mon May 02 14:49 cities vs roads on google maps
- Mon May 02 15:22 Requiesdog
- Tue May 03 09:47 "Madrid zoo monkeys smarter than child visitors"
- Tue May 03 11:29 RT @gideonmendel: Empyah, seen close to her vintage stall in #chatsworthroad. This might be the start of an…
- Tue May 03 11:31 1,653 piano rolls online at the Spanish National Library #BlogBNE
- Tue May 03 14:07 No restaurant list can beat one protagonised by a fat man with a barrel organ crank for belt
- Wed May 04 13:39 RT @MooseAllain: Poor old Pavlov. Eventually every time he heard a bell ring he wanted to feed a dog.
- Thu May 12 17:59 And there was a gorilla (OK, not a monkey): 1969 Royal Family doc
- Thu May 12 20:18 #terravision selling Stansted-London tickets at Barcelona airport this morning, despite no licence/no serivce #thieves
- Fri May 13 07:21 Walking around with chicken strapped to my head. GF said I need to wear more layers.
- Fri May 13 07:47 RT @realDonaldTrump: Barney Frank looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.
- Fri May 13 20:39 Nazi flying sharks
- Sat May 14 14:52 Mahler / Die zwei blauen augen : wish I could manage it as slow & exotic as this
- Tue May 17 14:41 How're gonna jump the St Lawrence with a brass band?
- Tue May 17 22:10 Cumbrian cave music
- Wed May 18 06:38 Euro film quotas @NetflixUK @AmazonUK = blatant monkeyphobia (King Kong, Planet ot Apes...) @Ansip_EU #VoteBananas
- Wed May 18 06:40 RT @LeVostreGC: New Shakespear authorial theorye: all playes were written by bird whistle player.
- Wed May 18 10:36 Comment: @Master_Plum Caper Ceilidh is a band
- Wed May 18 14:53 Spanish journalist pleases patriotic yokels by pretending that some Spanish expressions are untranslatable
- Thu May 19 07:25 How Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Should Have Ended
- Thu May 19 07:48 Zuypstad, met zijn wijde heerschappijen. Maar hoe ging de rest ook al weer?
- Thu May 19 09:31 A penchant for barrel-organ music is not evidence of an addiction to Neapolitan pizza.
- Thu May 19 09:56 Melvyn Bragg uncool in 1974: Punk before punk: 'You're gonna wake up one morning...'
- Fri May 20 09:22 King Kong y Durruti: FAIL?
- Fri May 20 09:29 Something's not right here
- Tue May 24 20:41 A backwards harmonic parody in time
- Wed May 25 08:02 Merkel + monkey would sound good, but it's a ring-tailed lemur. Needs a little red hat
- Wed May 25 08:05 Comment: @ibexsalad Don't go all #classwar on me
- Wed May 25 08:11 Return of Jean Genet
- Wed May 25 10:32 Sog < Singing Organ-Grinder: Acronym of constant sorrow
- Wed May 25 12:41 Comment: @elorganillero
- Sun May 29 21:39 Brilliant UK mapping from the US Army (60s-70s). Going on the wall for long-distance walking/cycling
- Mon May 30 12:30 @LadbrokesCare Odds on Bernie as Donald's VP nominee?
- Mon May 30 13:41 Monkey holiday reading: Alan de Queiroz "Monkey's Voyage" Good NYT review
- Mon May 30 15:53 Hilaire Belloc sings his Tarantella
- Mon May 30 15:55 RT @elmundotoday: Fabricante de cerveza artesanal celebra la apertura de un nuevo local bebiéndose una Shandy Cruzcampo:
- Mon May 30 15:56 RT @mrjamesob: It's becoming clear that the best way to settle the referendum would be for Sir Nicholas Soames and Jacob Rees-Mogg to have…
- Mon May 30 16:39 pad kid poured curd pulled cod
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