May tweets

Lots of Ramsgate photos, plus the usual nonsense.

Seagull raiding the Wetherspoon Royal Victoria Pavilion, Ramsgate.

Seagull raiding the Wetherspoon Royal Victoria Pavilion, Ramsgate.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Wed May 01 10:47 Depbot
  • Wed May 01 11:05 That look
  • Wed May 01 17:25 Is Gavin Williamson a venomous spider?
  • Wed May 01 22:11 Can we rename the harbour road from the A299 "Chris Grayling Ramp", rather as the communists had their Karl-Marx-Allee and Stalinstraße? Can I sing at the ceremony? @RamsgateTown @ThanetCouncil @Kent_cc @ramsgaterecorde
  • Wed May 01 22:14 Comment: Ramp is an incredibly useful word, meaning amongst others an inclined plane connecting two different levels, but also a swindle or a fraudulent act.
  • Wed May 01 22:58 Historia de Barcelona, 2/5: * 1348: Manifestación contra la peste negra (53) * 1874: Noticia del levantamiento del cerco carlista de Bilbao; empiezan las obras del nuevo mercado del Borne, inaugurado octubre de 1875 (416+39/i) * 1891: Ataque anarquista…
  • Thu May 02 07:52 Nightmare in which humans are eradicated by robots on land and gulls in the air, and then the gulls finish off the robots and strut into the Spoons Royal Victoria Pavilion in Ramsgate and realise they can't read the manual for the Lincat deep-fat fryer
  • Thu May 02 08:07 Robert Smith as every Spaniard's most terrifying aunt
  • Thu May 02 08:23 The masons are definitely in on this too
  • Thu May 02 09:51 Comment: @tombcn Have lunch, paid for by the French government, I guess.
  • Thu May 02 10:05 Who's going to go to concerts when the old people die?
  • Thu May 02 23:13 Historia de Barcelona, 3/5: * 1632: Entran el rey y sus hermanos, dando lugar a dos semanas de fiestas (3082) * 1860: Elogio a los voluntarios catalanes en la Guerra de África leído debajo de un arco de triunfo en calle Carmen (367+225/i) * 1937:…
  • Fri May 03 07:07 Beijing bird. Nah.
  • Fri May 03 07:54 Comment: @Transblawg Hmm, like the thin crisp skin on that.
  • Fri May 03 07:56 Do oyters give you goitre? #Ramsgate

  • Fri May 03 08:07 Rhyme rejoices Ramsgate: Farleys For Furniture ("Est 1928. We have moved to >>>>") and Camo's Carp Cabin ("For the sharper carper")

  • Fri May 03 08:11 Comment: Re the verb: "His body he rejoices with sack-posset"
  • Fri May 03 10:59 The notion of a Soviet-tribute restaurant seems flawed, but pleased to note that CCCP in Ramsgate has learnt from the past & is on Just Eat. More Eastern Bloc propaganda posters observed in local front rooms than for a long time
  • Fri May 03 11:09 UKIP office on King Street, Ramsgate, a desperate shambles where pride & progress belong to the past. I guess that without Farage they'll lose Thanet Council, but perhaps not by a huge margin
  • Fri May 03 11:19 Pretty good correlation between Green Party posters and posh Georgian/Regency/early Victorian houses in historic Ramsgate, where you can walk to Waitrose, tho here's a vegan/yoga/Green rebel in an 1880s(?) terrace in St Lawrence parish
  • Fri May 03 11:49 Always forget that Agustín García Calvo's hymn of the Community of Madrid is even funnier than the Dutch anthem: que solo por ser algo / soy madrileño. Once offered to sing it for some Barcelona-based Madrilenians, but they examined the lyrics & declined
  • Fri May 03 13:50 Invicta Tools (street sign sticker in Ramsgate) is an incredibly rare 5th-6th century British Vulgar Latin survival. From mentulae invictae (Germanic word order swap, elision of 1st & last syllables of mentulae -> tul) meaning undefeated penises, a legionary chant #etymology
  • Fri May 03 13:53 Comment: Conventional etymology of tool is < Old Germanic *tôwlom, tôlom, but I suggest tool = penis was born on Thanet 1500 years ago.
  • Fri May 03 14:01 Comment: A crowd of women worshipping and sacrificing a donkey to Priapus, who in the verse compares the weapons of other deities unfavourably with the terrible deads committed by his mighty cock
  • Fri May 03 14:02 Comment: Fulmina sub Iove, sunt Neptuni fulcina telum: / Ense potens Mars est; hasta Minerva tua est. / Sutilibus Liber commitit proelia thyrsis: / Fertur Apollinea missa sagitta manu./Herculis armata est invicta dextera clava/At me terribilem mentula farita facit
  • Fri May 03 14:50 Manlove's Rhymed Chronicle (1653): By custom old in Wirksworþ Wapentake,/If any of þis nation find a Bake,/Or Sign, or leading to þe same; may set/In any Ground, and þere Lead-oar may get:/Þey may make Xes, holes, and set þeir Stowes,/Sink Shafts, build Lodges, Cottages or Coes
  • Fri May 03 14:59 Comment: Derbyshire rhyming mining terminology: Bunnings, Polings, Stemples, Forks, and Slyder,/Stoprice, Yokings, Soletrees, Roach and Ryder,/Water-holes, Wind-holes, Veyns, Coe-shafts and Woughs,/Main Rakes, Cross Rakes, Brown-henns, Budles and Soughs etc etc
  • Fri May 03 15:02 Comment: What a marvellous thing: This have I written for the miner's sake,/ That miners are in Wirksworth Wapentake;
  • Fri May 03 15:12 @Wirksworth_TM I'd never seen the Manlove thing before. Wonderful!
  • Fri May 03 15:16 Comment: @Wirksworth_TM Haha, loads of notes in this but maybe there's an unexpunged version with some really difficult words. Bonkers that it's not mentioned on the Wirksworth Wikipedia page.
  • Fri May 03 15:25 And one of those bands got legs like you / And one of them got the stare / And one of those bands got found I heard / In a hole in Aberdare
  • Fri May 03 15:29 Comment: @Wirksworth_TM All looks most excellent. And you've got a functioning brass band. Before you know you'll have another bludy Londoner living there.
  • Fri May 03 15:32 The Orchestra Omar project, made up of seven guitars and a bass, aims to rework the musical work of Omar Khorshid, one of the most famous guitarists in the Egyptian music scene of the 70s
  • Fri May 03 23:19 Historia de Barcelona, 4/5: * 1529: Carlos I abre cortes (6) * 1638: Incendio y saqueo popular del hospital de la Santa Cruz (308) * 1770: Fundación del antecesor de la Real Academia de Medicina de Cataluña (7) * 1836: Se suprime una insurrección…
  • Sat May 04 07:07 LBJs: I find comfort in the thought that I am more likely to take a decent picture of a common-or-garden Little Brown Job than of Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Sat May 04 07:11 Sabrina welcomes you to Pig Alley, Ramsgate. The meat raffles at Macies Bar remind me of happy days in mid-Lancashire, and I thought they were mainly a northern phenomenon.

  • Sat May 04 07:14 Comment: (Let there be no doubt: Macies is excellent.)
  • Sat May 04 23:25 Historia de Barcelona, 5/5: * 1918: Pla: Una de les tavernes de més còmoda freqüentació de la vila és la que té Gervasi a la Plaça Nova * 1937: Asesinado el secretario general de UGT y consejero de la Generalidad, el sindicalista estalinista Antonio Sesé…
  • Sun May 05 06:40 Didn't know that Jacques Ibert did film music - splendid quasi-Hollywood kitsch for Orson Welles' mad & marvellous Macbeth
  • Sun May 05 06:57 On-street parking is a disaster in Ramsgate - obscures views of gents outside the Queens Head. To be fair, much of the parking (& driving) is on-pavement

  • Sun May 05 07:00 Butler's butt
  • Sun May 05 09:51 @charlottelevene
  • Sun May 05 11:06 Ngram granddad vs grandad: proof that the world is being overrun (overun?) by idiots?
  • Sun May 05 12:03 @steve_guy
  • Sun May 05 12:19 Bike pedals & chain replaced by levers Brilliant, tho something beautifully lazy about moving your feet in circles
  • Sun May 05 19:59 Rumanian priest blessing cars somewhere in Spain, presumably because today's the Sunday before the feast of St Christopher (patron saint of travellers) in the Orthodox calendar. The Spanish do this too, but no one ever blessed my bike.
  • Sun May 05 23:29 Historia de Barcelona, 6/5: * 1836: Instálase la primera sociedad de seguros mutuos contra incendios en Barcelona (0+436) * 1848: San Juan de la Puerta Latina y los impresores (279) * 1918: Pla: «La Revista» de López-Picó publica un llarg assaig de Joan…
  • Mon May 06 06:23 Fells & Son, Cash Grocer, 94, High Street, Ramsgate. Absent from the OED, a cash grocer could offer lower prices (and encourage consumer thrift!) by ceasing to provide retail credit. I think the expression spread from New York to London in the 1880s and thence across the Channel.
  • Mon May 06 06:34 Comment: Other late-19th century advertising evidencing fashion for cash: ready money only, cash only, strictly for cash. 1919 article "Readjustments in the Retail Grocery Business" heralds end of local grocers so the poor could afford to eat -> Tesco etc
  • Mon May 06 06:41 BURNS, Chatham Street, Ramsgate. Defunct, but there's a PRS sticker in the window: the sadistic small child in me hopes it was a Chinese, probably more likely than a Scots bar
  • Mon May 06 18:21 Best grave in Hampstead East: Anne Hardwicke (1935-2000): "Where's the receipt?" Runner-up: George Richard ("Dick") Cockhead. I adore George Eliot, and her obelisk is absurd & revolting. Posh Victorians had no understanding of doggerel. Marx? oh dear. Not worth 4 quid.
  • Mon May 06 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 7/5: * 1824: Mandan a los constructores dirigir la lluvia por el interior de los edificios (26+54) * 1859: Real orden autorizando el (privado) Manicomio Nueva-Belén de Gracia, donde está prohibido pegar a los inquilinos (249+28/i)…
  • Tue May 07 20:58 Dying to see the Klopp interview
  • Tue May 07 20:59 Comment: @Transblawg How did they fit a pizza in that?
  • Wed May 08 00:48 Historia de Barcelona, 8/5: * 1836: Llegan los coches fúnebres (13) * 1853: Inauguración de los jardines del placer "los Campos Elíseos" entre las murallas y Gracia (257+25) * 1975: El embajador de Jordi Pujol a las naciones platillovolantes no quiere…
  • Wed May 08 05:05 Comment: @Transblawg I thought I read EVERYTHING in the Mail. Note to self:
  • Wed May 08 09:03 Comment: @Transblawg Getting really old and shrinking is a killer. Who wants to be an Instagram psycho anyway
  • Wed May 08 09:16 Every plumbing trick I learn involves WD40, vaseline or dental floss
  • Wed May 08 09:31 The limp just kills me
  • Wed May 08 13:27 Comment: @Transblawg I didn't. Just as well: no sane person would have bet on em
  • Wed May 08 17:28 Comment: @Transblawg I'm afraid that those near and dear to me made me close my account after Trump and Brexit
  • Wed May 08 22:27 Historia de Barcelona, 9/5: * 1563: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1950: Fundación de la SEAT (395) * ☼ 05:36-19:58, 14:21 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 27,53%, antigüedad 5 días * ✞ Geroncio de Cervia, Gregorio Ostiense, Hermas, Isaías, Pacomio *…
  • Thu May 09 22:30 Historia de Barcelona, 10/5: * 1562: Motín y fuga de la cárcel (22) * 1601: Llega noticia de la canonización de Raimundo de Peñafort, el santo superyate (285+584) * 1840: Nace el primer sindicato en España, la Sociedad de Tejedores, con una canción…
  • Fri May 10 09:22 "You like cock?" Looby has joined the local park gym group
  • Fri May 10 09:28 Comment: @BarnardWestwood @Londoncraftweek We had a wonderful time at the event last night! Many thanks!
  • Fri May 10 09:36 Somebody of England, Purveyor of Wines & presumably Spirits, entrance through a party wall, geddit?! The enhanced initials seem to say R.&W.T., which I guess relates to it being on High Street, Ramsgate. Am I the only person tweeting about Ramsgate?
  • Fri May 10 22:34 Historia de Barcelona, 11/5: * 1565: En la playa, la Vera Cruz lucha contra la sequía (16) * 1706: El ejército del Rey Sol huye de Barcelona bajo un eclipse solar tremendo, pactando con los migueletes en el camino (733+428/i) * 1848: Fiesta de San…
  • Sat May 11 11:02 Comment: @ibexsalad My daughter, my ducats.
  • Sat May 11 21:06 Self: So do you need a poo or a wee? Small girl: Whatever comes out.
  • Sun May 12 00:22 Historia de Barcelona, 12/5: * 1545: Obras en el palacio real para crear espacio para la Audiencia (23) * 1848: Fiesta de San Pancracio; la pereza de los catalanes (221) * 1913: Muere encarcelada Enriqueta Martí, supuesta vampira de la calle de Poniente,…
  • Sun May 12 20:08 @EastLondonBrass Your URL doesn't work!
  • Mon May 13 00:29 Historia de Barcelona, 13/5: * 1509: Empiezan las obras de la fuente del Hospital de la Santa Cruz (79/i) * 1539: Llega noticia de la muerte de Isabel de Portugal, esposa de Carlos I (20) * 1818: Socios de la Real Academia de las Buenas Letras explican…
  • Mon May 13 04:54 Absurd resistance from @C20WestMids & @brutifulbrum to the notion that UK population should rise to 80 million, housed in rabbit hutches built by Monaco-based developers
  • Mon May 13 05:52 No one (& particularly not the Nigerian evangelical neighbours) cares about audio fidelity, & hi-res in the cloud will fry us all (but perhaps Nigeria will fry first)
  • Mon May 13 06:15 Re Brian Walden (RIP): story of the theme to Weekend World, Nantucket Sleighride by Mountain - cannibal song by junkies H/t @lordbonkers
  • Mon May 13 06:17 Comment: I knew about the Essex (cannibalism) affair and Moby Dick, but it's only just occurred to me that this might be an additional source for Thackeray's Little Billee, which I sing, so I do
  • Mon May 13 08:35 One of the last things George Harrison told me before he died was that "While my guitar gently weeps" was a homophonic pun on guitar/catarrh - that the song was actually about mucus dripping down his throat during a bad cold, though of course that couldn't be published
  • Mon May 13 11:05 Zwarte Piet
  • Mon May 13 13:54 It is alleged that this is the second time Doris Day has died and that her agent bought a new house the first time.
  • Mon May 13 14:02 Someone got out of a van singing "Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Juncker." A reminder: Hitler was Austrian and had a vicious little tache, while Junkers were Prussian and had comic opera facial hair. Take Hindenburg, for example.
  • Mon May 13 14:05 New style Jaffa Cakes? Nah #BolloxToBiscuits
  • Tue May 14 00:33 Historia de Barcelona, 14/5: * 1569: Veinte galeras salen para la Guerra de Granada (20) * 1641: Incremento en consejeros de cinco a seis (13) * 1854: Aliviado un domingo aburrido por una éxitosa manifestación a favor de la lluvia (126) * 1923: Empieza…
  • Tue May 14 15:56 Wonderful that the first competent Euro election ad I can remember seeing is by those who seek to end it all
  • Tue May 14 20:21 It's a shame the English didn't call him Saint Clod or Clodhopper.
  • Wed May 15 00:40 Historia de Barcelona, 15/5: * 1387: Carta de Juan I a un matador aragonés pidiendo toros y matatoros para una corrida en Barcelona (74) * 1457: Peste (24) * 1460: Fiestas para celebrar la paz entre Carlos de Viana y Juan II (67) * 1569: Auto de fe en el…
  • Wed May 15 06:45 Comment: @Transblawg @naturebygreen Voledom includes the supposedly field vole, which suffers the nominal misfortune of also a good swimmer.
  • Wed May 15 07:23 Cycling on the pavement don't make you gangster
  • Wed May 15 07:36 Comment: @Transblawg @naturebygreen If Muskrat Ramble was about anything is must have been about pelt-hunting, so Snow Vole Slalom wouldn't have been in good taste or even practical
  • Wed May 15 07:41 My monkey wishes to comment that he went on Jeremy Kyle to talk about the Huxley–Wilberforce debate and suchlike solely because of the bananas on offer, and, with donations slow on the website (, how will he eat if the show is abolished?
  • Wed May 15 08:16 THE MIDGARD SERPENT Real Name: Jormungand Identity/Class: Extra-dimensional god/dragon Occupation: Serpent Group Membership: None Affiliations: Fafnir, Forsung, Frost Giants, Hela, Morgan Le Fay, Nidhogg, Loki Enemies: Avengers, Beta Ray Bill, Red Norvell, Thor
  • Wed May 15 08:17 Comment: H/t
  • Wed May 15 08:18 Comment: @Transblawg @naturebygreen Amazing that Saussure ("the arbitrary nature of the linguistic sign") didn't quote him.
  • Wed May 15 08:26 Comment: I really enjoyed Michael Chabon The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, but nothing beats the Marvel originals
  • Wed May 15 09:55 Nice shot of North Wales from the Wirral in November. The moon landings were filmed in Birkenhead.
  • Thu May 16 00:47 Historia de Barcelona, 16/5: * 1901: Bendición del edificio del hospital de ciegos viejos, Amparo de Santa Lucía (113+41) * 1919: Pla: Aquests últims dies he dormit molt malament * ☼ 05:29-20:05, 14:36 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 90,23%,…
  • Thu May 16 05:13 3 churches and a bullring in the crater of a volcano on Graciosa, Azores
  • Thu May 16 19:22 Wonderful - almost like the tableaux vivants that used to be staged after football matches for the headline photo
  • Thu May 16 19:27 The best thing about Brexit is that the exposure given to the 99% of MPs who never get on telly has convinced the rest of us that we could do better
  • Fri May 17 01:01 Historia de Barcelona, 17/5: * 1882: Chistes sobre Lohengrin, la primera ópera de Wagner que se representa en Barcelona; comentarios de Josep Pla sobre el wagnerianismo (533+803) * 1918: Pla: El vent ha assecat el país * 1944: Intercambio de prisioneros…
  • Fri May 17 11:16 "Your street art raises my rent"
  • Fri May 17 12:46 Königgrätz, but I'd love to see it
  • Fri May 17 13:39 Partstantial = of considerable importance in a certain area. What happens to contracts when lawyers discover Ctrl-H.
  • Fri May 17 22:10 Historia de Barcelona, 18/5: * 1343: Pedro del Punyalet sale para tomar Mallorca (19) * 1510: Relajación de las ordenanzas del gremio de los maestros de esgrima (159) * ☼ 05:27-20:07, 14:39 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 99,99%, antigüedad 15…
  • Fri May 17 23:44 Kudos to Sheikh Abid Gulzar/Goldfinger for converting the posh, failing education/interpretation spaces on #HastingPiers into an amusement arcade, where children can learn about fixed-odds betting. The mini gold hippos are genius. Abid, when can I sing there with my barrel organ?
  • Sat May 18 06:56 A rhino artist demonstrating the observer effect
  • Sat May 18 07:26 Can't import an 80 KB HTML bookmarks file into Firefox. Is this their oldest bug?
  • Sat May 18 07:55 Comment: Ah, you can, but it doesn't go where you tell it.
  • Sat May 18 07:56 Mad house
  • Sat May 18 08:04 If the health establishment hadn't mistakenly told people to use margarine and vegetable oil, you'd have cows (and the odd bee, and walker) in fields instead of bloody oilseed rape.
  • Sat May 18 08:05 Comment: Who was it who used to walk his pet bee?
  • Sat May 18 08:09 Another anti-inflation lyric from the Bank of Jamaica, but still not quite as good as E.T. Mensah's Inflation Calypso
  • Sat May 18 08:34 Ham & High man who walks the dog to the pub and then the barmaid takes it for a real walk. Reminds me of the zumba lady in lycra in the pub.
  • Sat May 18 09:41 This works for the Manchester steakhouse AND for high tannin levels in poncey wine
  • Sat May 18 10:05 Looking for Bart and up pops Gerlo
  • Sat May 18 10:06 Comment: @russellwyatt I find the local fire station very helpful with that kind of stuff. Seriously.
  • Sat May 18 11:44 The British Library's public-facing IT is pretty shambolic - one login for requests, another for request tracking (which doesn't actually record past requests) - but the killer is not being able to search for books by ISBN/ISSN. Really.
  • Sat May 18 20:36 I wish museums could return to being parts of whales and locks of hair and swords and shields and foul abominations in general. If I want to go to some lame café or shop or agitpropism that's something I can manage all on my own.
  • Sat May 18 22:17 Historia de Barcelona, 19/5: * 1792: Acabado el edificio de la Aduana (26+13) * 1848: Fiesta de San Ivo, elogio de la abogacía (591) * ~1893: Joan Maragall sobre el nacimiento de su hija, Helena (224+110) * 1901: El éxito de la Lliga Regionalista en las…
  • Sun May 19 18:47 Didn't manage to bark at a dog or small child all day. Dull, dull, dull.
  • Sun May 19 20:41 @steve_guy You know you want to.
  • Sun May 19 22:56 Historia de Barcelona, 20/5: * 1562: Noticia de Felipe II de que el príncipe Carlos ya se encuentra mejor (21) * 1911: Distanciándose de la ciudad progresista de Cerdá, la revista "Cataluña" propone la creación de un Barrio Gótico como modificación de la…
  • Mon May 20 20:14 Classy Daily Mail headline - combines inability to spell English (West Wycombe) with ignorance of British geography (it's in Wickham, Hampshire, not West Wycombe, Bucks) and gypsies
  • Mon May 20 20:15 Comment: Been there, done that.
  • Mon May 20 21:30 Belford in the media
  • Mon May 20 23:44 Historia de Barcelona, 21/5: * 1348: Sus vecinos matan a 20 judíos por la Peste Negra sin intervención de las autoridades y con una respuesta bastante tardía por parte de Dios (413+81) * 1551: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat salva a Pere Prats de una mula…
  • Tue May 21 05:32 Power of attorney: could happen to you too
  • Tue May 21 06:55 Lesbi, Mongol, Portuguese: when a country becomes an insult In Italian most refer to Europe - you always hurt the one you love. Bulgaria's poor reputation: communism or Bogomilist sodomites?
  • Tue May 21 07:02 Dear people, know the truth. This world is swift and nearing its end. Realize this too: that the Devil has been leading this nation off-course for years now, and people have little loyalty left — smooth talkers though they were.
  • Tue May 21 07:35 "Dadecdote" and "mumecdote" are good, family words
  • Tue May 21 11:50 Numbers not to perform at the graveside include "Dove sono?" ("Where am I?")
  • Tue May 21 12:16 Jan Novák, one-man organ-grinding urban-regeneration act in Jihlava, Czech Republic
  • Tue May 21 12:18 Comment: Jihlava has on the other hand adopted a special decree to try to stop a singer-songwriter from busking
  • Tue May 21 21:41 Garamond italic is utterly mad & beautiful
  • Tue May 21 23:53 Historia de Barcelona, 22/5: * 1640: Matanza de soldados fuera de la muralla por los somatenes; con gritos religiosos, sacan al diputado militar y dos consejeros de la cárcel, y queman casas; intento de fuga del Virrey; huye el ejército a Rosellón…
  • Wed May 22 03:40 Mexican organ-grinder running a half marathon? Most unwise!
  • Wed May 22 10:32 Vaclav who?
  • Wed May 22 11:33 Comment: @Transblawg The zombie apocalypse is upon us
  • Wed May 22 11:33 Some people eat chocolate. Organ-grinders eat rollmops. And chocolate.
  • Wed May 22 11:59 Simon Cowell makes money with fool's gold. And the worst of it is that he's never called me.
  • Wed May 22 22:02 Christina Rossetti in a tantrum, by her brother Dante Gabriel
  • Wed May 22 22:11 Christina Rossetti's Italian wombat poem
  • Wed May 22 22:12 Comment: Re the pre-Raph obsession with wombats
  • Wed May 22 23:58 Historia de Barcelona, 23/5: * 1337: Privilegios para los proveedores de bienes básicos que no sean italianos (64) * 1488: Quemadas 3 personas y 20 estatuas en un auto de fe (15) * 1803: Vista de la ciudad, los encantos de la catedral, italianos en el…
  • Thu May 23 06:23 Comment: @ibexsalad @stephenburgen Isn't it more along the lines of the viceroy?
  • Fri May 24 00:40 Historia de Barcelona, 24/5: * 1562: Celebración oficial de la convalecencia del príncipe Carlos (17) * 1918: Pla: Records de família * 1919: Pla: Dissabte * 1937: Largo Caballero y Companys, decididos a derrotar a los anarquistas (81) * ☼ 05:23-20:13,…
  • Sat May 25 00:50 Historia de Barcelona, 25/5: * 1448: Un terremoto daña el castillo nuevo y la luna muestra rayos de color de sangre (163) * 1533: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1803: Un pueblo religioso, el espantoso palacio de la Virreina, la Escuela Llotja (501/i) * 1814:…
  • Sat May 25 11:41 By great good fortune came into possession of a large polypin of @bowmanales Meon Valley Bitter yesterday - new favourite pairing for rollmops
  • Sat May 25 20:47 - Four quid for an ice cream?! - It's not an ice cream, it's a gelato.
  • Sun May 26 00:57 Historia de Barcelona, 26/5: * 1561: Reforma interna de los (muy mundanos) mercedarios, prohibiendo los sombreros; preparaciones para una gran expedición contra los moros (28+475) * 1629: Rogativas por lluvia y el Señor escucha (191) * 1803: Montjuic,…
  • Sun May 26 08:00 Curious: not only does the Electoral Reform Society seem to have abandoned PR, but it also seems to want to curb elections in favour of whatever it believes deliberative democracy to be (link to explanation mercifully dead)
  • Sun May 26 08:28 Galadriel in Medieval West Saxon
  • Sun May 26 09:52 I think there's too much other stuff in Moby Dick and not enough whaling, but Guardian readers disagree
  • Sun May 26 09:57 Comment: @geoffdeanexxx @laurenlaverne @BBC6Music Don't stop.
  • Sun May 26 11:47 Won't work, but it's a great tune
  • Sun May 26 11:51 Hard-boiled bum. Can think of a few.
  • Sun May 26 22:07 Historia de Barcelona, 27/5: * 1076: Muere Ramón Berenguer I (7/i) * 1397: Llega Martín desde Sicilia para tomar posesión de la Corona de Aragón (35) * 1533: Sale vino blanco de la fuente de la Llotja para Carlos I e Isabel de Portugal (45+107) * 1839:…
  • Mon May 27 08:25 RT @BryceElder: The media are framing this as a victory for the Brexit Party, yet if you add 50660 to 29425 then turn your calculator upsid…
  • Mon May 27 10:40 Kudos to Al at @SusCentre for having a phone even older than mine
  • Mon May 27 10:46 Why has no one told me about Ethelburgh of Barking?
  • Mon May 27 10:48 Comment: Before the advent of standardized naming of tropical storms and hurricanes in the North Atlantic basin, ones that affected Puerto Rico were informally named after the Catholic saints whose feast days coincided with cyclone's landfall or serious impact
  • Mon May 27 12:07 Comment: @Transblawg Oh dear. I wish I could remember at least a list of all the things I have forgotten.
  • Mon May 27 19:47 Comment: @petersymon New edition required of Peter Rabbit
  • Mon May 27 19:51 Delving on Google Scholar etc into the petty PC and other lunacies that have impeded Felix Holt from being recognised as one of the greatest romantic novels
  • Mon May 27 20:58 Batavia 1627, without which the Netherlands would have been defeated by Spain and the world would be an infinitely more miserable place
  • Mon May 27 20:59 Comment: And the video
  • Mon May 27 22:18 Historia de Barcelona, 28/5: * 1814: Sale el ejército francés y entran elementos del hispano-británico, incluso el Héctor de San Andrés; linchamientos y detenciones de traidores como un cierto Pujol (490+75) * 1919: Pla: Coromina, que està una mica gelós…
  • Tue May 28 07:15 Literally thousands of dead fish in the River Lea on walk from Millfields to Tottenham, largest concentration south presumably reflecting drift, curious horizontal cut along flanks? @EnvAgencySE
  • Tue May 28 07:44 Comment: @Transblawg I almost bought it, but it's still kind-of tainted by slavery.
  • Tue May 28 08:07 Comment: @Transblawg Natural Tory leadership material
  • Tue May 28 10:21 Article by the Dutch Language Union on pressure on the Dutch translation sector fails to mention machines Classic ivorytowerism
  • Tue May 28 13:44 Irish passport agency contemplating time travel
  • Tue May 28 17:51 Save The Rhino CEO says it's 40 million (not thousand) years since the woolly mammoth, and I say that breakfast seems about that long ago
  • Tue May 28 22:27 Historia de Barcelona, 29/5: * 1708: El comandante de las tropas austriacas es atacado por un asesino y luego por su propio ayudante de campo (86+34) * 1711: La campaña británica, arruinada por falta de dinero (295) * 1918: Pla: Compareix a la tertúlia…
  • Wed May 29 07:55 The way one's cistern flush valve uses the weight of the water for closure is wonderful. Just a shame that one wasn't prepared to spend more than 15 quid on it, so it's $hite plastic
  • Wed May 29 08:02 Comment: @PolemicTMM @sanderwagner LibDems need someone
  • Wed May 29 08:53 More proof that Christmas is a greater threat to us than ever was the Kriegsmarine
  • Wed May 29 09:04 Often a Michel van der Plas couplet & his voice cheering things up in the back of my head, but didn't know he'd died Longtemps, longtemps, longtemps / Après que les poètes ont disparu / Leurs chansons courent encore dans les rues etc etc
  • Wed May 29 09:24 BLOG: The woman with the packet of crisps: tributes and tribulations
  • Wed May 29 13:08 Not the first Apollinaire to get himself lost
  • Wed May 29 22:35 Historia de Barcelona, 30/5: * El Día de la Ascensión es el 30 de mayo este año; en 1848 fue el 1 de junio * 1410: Terremoto y peste (18+17) * 1519: Juana la Loca y Carlos I ratifican los estatutos del gremio de pintores (83) * 1535: Se embarca Carlos I…
  • Thu May 30 05:58 Thor vs the Midgard serpent, by Marvel. "You shall live FOREVER in the belly of the serpent!" "You should learn, Jormungard, that not EVERYTHING that moves is merely food for the beast." Love the commas.
  • Thu May 30 07:31 Philip Hammond uses three short Is in divisive: /dɪˈvɪsɪv/ - Latin three long Is dīvīsīvus - so ex /ˈdɪvɪdənd/?
  • Thu May 30 07:33 Deal (Kent) voted No Deal. Not the same as turkeys and Xmas
  • Thu May 30 08:25 Spanish patriotism as an originally Francophile phenomenon
  • Thu May 30 08:26 Comment: Also OED: Usage in the Netherlands in the 1570s, when the term was applied to followers of William of Orange, a leader in the Dutch War of Independence, appears to have been significant in the shift in sense from ‘fellow-countryman’ to ‘lover of one's country’
  • Thu May 30 09:23 This must be Art - Google can surely piece together pedestrian streetviews by hacking the ubiquitous CCTV
  • Thu May 30 10:37 Maria Theresa: the face that launched many thousands of ships, or something silly like that
  • Thu May 30 22:37 Historia de Barcelona, 31/5: * 1410: Muere Martín el Humano, sin sucesor y quizá envenenado por los afrodisíacos (802+82/i) * 1919: Pla: Fa una pila d’hores que dono voltes a la conversa tinguda ahir amb el meu pare * 1930: Nace el Cobi original, en una…
  • Fri May 31 06:24 dictionary of financial bumf
  • Fri May 31 06:56 But they still won't be able to open an umbrella on Shabbat
  • Fri May 31 06:58 Comment: @Transblawg So how long exactly have you been writing about football? Jürgen said to me the other day at church, "There's only one person can stop me now," and I think I know who he meant.
  • Fri May 31 10:22 Comment: @Transblawg Haha, you beat me there. But from Ostfriesland, so I wonder...
  • Fri May 31 11:37 Comment: @Transblawg He made some really nice things.
  • Fri May 31 12:15 If babble (infant-directed speech) helps babies learn words quicker, why don't we use it for adults? (Perhaps we do: how do you talk to furriners?) Study re Chinese/Dutch
  • Fri May 31 13:59 Is it true that the son of the mayor of Waltham Forest is the borough's biggest private landlord? I thought that honour belonged to the wife of one of the councillors
  • Fri May 31 22:39 Historia de Barcelona, 1/6: * 1460: Un rosal romano de oro para Juan II (40/i) * 1848: Fiesta de San Fortunato (78) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1937: Alba & Schwartz: PSUC y la Generalidad intentan de hacer olvidar las Jornadas de Mayo (125) * 1952:…

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