
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Fri Nov 01 14:54 Amplified music banging out every break at a local primary school. What might infants plot if not?
- Fri Nov 01 15:19 Babies are tiny Nazis, so obviously born with Original Sin, but Catholic doctrine that this is erased by baptism is premature - should be applied when they are capable of choosing between civilisation & tyranny i.e. at time of communion or some such
- Fri Nov 01 22:26 Facking Halloween
- Fri Nov 01 23:15 Historia de Barcelona, 2/11: * 1285: Muere Pedro III de Aragón (421) * 1327: Muere Jaime II de Aragón (93) * 1701: Felipe V se casa en Figueras (0) * 1843: La Jamancia: sin fusilería, decreto contra el mercado negro de carne (269) * 1848: Día de los…
- Sat Nov 02 08:15 Intriguing notion that if you go to get boozed up at a book presentation you should also buy a book
- Sat Nov 02 08:22 Story that has run for the couple of thousand years since urbanised peasants started forming ghettos so their son wouldn't marry a weirdo
- Sat Nov 02 10:17 No one seems to be quoting this: Kom boere krygers wees nou helde Die dag van rekenskap is hier Die vyand jaag nou oor ons velde Staan jou man teen kanon se vuur Die kakies wil ons volk verower Belowe pyn en smart Maar as jy skiet, skiet my deur my Afrikaner hart
- Sat Nov 02 10:30 Ooh, look, Benny Payne could also sing a bit
- Sat Nov 02 12:57 Round about London the hedges and the ditches, As they catch wool, wear fragments of my briches; My patches dangle on my tattered trowses, Like hens and chickens which hang up in houses (John Cleveland, Poems, 1665)
- Sat Nov 02 13:13 Comment: His Inundation of the River Trent, describing Muskham and Holme near Newark, is also very good
- Sat Nov 02 23:13 Historia de Barcelona, 3/11: * 1442: Robo importante de la capilla de la Diputación (20+6) * 1538: Día y mes del martirio de Severo y Emeterio/Medir en la fabricación de Lorenzo de Padilla de este año (654+368) * 1588: Basándose en el capitular de Carlos…
- Sun Nov 03 08:02 The Anti-Fascist Protective Wall
- Sun Nov 03 08:08 A Czech funeral
- Sun Nov 03 08:15 Little Sam Lyons, featuring George the Gorilla
- Sun Nov 03 08:22 As everyone has remarked, babies suckle like newborn blind puppies & kittens, crawling around till they find the spot. This one's dreams also appear to be canine - echoes of Sandy the Pyrenean sheepdog's dreams of chasing rabbits, legs cycling, growls and groans
- Sun Nov 03 14:52 When William Hill appears more inclusive than the leader of the Lib Dems
- Sun Nov 03 14:59 Born To Be Wold, i.e. to be converted into, or seen as, the cocky owl who lords it over Winnie the Pooh but spells his own name "Wol"
- Sun Nov 03 19:45 Comment: @JustMariner @UrslanH Ditto Southern Europe, except that the few survivors of this old tradition use mopeds
- Sun Nov 03 23:14 Historia de Barcelona, 4/11: * 1302: Un privilegio real absuelve Barcelona de homenajear al rey de Mallorca (19) * 1597: Sermón legendario de Onofre Manescal (97+33) * 1788: Abre el nuevo teatro de Santa Cruz (22) * 1823: Algunos de los Cien Mil Hijos de…
- Mon Nov 04 09:13 Philip Pullman, aka Darren & His Tormented Mackerel
- Mon Nov 04 09:14 Another band name: Gay Parasols of Concrete
- Mon Nov 04 23:16 Historia de Barcelona, 5/11: * 1481: Juan de Aragón y Castilla es jurado heredero de la corona (20) * 1843: La Jamancia: el Chiriví, una canción caníbal (77+227) * 1918: Pla: Coromina s’ha comprat una motocicleta –una de les primeres que han circulat pel…
- Tue Nov 05 08:37 So where do Mr Pullman's daemons poo?
- Tue Nov 05 08:37 Comment: Dreams that the poo mat, lightly inclined to cope with spontaneous expressions of affection, is connected with a precarious, sloping cloaca minima to the main drain, with Venus Cloacina floating overhead
- Tue Nov 05 17:04 Ducks, starving because of overzealous nature lovers, appeal to Greggs for bread and pies
- Tue Nov 05 17:06 Misspelling misnegation
- Tue Nov 05 22:41 Global child prophets & end times are covered by Norman Cohn in The Pursuit of the Millennium, but our island shambles is pure English Reformation/Civil War, as in Hugh Trevor-Roper's marvellous The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, which I just read for the first time
- Tue Nov 05 23:15 Historia de Barcelona, 6/11: * 1573: Noticia de la toma de Túnez (18+40) * 1661: Fiestas reales para celebrar el nacimiento de Carlos II (10) * 1843: La Jamancia: deserciones (205) * 1873: Terremoto (1) * 1918: Pla: A la tarda, pel camí del cementiri i…
- Wed Nov 06 00:31 Comment: @Transblawg I'm struggling through it. Grandad could recite the bludy thing.
- Wed Nov 06 10:28 Comment: @Transblawg Oh dear, oh dear
- Wed Nov 06 18:09 One reason I never bought the (Labour) left's "It's anti-Zionism, not antisemitism" line was Manchester activists' persistent attacks on the Jewishness of the anti-Zionist and some would say antisemitic Jewish Manchester MP Gerald Kaufman
- Wed Nov 06 18:11 Comment: There's a dreamlike quality to this election that resembles 1983, when Kaufman said many amusing things, & we Foot fanatics believed until the last moment that unfavourable polls were fabricated by the capitalist press, & doorstep hostility would evaporate in the polling booth
- Wed Nov 06 18:30 Iago, Victoria Park
- Wed Nov 06 21:56 He's gotta bigun: Italian cucumbers on the Lea, h/t @Transblawg
- Wed Nov 06 22:06 Demolition underway of the old Wominspace squats on Corbridge Crescent, Cambridge Heath, empty since 2008? Plus obligatory Iain Sinclair reference
- Wed Nov 06 22:08 Comment: Oh. Empress Coaches behind was also a Fast & Furious location
- Wed Nov 06 23:14 Historia de Barcelona, 7/11: * 1542: Entra Felipe, príncipe de Asturias (16) * 1705: Es proclamado rey de España el archiduque Carlos de Austria en Barcelona (77/i) * 1825: Se divide en dos la sociedad de diligencias y mensajerías (293+8) * 1838: El…
- Thu Nov 07 07:15 The notion that young patients don't object to the barrage of electronic noise on hospital wards because they are used to incessant smartphone chat alarms
- Thu Nov 07 18:04 Comment: @Transblawg I think I've still got a Maggie one somewhere
- Thu Nov 07 18:05 Kudos to the care worker who on Halloween dressed her 9-year-old son as the Grim Reaper and took him with her to the festivities at the old folks' home
- Thu Nov 07 19:33 Passing out of fashion in Clapton?
- Thu Nov 07 21:48 Wait for it
- Fri Nov 08 13:12 John Bercow performing Alex Glasgow's Socialist ABC in the style of Tony Benn
- Fri Nov 08 13:13 Comment: Lyrics
- Fri Nov 08 13:13 Comment: Another favourite by Alex Glasgow: As Soon As This Pub Closes
- Fri Nov 08 16:55 Brit living in Barcelona for 7 years doesn't know the difference between ser and estar
- Fri Nov 08 17:35 Comment: @ibexsalad I think she thinks she's one of the locals
- Fri Nov 08 20:24 Interest on arrears since the beginning of time
- Fri Nov 08 21:43 Highlights of morning hours singing & pram pushing: Ride of the Valkyries across Millfields in the mist (sends babe to sleep, while I'm more Parsifal; all the yummy mummies wear headphones); old guy near Leyton who knew Banks of the Ohio & tearfully offered dog/babe exchange
- Fri Nov 08 21:47 The Old Codger is back
- Sat Nov 09 07:45 Comment: @petersymon Why don't the bridges lift in sympathy when they see them coming?
- Sat Nov 09 07:55 1/3 Old notion that medieval Church shapes culture/psychology that differentiates much of Europe from the rest of the world, but now with data - article link in their thread
- Sat Nov 09 07:56 Comment: 2/3 I'm increasingly getting the feeling that the Welsh (& Scots) turned to Presbyterianism & other savage creeds, not because the Church of England was English or idolatrous, but because nonconformism was less strict about shagging your cousin
- Sat Nov 09 07:58 Comment: 3/3 Catalan nationalists will not be pleased to be reminded that Africa begins at the Pyrenees to the same extent it does for the rest of Iberia ex Vasconia (origins of the phrase:
- Sat Nov 09 11:02 @Transblawg Looks like my Google doc
- Sat Nov 09 18:59 Elderly Jamaican lady in (routine) scan waiting room is very happy to discuss her ivory-handled walking stick, with which she beats off (dramatic lunge at the patients opposite) bagsnatching scum, without as yet killing anyone: "Wat dey neet iz panishmant, not narishmant!"
- Sat Nov 09 20:56 Een willekeurige wijsheid van de (echte) zingende schoorsteenveger: Oost, west, asbest.
- Sun Nov 10 09:49 I wrote a PHP sitemap generator for the family tree (Gramps doesn't have this functionality), the public version of which now contains 637 names
- Sun Nov 10 09:56 Comment: What I may also do sometime is try to write a Google Maps-style browser for the full database XML output - the Gramps display is very clunky
- Sun Nov 10 21:13 Not really surprised to discover that lamb is better than soy in all aspects
- Sun Nov 10 21:17 I haven't been to the barber this millennium, but that's no reason to call out the London Hair Ambulance
- Sun Nov 10 22:59 Comment: @ibexsalad Haha, unfuckingbelievable
- Sun Nov 10 23:01 Comment: @ibexsalad Thriving. I knew she was mine when she spat out the dummy and shat in my face.
- Sun Nov 10 23:05 Comment: @ibexsalad But I mean, what kind of totalitarian shit is a dummy anyway? I am so relieved.
- Mon Nov 11 12:01 An infant appears to have a view of parental sex roles that can be summed up by Brecht's "Erst das Fressen (f), dann die Moral (m)." (Why doesn't anyone manufacture a onesie/climbingwall crossover garment?)
- Mon Nov 11 17:32 Judge Dredd of the boondocks calls for the organ-grinder. Otherwise engaged, I'm afraid. Scary stuff, and the appeal judgement is suitably withering. (H/t @Transblawg )
- Mon Nov 11 17:38 Since the lady in question was tropical, I should have realised that nourishment vs punishment is a trope, but when did it start? With hunger-strikers?
- Mon Nov 11 17:45 Comment: @CivilLitTweet @sixtyninebot69 I successfully pleaded a couple of times before the stipendiary at Clerkenwell on behalf of fellow Upper Street squatters & was quite shocked at how civilised and law-abiding he was, but that's quite some story you've got there
- Mon Nov 11 17:51 Several female pushers greeted me on my perambulations round Victoria Park today, and I'm afraid to say I blushed terribly. Etiquette? One obviously doesn't want to commit adultery, but any contacts with the Lauriston Road aristocracy may be crucial for babe in years to come
- Mon Nov 11 18:13 Comment: @j_wils Let me know when. Monster is being taken out to lunch with a barrister and a regulator x
- Mon Nov 11 18:42 Comment: @PrincessofVP @Captain_Bionic You can find Ryan easily using Google image search & buy her stuff here:
- Tue Nov 12 08:43 Why, oh why, couldn't it have been a gorilla?
- Tue Nov 12 08:47 From the Spanish Civil War memoirs of José Barcos Barcos: A la entrada de Valencia lo primero que se ve es a la guardia de asalto, metida en los cafés. ¡Pobrecitas madres cuanto lloraran! En los bares y casinos se toma pronto Teruel, con la cucharilla en la mano meneando el café.
- Tue Nov 12 08:48 Comment: I don't know the hills around Fago in NW Huesca, but his descriptions ring true, even if he is a freaking communist
- Tue Nov 12 09:21 Looby has his hands down a High Court judge's pants
- Tue Nov 12 09:21 Comment: @j_wils [Blush]
- Tue Nov 12 09:30 Join a Remain Alliance and save your deposit
- Tue Nov 12 09:30 Comment: @Transblawg Very naughty but very nice
- Tue Nov 12 11:38 Historia de Barcelona, 12/11: * 1834: Te Deum al acabar una epidemia de cólera (20+29) * 1843: La Jamancia: otra batería gubernamental en construcción, robos, negociaciones (503) * 1918: Pla: A primera hora del matí, la notícia de l’armistici, que…
- Tue Nov 12 12:25 Comment: @CondeDeGondomar @ibexsalad The name is Pond, Charles' Pond, I'm guessing
- Tue Nov 12 23:40 Historia de Barcelona, 13/11: * 1137: Unión dinástica entre el Reino de Aragón y el condado de Barcelona, quedando Barcelona como socio rico pero subordinado y Ramón Berenguer IV como príncipe consorte de un bebé (172+2133) * 1156: Paz entre los obispos…
- Wed Nov 13 12:44 Where Joolz sees sperm I see a comparison between eel migration and the journey of the Holy Family to fulfil the requirements of the Census of Quirinius or whoever
- Wed Nov 13 12:46 Comment: Bradford-on-Avon (rather than Bradford-on-Curry) also had a special Xmas tree a couple of years ago
- Wed Nov 13 13:21 This is intriguingly simple
- Wed Nov 13 20:06 Chinese guy in the park doing pull-ups with two large spherical weights dangling between his legs #MaleEntitlement
- Wed Nov 13 23:35 Historia de Barcelona, 14/11: * 1570: Muere el obispo Guillermo Cassador (25+24) * 1843: La Jamancia: violencia al fracasar negociaciones, medidas contra robos (988) * 1914: Batalla campal en un teatro barcelonés sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero la…
- Thu Nov 14 09:14 I love the Muzmatch "Time to leave the single market?" Tube ad. Some halal Missmatches:
- Thu Nov 14 11:28 So if babies sleep better in Love To Dream swaddles, why aren't they available for adult insomniacs?
- Thu Nov 14 11:40 Telegraph's spelling checker aims the beyond-elderly market. Sample use of "batchelor" from the C17th Thomas Jordan, "Walks of Islington & Hogsdon with the humours of Woodstreet-compter": "You son of a Batchelor, do you throw your Pispots upon my head."
- Thu Nov 14 11:43 Comment: "son of a bachelor" < "son of a bitch"?
- Thu Nov 14 15:58 Reverse façadisation: stick an ad over people's $hitty private rentals
- Thu Nov 14 16:44 It's not just Germans who bare the bulge in October
- Thu Nov 14 17:46 Faust in Illinois, or the marvels of Wikipedia
- Thu Nov 14 23:00 If bread is really bad for birds and councils want to reduce pigeon numbers, why don't they pay the nutters to feed Hovis to the bloody things?
- Thu Nov 14 23:08 Waiting for The Times headline that reads: BXP and the ghost of Oliver Cromwell cast shadows over divided UK
- Thu Nov 14 23:10 Margaret Leng Tan, Nightmare Rag
- Thu Nov 14 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 15/11: * 1305: Reducción en las tarifas de grano (18) * 1347: Llega Leonor de Portugal para casarse con Pedro III de Barcelona (16) * 1722: El cónsul francés manda al Conseil de la Marine francés el trabajo de Juan Salvador sobre…
- Fri Nov 15 10:52 Surface tension in chicken fat/goo
- Fri Nov 15 12:44 Missed this tribute to great journalist Manuel Chaves Nogales, opposed to fascism/nationalism/communism in 30s Spain/Europe & is therefore still virtually unknown. A Sangre y Fuego, re the civil war, is great, but my favourite is his bio of the bullfighter, Juan Belmonte
- Fri Nov 15 14:15 Someone just tried to make me redundant in favour of a baby bouncer with full toy rig. How are children going to learn to work if they don't see their father at it? #StopTheIndustrialRevolution
- Fri Nov 15 16:19 The child protection/obesity coin
- Fri Nov 15 20:16 Anyone who visited Poland before the end of socialism will recall puzzlement that anyone would not want to eat meat, when they often had to struggle so hard to get any at all
- Fri Nov 15 23:18 Come and see me play the trombone in the Holst Room, Morley College, Lambeth at 13:00 on Tuesday November 26th: first ever instrumental performance of Joaquín Turina's rather marvellous "Poema en forma de canciones" (1918).
- Sat Nov 16 00:04 Historia de Barcelona, 16/11: * 1768: Casanova sobrevive a un intento de asesinato y es encarcelado en la Ciudadela durante 42 días después de follar la amante del Capitán General de Cataluña (1456+2703/i) * 1842: Sublevación civil contra el…
- Sat Nov 16 09:07 One of our candidates has a proper job Almost sitcom material
- Sat Nov 16 09:13 Thanks to @tombcn for reminding me that Charles Trenet is a crucial piece in the jigsaw of infant development. L’âme des poètes has been added to the waltz/sleep set (evenings), alongside the military march set (AM) and the New Orleans funeral march set (lunch)
- Sat Nov 16 09:14 Comment: @tombcn Old blog post I associate Trenet with liberal, cultured Barcelonians who grew up with him and then played him to their infants in the 80s & would be hard put to choose between him and Brel
- Sat Nov 16 09:17 Comment: @tombcn Infant started responding to stuck-out tongues a week ago. Curious, because also the last conscious act of which a person near death - sans everything - may be capable. A round: Stick out your tongue and lick your nose
- Sat Nov 16 09:18 Comment: @tombcn Monster now carefully observing how I form bilabial consonants and I think capable of distinguishing junk lyrics from the real thing
- Sat Nov 16 09:59 Persian women are even better dancers than Persian men
- Sun Nov 17 00:06 Historia de Barcelona, 17/11: * 1466: Los huérfanos pierden su puerta al ángel de la guarda (29+28) * 1842: El ejército huye de Barcelona (21) * 1843: La Jamancia: relativamente tranquilo, negociaciones (1227) * 1918: Pla: Passo una gran part de la tarda…
- Sun Nov 17 12:12 Gustav Holst, the trombone and ovine reproduction
- Sun Nov 17 12:38 Lots of doggerel parodies of "The grand old duke of York" Is there really no party going into this election with a commitment to abolish the monarchy?
- Sun Nov 17 21:14 "Oswald Mosley and Diana Mitford: Heroes or Villains?"
- Sun Nov 17 21:21 The entire budget earmarked to implement the Tory pledge to undo the Beeching cuts has already been spent on Chatsworth Road, Clapton
- Sun Nov 17 21:29 It's not just central London's skyline that has changed beyond recognition: here's the development at Blackhorse Road, Walthamstow, seen from Chatsworth Road/Lockhurst Street, Clapton, two miles away across the River Lea
- Mon Nov 18 00:06 Historia de Barcelona, 18/11: * 1058: Consagración de la primitiva catedral de Sta. Cruz y Sta. Eulalia (11/i) * 1406: La reina María de Luna absuelve a Salomon Gracià, judío, de intentar a rescatar a unos conversos (267+6) * 1843: La Jamancia:…
- Mon Nov 18 08:22 Facked Homerton rebrand: "Freshly Sandwich Station & Bar." You could enclose the whole building daily in a gigantic bap and call it "Freshly Sandwiched Station & Bar", except it's not a station. Perhaps they mean that it's a "sandwich station & bar" which they dub "freshly".
- Mon Nov 18 08:28 Tower Hamlets & the Olympic Park's tribute to Tessa Jowell
- Mon Nov 18 10:30 The Tories got 8.6% in the last Hackney Council elections & there's no prospect of Labour losing either Hackney North or South. #FCKBORIS graffiti on Chatsworth Road & elsewhere is narcissistic twattery that reduces the cash available to provide services to local residents
- Mon Nov 18 10:49 Greetings to Saturday's tipsy thespian, who, as I fought my way through the chaotic scrum at Highbury to get the pram onto the Rail Replacement bus, and as another voice called me back, cried, "TREVOR IS ON, TREVOR IS ON!!!"
- Mon Nov 18 14:29 Toddler fleeing from niqab lady. Philosophical drunk on bench, to whom I have spoken in the past: "Ours is not to reason why."
- Mon Nov 18 15:17 Everything I write makes sense to me at the time, but there's no going back
- Mon Nov 18 15:19 Boris is Churchill and Prince Handy is a victim of anti-German racism
- Mon Nov 18 15:48 Breakdancing was invented by a white clown on the Spike Jones show in 1952 (ca. 5'40")
- Tue Nov 19 00:06 Historia de Barcelona, 19/11: * 1827: Lanzamiento de la lotería para renovar el pavimento de las calles (13) * 1842: La junta insurgente pide la renuncia del gobierno de Espartero (19/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: capitulación cerca, tropas irregulares en…
- Tue Nov 19 08:22 This looks great fun, as it were: one of the sensational early accounts of Dutch exploration & endeavour: whalers and bear/fox hunters log their deaths of cold and scurvy on Spitsbergen & Jan Mayen in 1633-5. Text here:
- Tue Nov 19 08:36 Chickin Lickin was the first hipster store on Chatsworth Road, Clapton. The concept, based on a misreading of a Thai Buddhist spirit cult, involved paying £10.5 and being rented a piece of raw chicken to lick. New management restored conventional doctrine - fried chicken wings
- Tue Nov 19 08:40 Given that Kazakhstan's role in the international sex trade in minors is well known, why is no one asking about Prince Handy's Almaty connections?
- Tue Nov 19 09:49 Comment: @CarolineMGray @josejolivas Enforced in some places in Barcelona, but easy enough to discover where it isn't, or where they won't bother to chase up the debt
- Tue Nov 19 10:53 Comment: @CarolineMGray @josejolivas I once had a few weekly consults at Sant Pau (at the centre of a huge corruption scandal), and they were pathetically grateful each time I went and paid the tab
- Tue Nov 19 12:52 Bob Scholte, Als het orgel speelt/When the organ plays (1934)
- Tue Nov 19 18:46 A reminder this afternoon that the great Kenny Wellington is of the neighbouring borough
- Wed Nov 20 00:07 Historia de Barcelona, 20/11: * 1460: Justas reales en el Born (33/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: la Junta se rinde y el ejército vuelve a entrar (1162) * 1894: El último día de Santiago Salvador Franch, asesino del Liceo (266/i) * 1936: Las calles de…
- Wed Nov 20 08:24 I sometimes scurry across Newington Green, but this I did not know
- Wed Nov 20 09:22 This agency is at this time unable to offer work as either organ-grinder or monkey to either Mr Corbyn or Mr Johnson
- Wed Nov 20 18:07 Cultural appropriation: Linux
- Wed Nov 20 19:22 Jay is back under the A12. Maybe he didn't go away for very long after the eviction.
- Wed Nov 20 19:27 Liberated Boris bike with amateur paint job at Lea Navigation/Hackney Marsh. Some of the stolen private bikes round here are redecorated with rather more care, though people always forget to tape over the tyres
- Wed Nov 20 21:31 Dubious about the PC tyranny of the veg scheme - random nameless roots excavated from chilly floodplains by trolls - but once the temperature drops to 4º their distribution points become an excellent place to store beer during the week
- Wed Nov 20 21:59 Crow demon
- Thu Nov 21 00:07 Historia de Barcelona, 21/11: * 1435: Primeras ordenanzas sobre seguros marítimos conocidas en el mundo (1620+37) * 1834: Fin de la epidemia de cólera (15) * 1842: Espartero sale de Madrid para acabar con la sublevación barcelonesa (12/i) * 1843: La…
- Thu Nov 21 08:05 Pedro Chicote's cocktail recipes & Joaquín Turina's diary for 1942
- Thu Nov 21 09:00 Simcha Spot is a revelation
- Thu Nov 21 09:02 Pembroke Unionism
- Fri Nov 22 00:08 Historia de Barcelona, 22/11: * 1458: Entra Juan II de Aragón y jura los fueros (13) * 1527: El virrey Fadrique de Portugal pone la primera piedra del baluarte de mediodía (39+28) * 1640: Intensa nevada (0) * 1843: La recogida de armas ilegales tras la…
- Fri Nov 22 08:54 Is the Olympic Park/Stratford development for non-res money-launderers called "East Bank" because no one knows which way the Lea flows or because Rive Gauche/Left Bank bohemianism is passé de mode?
- Fri Nov 22 08:57 "Assistance dogs only" / "Please no smoking" / "We are cashless" / "Smile you are on CCTV." Missing: "Welcome"
- Fri Nov 22 08:59 An empty Hertford Union Canal, presaging implementation of my Hackney Brook Restoration Scheme
- Fri Nov 22 12:28 So it turns out that "nail salon" is not Vietnamese for "hardware store."
- Sat Nov 23 00:08 Historia de Barcelona, 23/11: * 1460: Justas reales en el Born con un rubí para Juan Bu (39) * 1461: Con nueve años, jura los fueros Fernando II (25) * 1471: Pregonadas las cabezas del obispo de Gerona y otros (38) * 1843: La Jamancia: vuelta de…
- Sat Nov 23 08:08 The Mercure hotel in Winchester still hasn't woken up to the fact that Valentine is buried slightly to the west of its cathedral-view rooms, and even the better city tour-guide may be unaware
- Sat Nov 23 11:12 Comment: @LoricaSeg @Durotrigesdig Legionnaires' disease
- Sat Nov 23 18:00 Barnsley talk. Addictive
- Sun Nov 24 00:08 Historia de Barcelona, 24/11: * 1583: El Consejo de Ciento obliga a los cirujanos de la Santa Cruz a reconocer a las prostitutas con sífilis todos los sábados, (78) * 1620: El entorno: Montserrat, banderolismo, piratería, supersticiones (638/i) * 1742:…
- Sun Nov 24 00:08 - Doctor, I am worried about the bubbles that appear in the bottle when my baby drinks.
- They prevent reduced pressure in the bottle causing it to implode, potentially sucking your baby inside, like a ship in a bottle.
- Sun Nov 24 10:03 Thread
- Sun Nov 24 10:15 Ping meal. I obviously get out too much.
- Sun Nov 24 10:16 Memories of Gistaín
- Sun Nov 24 10:40 Someone find the bit which says that under First Past The Post the Tories might get a 50% vote share but no majority
- Sun Nov 24 10:50 Comment: Almost precedent in 1951: Labour (Attlee, Walthamstow West) 48.8% but only 295 seats. However Tories were on 48%, and even Jo Swinson surely can't make up that kind of ground in the time available
- Sun Nov 24 13:26 Duckerel
- Sun Nov 24 23:02 A cuckolder confesses (Middleton, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1630)): I live at ease, He has both the cost and the torment: when the string Of his heart frets, I feed, laugh, or sing, La dildo, dildo la dildo, la dildo dildo de dildo!
- Sun Nov 24 23:12 Dear @Rootstockvin , I'm an independent producer looking for a presenter for a new series about the hellish threat to humanity presented by vascular plants that reproduce via spores. It's going to be called Dan T.'s Fern Show. Would you be interested?
- Sun Nov 24 23:37 This is always great fun, and may risk it with the infant
- Sun Nov 24 23:39 Is Mexican corruption the fault, not of the Spanish conquistadores, but of the Roman Scipio dynasty?
- Mon Nov 25 00:13 Historia de Barcelona, 25/11: * 1406: Muere Sibila de Fortiá, esposa de Pedro del punyalet (35+60) * 1568: Entra Carlos de Austria (7) * 1823: Protesta eclesiástica contra la represión absolutista (93/i) * 1842: Explicación de la sublevación por…
- Mon Nov 25 09:33 Gustav Baumann (bottom left) in his Singverein (Singing Club) print, which Annex Galleries/Chamberlain say reflects time at the Munich Kunstgewerbeschule rather than anything in Brown County, Indiana. Gaudeamus igitur is the finale of Brahms' Academic Festival Overture
- Mon Nov 25 09:40 Let them eat cake
- Mon Nov 25 11:38 If an octoroon is one-eighth black, what is a Wayneoroon?
- Mon Nov 25 23:21 RT @chiefrabbi: READ: “The way in which the leadership of the Labour Party has dealt with anti-Jewish racism is incompatible with the Briti…
- Tue Nov 26 00:17 Historia de Barcelona, 26/11: * 1458: Justas (12/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: devolución bienes, liberación rebeldes (159) * 1918: Pla: El senyor Torras Jonama, emigrat del país molt jove, ha fet una gran fortuna als Estats Units i a Cuba, amb el suro * 1922:…
- Tue Nov 26 19:53 - So the anecdote about the poodle making love to the stuffed penguin can definitely go in? - You're sure it relates to Turina's career? - Absolutely! Sucker.
- Tue Nov 26 20:51 Titanic. I love it when he turns his head, and her sphincter eyes
- Tue Nov 26 20:51 Comment: @Transblawg Was no one listening?
- Tue Nov 26 23:12 What do you call it when a large mass of infant poo slides down the poo tray? Incontinental drift.
- Wed Nov 27 00:12 Historia de Barcelona, 27/11: * 1568: Sale para Castilla Carlos de Austria (9) * 1843: La Jamancia: prohibición de símbolos de la Junta, vuelta de refugiados (72) * 1936: El POUM en Gracia (296) * 1949: Estreno de un segundo himno del F.C. Barcelona en…
- Wed Nov 27 11:12 The notion that there is only one Porsche in the world, continually subject to informal transfers of ownership
- Wed Nov 27 11:28 Comment: @Captain_Bionic "e-mail"
- Wed Nov 27 17:15 This is a lovely thing by Clive James
- Thu Nov 28 00:16 Historia de Barcelona, 28/11: * 1412: Tras el Compromiso de Caspe entra Fernando I de Aragón en la ciudad (19) * 1464: Terremoto (9) * 1827: Fin de la ocupación francesa (19) * 1843: La Jamancia: controles sobre extranjeros (33) * 1918: Pla: Dins de «La…
- Thu Nov 28 09:09 Gentrificulated. Mikhail Bakoonin.
- Thu Nov 28 12:33 Dockless bikes: random privatisation of public space
- Thu Nov 28 12:40 Re GF's disapproval of of moobies, and babe's desolation at their absence: Aesop's fable of the The Man and His Two Loves: (Those who seek to please everybody please nobody)
- Thu Nov 28 14:24 Comment: @RwHedges Without Spotify this turns into a short loop, which is also enjoyable
- Thu Nov 28 19:22 I knew that some people think you can have too much cinnamon, but this is frightening
- Fri Nov 29 00:20 Historia de Barcelona, 29/11: * 1550: Muere la mujer de un cierto Lluis Durall, consejero (23+44) * 1835: Proclamación de un estado de sitio en Barcelona por Espoz y Mina "contra su voluntad" (287) * 1843: La Jamancia: anunciadas fiestas para celebrar la…
- Fri Nov 29 07:23 John Barry: "My father had 8 cinemas in the north of England. I remember him picking me up, age 3½, and taking me through the swing doors to the stalls and holding me up over the barrier. You remember: 'My father has a place that shows black and white mice on screens.'"
- Fri Nov 29 07:24 Comment: The meat: "I'd have loved to score a film for Fellini. He had the most extraordinary relationship with Nino Rota, who was one of my favourite movie composers."
- Fri Nov 29 07:52 Classic cartoon
- Fri Nov 29 08:20 De Zingende Zwerver (The Singing Tramp) had a hit with Ketelbinkie (Cabin Boy) , but on the Lea Navigation curiously the dinghy Binky is not coupled with the 59-tonne Zwerver from Groningen
- Fri Nov 29 08:25 Comment: Bonus: "Barrel." There are still some boats that are clearly not for the tourist trade or for rich bohos on a year out.
- Fri Nov 29 08:53 Typical translator: boasts about windmill glossary, doesn't share it 😉
- Fri Nov 29 09:42 Off-the-shelf doctorates in Samuel Pufendorf, The Present State of Germany (1690)
- Fri Nov 29 09:48 If the Tories are really neoliberals, why don't they kick out the Windsors and franchise the Royal Family business on 10-year contracts to the highest bidder? The frustrations of watching King Donald would be reduced if he was paying us for the privilege
- Fri Nov 29 23:28 Soviet joke about old leaders: Why does Brezhnev meet foreign leaders at the airport while Chernenko does so in the Kremlin, holding onto the wall? Brezhnev operates on battery while Chernenko is powered by AC.
- Sat Nov 30 00:21 Historia de Barcelona, 30/11: * 1625: Los nuevos concelleres anteponen la seguridad marítima a sus rituales cívicos (100) * 1825: El obispo prohibe Causas y Remedios de los Males de Cataluña, sobre la actual situación social (14+19) * 1833: Cataluña se…
- Sat Nov 30 12:53 People complain that London has changed, but thanks to the Appeal Court it's still a place where a nice quiet lad from Staffs can come to fulfil his dreams
- Sat Nov 30 12:54 Comment: I walked past Fishmongers Hall a couple of times not long before (not in connection with the bag of coke dropped by one of the heroes) and noticed the date on the portico: 1833, year of the abolition of slavery in the British Empire
- Sat Nov 30 13:03 Comment: Kudos to the Evening Standard for sticking with its mission and reintroducing an anachronism at such a difficult time: bypasser
- Sat Nov 30 13:56 Awaiting gentrificulation
- Sat Nov 30 13:59 Jerusalem on London Bridge
- Sat Nov 30 20:48 Barcelona Council's nativity scene is usually terrible. This one's great.
- Sat Nov 30 21:32 Tremendous funeral march by the band of Ruvo di Puglia
- Sat Nov 30 22:48 The babe can do the sound at 0:45 in Harry Merry's Sharki Supermachine
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