This is an incomplete list of authors and books I've posted about. Buying stuff via the author or title links costs you no more and earns this blog roughly 5% commission.
rank author title post
Adams, DouglasThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyThe Babel fish and the existence of God revisited
Aesop, FablesIs it the fault of the Greeks that the Germans are the way they supposedly are?
Al Khamissi, KhaledTaxiWorld Heritage taxi
Amades, JoanHistòries i llegendes de BarcelonaCandela's Law
Amades, JoanHistòries i llegendes de BarcelonaCandela's Law
Amades, JoanEl pessebrePere Botero's
Amato, Joseph AnthonyOn foot: a history of walkingRun like a gypsy
Anam, TahmimaThe good MuslimEtymology of Salafi clarified
Aub, MaxCampo cerradoBush, the greatest intellectual of our time
Aub, MaxCampo cerradoBush, the greatest intellectual of our time
Aupí, VicenteGuía del clima de EspañaPatron saint of Barcelona swapped because of climate change?
Ayguals de Izco, WenceslaoLa bruja de MadridLuna de almendras amargas
Azorín, Los pueblosGood judges
Baldick, RobertThe Duel: A History of DuellingUnusual duelling weapons
Barea, ArturoThe forgeMagic oranges from Spain
Barea, ArturoThe forging of a rebelInvestment is a simple game
Baroja, PíoAventuras, inventos y mixtificaciones de Silvestre ParadoxSilvester Paradox meets Mr Macbeth
Baroja, PíoAventuras, inventos y mixtificaciones de Silvestre ParadoxMore churchy coppers
Baroja, PíoDesde la última vuelta del caminoMeaningless slogans
Baroja, PíoLa dama erranteLeonardo Da Vinci's plagiarism of la Moreneta almost foretold
Belpoliti, MarcoIl corpo del capoThe fundamental difference between Mussolini and Berlusconi
Bennett, AlanThe madness of George IIIThe madness of King George, authorised for all pubics
Bidwell, Margaret and RobinMorocco: the traveller's companionTales of German technological failure
Boccaccio, GiovanniThe DecameronBrazilian pastor to his flock (f): "My penis emits sacred milk"
Booth, MartinGweilo: memories of a Hong Kong childhoodRecession rations
Bork, Robert HCoercing virtue: the worldwide rule of judgesAnglocabron judicial colonialism
Borrow, GeorgeRomany RyeFrench, Cockney, Dutch in Borrow
Boswell, JamesThe life of Samuel JohnsonSblood Spaniard you get no wall here
Boswell, JamesLife of JohnsonThe RAE takes the wall and then goes and loses the bugger
Bou, LluísEl Carmel ignoratHistorical leak
Brandes, StanleyMetaphors of masculinity: sex and status in Andalusian folkloreMore incompetence from the Real Academia Española
Braudel, FernandThe Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip IIA Spanish codpiece
Braudel, FernandThe Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip IIBarcelona and the decline of the city-state
Brenan, GeraldSouth from GranadaGerald Brenan's children
Brenan, GeraldSouth from GranadaThe Orotava Valley agricultural workers strike
Brisset, Jean-PierreLa natation ou l'art de nager appris seul en moins d'une heureJean-Pierre Brisset's false etymologies: proto-Derrida, demented fun
Brown, James WoodAn enquiry into the life and legend of Michael ScotThe great Catalan gunpowder swindle
Burns, JimmyBarça: a people's passion:El Barça, Franco's favourite team?
Butler, SamuelErewhonEwerthon
Butler, SusanThe Dinkum DictionaryAlfonso XII, the lost king or a titty-crazed joker?
Cabet, ÉtienneVoyage en Icarie10 sensational revelations concerning Étienne Cabet and his Journey to Icaria, with a biography of the author
Calvo-Sotelo, Luis EmilioBienvenido, Mister MarshallSpain, la gran puta
Candel, FranciscoHan matado un hombre, han roto el paisajeCat for hare
Candel, FrancescHan matado un hombreZombie manufacturing
Casas, PenelopeThe foods and wines of SpainBrazo de gitano with flesh-coloured filling
Casas, PenelopeThe foods and wines of SpainOnly sensible use for cheap red wine at 30C+
Casellas, RaimonEls sots feréstecsSinful alien redheads: Roda-soques and Nathalie Borgé
Cela, Camilo JoséA bote prontoFrench exam
Cela, Camilo JoséDiccionario secretoA new etymology of "fanny"
Cela, Camilo JoséDiccionario secretoDogs' bollocks
Cela, Camilo JoséDiccionario secretoSeveral innovative figures of speech from Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Cela, La rosaHow can Galicia be a nation if you can't get there from Brussels?
Celan, PaulFathomsunsBarcelona monument mistranslates Celan, misrepresents the Holocaust
Chase, RichardAmerican folk tales and songsMerchant of Texas
Chatterjee, UpamanyuMammaries of the welfare statePara tener buenos melones
Chaves Nogales, ManuelA sangre y fuegoWhy I'm blogging less
Chaves Nogales, ManuelLa agonía de FranciaOn the other hand...
Clark, FrancisThe "Gregorian" dialogues and the origins of Benedictine monasticismRevealed, the identity of the horny apparition in the story of St Benedict, the blackbird, and the nettles
Cohen, Patricia ClineA calculating people: the spread of numeracy in early AmericaCounting the corrupt
Cohn, NormanThe Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages"Erasmus, second son of Columbus the Catalan"
Coltman Clephan, RThe Mediaeval TournamentPedro the Cruel's Jews
Condon, RichardThe Manchurian candidateMore on the hack attack: Adolfo Daine/adol77dai51, Manchurian candidate?
Crystal, DavidThe Fight For English: How Language Pundits Ate, Shot, and LeftOpportunist orthography
Crystal, DavidWords on words: quotations about language and languagesHow Emperor Charles V ended up talking German to his horse (1)
Dekker, ThomasThe honest whoreHere's looking at you, lunch
Delicado, FranciscoLa lozana andaluzaProstitution in 16th century Rome
Díaz, JunotThe brief wondrous life of Oscar WaoSpanglish, an important new literary language
Díaz-Plaja, FernandoAnecdotario De La Guerra Civil EspañolaHumorist takes Barcelona single-handed
Doyle, RoddyThe commitmentsRoddy Doyle's niggers of Europe explained
Duncker, PatriciaHallucinating FoucaultFoucault clarified
Eco, UmbertoBaudolinoCastells, for real
Eco, UmbertoTravels in hyperrealitySpanish traditional theme park architecture
Eco, UmbertoTravels in hyperrealityNationalism and the European elections, Berlusconi and the intra-Mediterranean risorgimento
Ellmer, BrunoClassical and Contemporary Italian Cooking for ProfessionalsOlder sources for portobello mushrooms
Erofeev, VenediktMoscow to the End of the LineWhat drunks think of morning and evening people
Escott, ColinRoadkill on the three-chord highwayHeavy-drinking baby
Espada, ArcadiRaval: del amor a los niñosThe legal practicality of resurrection in Spain
Everett, RupertThe hairdressers of St TropezEls perruquers de Saint Tropez
Everett, RupertThe hairdressers of St TropezEls perruquers de Saint Tropez
Farage, NigelFlying freeThe better the host, the worse his accommodations
Farfan de los Godos, AntonioCartas d'el Rei Don Fernando, O Catholico, a varios reis e principes do mundo, e suas respostas: colligidas e comentadas por Frey Antonio Farfan de los Godos, comendador na Ordem de São João de Jerusalem, no anno de 1499Imaginary correspondence between Ferdinand the Catholic and Suleyman the Magnificent
Fernández de Soria y Villanueva, FernandoArrendamientos rústicos protegidos. Comentarios a la ley de 15 de julio de 1954.A Spaniard's home is his castle ... except when utilities are involved
Fielding, HenryA Journey from This World to the NextI'll get it back, she said
Fontana, Los catalanes en la guerra de EspañaHirsute pursuit
Friedland, MartinThe case of Valentine ShortisFrench and Russian cavalry rode backwards in retreat?!
Fuertes, GloriaGlorieríasOrigins of "No hay pan para tanto chorizo"
Fuligni, BrunoL'État c'est moiTrouble on the Trans-Saharan line
Furst, AlanDark starMore ritual noise for pogroms
Fussell, PaulThe Great War and Modern MemoryGibraltarización / gibraltarisation
Galbraith, John KennethThe Great Crash, 1929Boom and bust suicide myths
Galofré, JordiDocuments de CatalunyaO tempora, o moros: unilateral Christian assault on "rogue" Muslim statelet
Galofré, JordiDocuments de CatalunyaO tempora, o moros: unilateral Christian assault on "rogue" Muslim statelet
Gately, IainTobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced CivilizationSmoking Mary: herbal fumes and disease prevention
Genet, JeanThe thiefs journalThief of Baghdad
Gesell, SilvioThe natural economic orderSilvio Gesell disciple in Barcelona
Giménez Caballero, ErnestoMemorias de un dictadorHitler's failed Falangist marriage
Giordano, PaoloThe solitude of prime numbersSpanish mis-translation of Paolo Giordano The solitude of prime numbers
Gogol, The noseDid Carod really give a speech at New York University on inauguration day?
Goknil, CanThe Neighbor's CatsWe're all going on a (hick) summer holiday
Gordimer, NadineA guest of honourNerd riot
Gordon, FlashBlood, Sweat & Gears: Ramblings on Motorcycling and MedicineBlack Hitler
Gouguenheim, SylvainAristote au Mont Saint-Michel"Islamic bridge of civilisation to the West over-rated"
Gould, Stephen JayAdam's navelWhy God created Adam with a belly button
Goytisolo, JuanSeñas de identidadPigeon poo
Goytisolo, JuanSeñas de identidadPigeon poo
Goytisolo, JuanCampos de NíjarThe lurch and fall of the Almería coast
Grahame-Smith, SethPride and prejudice and zombiesTwo Brad Pitt exclusives
Groppa, CarlosThe tango in the United States: a historyLithos by Xavier Cugat at Brok
Grossman, VasilyA Writer at War: Vasily Grossman with the Red ArmyOf course the Dí­a de la Hispanidad demonstration in Barcelona was tiny and composed exclusively of weirdos
Hargreaves, JohnFreedom for Catalonia? Catalan nationalism, Spanish identity and the Barcelona Olympic GamesAnd now a very spatial moment
Harris, BenjaminRifleman HarrisDrunk and disorderly
Harrow and Unwin, Joie de vivre in French literature and cultureWordsworth's take on the French revolution cast in doubt by a French corpus n-gram
Hedman, Eva-Lotta EPhilippine Politics and Society in the Twentieth Century: Colonial Legacies, Post-Colonial TrajectoriesPork belly laughs come to Barcelona
Hillgarth, The mirror of SpainA league and a turd/Legua y mierda
Howson, GeraldThe flamencos of Cadiz BayQueers and gypsies
Howson, GeraldThe flamencos of Cadiz BayQueers and gypsies
Howson, GeraldThe flamencos of Cadiz BayMore mystifications
Hughes, RobertBarcelonaSubmarooned
Hugo, VictorLes miserablesHedgehogs @ €600
Hunter, DardPapermakingCatalan etymology of paper? Probably not
Hunter-Watts, GuySmall Hotels and Inns of AndaluciaThe dirtiest hotels in Spain
Jansson, ToveComet in MoominlandHunting Spanish trolls
Jardiel Poncela, EnriqueAmor se escribe sin hacheAlbacete / Birmingham / New York
Jardiel Poncela, EnriqueAmor se escribe sin hacheAlbacete / Birmingham / New York
Jardiel Poncela, EnriqueAmor se escribe sin hacheErrar es umano
Jennings, HumphreyPandæmonium 1660-1886: The Coming of the Machine as Seen by Contemporary ObserversIndianes angleses
Jennings, HumphreyPandæmonium 1660-1886: The Coming of the Machine as Seen by Contemporary ObserversIndianes angleses
Johnson, James WilliamA Profane Wit: The Life of John Wilmot"Chaste, pious, prudent": to which British king does the poem below the break refer?
Kasmir, SharrynThe Myth of MondragonMondragón
Khadra, YasminaThe Swallows of KabulOrenetes
Labanyi, JoConstructing Identity in Contemporary Spain: Theoretical Debates and Cultural PracticeTaken by the gypsies
Lancaster, OsbertWith an eye to the futureSome day I'll fly away, or how to freak out swallows
Lancaster, OsbertDrayneflete revealed1908 driver's-eye film of a Barcelona tram travelling from Paseo de Gracia via Salmerón (Gran), Lesseps, and República de Argentina to Graywinckel (Craywinckel)
Lane Fox, RobinThe classical worldIncompatibility of science and corrupt society
Laporte, DominiqueHistory of shitCaganers, nation, faith
Laporte, DominiqueHistory of ShitPerfumes de Barcelona: cancion catable, si oliera, el diablo que la leyera
Larkin, PhilipHigh windowsWindows Vista: Error en el servicio Servicio de perfil de usuario al iniciar sesion. No se puede cargar el perfil de usuario
Larry, YanThe extraordinary adventures of Karik and ValyaPoppy
Leigh Fermor, PatrickThe traveller's treeThe Kelston Turnpike
Lenin, VIOne step forward, two steps backTwo views of progress
Lenin, Vladimir IllichCollected worksThe Asociación de Familias Adoptantes en China promotes itself with a picture of slitty-eyed chinkies
León, RicardoCristo en los infiernosTrafalgar dreaming
Lester, MeeraAdventures in mosaicsMosaic as de-/reconstruction
Lévi-Strauss, ClaudeThe raw and the cookedFrom cooked to raw in Almería
Llull, RamonBook of the beastsBestiaries (ii): Llull and Orwell
López et al, AlbertArqueologia, història i art de l'església de Sant Valentí de les CabanyesChiste de indignados
Lutwack, LeonardBirds in LiteratureA bird in the hand
Maalouf, AminThe Crusades through Arab eyesSpurious history: the origins of shepherd's pie
Maalouf, AminThe Crusades through Arab eyesSpurious history: the origins of shepherd's pie
MacDonald Fraser, GeorgeFlashman and the TigerCrisis, what crisis?
MacFarlane, RobertMountains of the Mind: How Desolate and Forbidding Heights Were Transformed into Experiences of Indomitable SpiritVuilnis
Machiavelli, NiccolòThe princeOutsourcing in the Spanish military
Mackaman, DouglasWorld War I and the cultures of modernityErnesto Giménez Caballero and Catalan totalitarianism
Mackaman, DouglasWorld War I and the cultures of modernityErnesto Giménez Caballero and Catalan totalitarianism
Manguel, AlbertoA history of readingNicknackerynoo
Margueritte, VictorLa garçonneThe Spanish Prostitute Moment in pre-war French popular novels
Margueritte, VictorLa garçonneÉo
Marsé, JuanÚltimas tardes con TeresaThe green of the louse/Lo verde del piojo
Max-Bembo, La mala vida en Barcelona"Sorceress" Raquel Meller, TIME Magazine cover
Max-Bembo, La mala vida en BarcelonaPajillera/tosser
Mellers, WilfridTwilight of the GodsKarlheinz Stockhausen, "one of the most important ... composers of the 20th and early 21st centuries"?
Menéndez Pelayo, MarcelinoHistoria de los heterodoxos españolesBollocks in 16th century Spanish writing
Menéndez Pelayo, MarcelinoHistoria de los heterodoxos españolesBollocks in 16th century Spanish writing
Menéndez Pelayo, MarcelinoHistoria de los heterodoxosSpanish liberals, suicide and God
Menéndez Pelayo, MarcelinoHistoria de los heterodoxos españolesMarcelino Menéndez Pelayo on George Borrow
Meyer, MichaelLife in the vanishing backstreets of a city transformedDestruction of old Peking
Minsheu, JohnPleasant and delightfull dialoguesInterchangeability of nominative and genitive forms of Spanish patronymics?
Miquel i Planas, RamonEl librero asesino de BarcelonaInspirational tale for bubonic plagiarists
Monette, PaulNosferatu The VampyreWe're fixing Nosferatu/Estem arreglant Nosferatu
Monette, PaulNosferatuAbsent presence: shadow without cat
Moravia, AlbertoBoredomThe end of boredom and the last adult
Morrell, DavidFirst Blood: RamboMy First Blood moment
Morris, EdmundTheodore RexVote UKIP in the May European elections!
Nabokov, VladimirStrong opinionsThe decline of psychoanalysis charted
Ortega Munilla, JoséChispas del yunquePejorocracy, government of the worst
Ortega y Gasset, JoséLa rebelión de las masasThe madness of Níjar
Ortega y Gasset, JoséLa rebelión de las masasThe madness of Níjar
Ortega y Gasset, JoséEspaña invertebradaAnti-guiri? yes, but...
Ortega y Gasset, JoséArtículosOut-of-date ideologies
Ortega y Gasset, JoséLa rebelión de las masasSinn Fein-IRA joke
Ortínez, ManuelUna vida entre burgesosFranco and inflation
Parker Willis, NathanielSummer cruise in the Mediterranean on board an American frigateCappuccino
Parrott, CecilThe bad BohemianJaroslav Hašek in Barcelona, almost
Patterson, John HenryThe Man-eaters of TsavoJ'suis pas Cecil
Pearson, HarryRacing pigs and giant marrows: travels around the north country fairsPersistent rains produce more giant Spanish plants
Pérez Galdós, BenitoZumalacárreguiGaldós and those spud-crazy guiris
Pérez Galdós, BenitoThe disinheritedHemp horses
Pérez Galdós, BenitoRosalíaC19th noise pollution
Pérez Galdós, BenitoLa desheredadaThe semantics of the Catalan and Andalusian "ea"
Pigault-Lebrun, GuillaumeL'enfant du bordelGet another of Paul de Kock's
Pla, JoséUn señor de BarcelonaMore iconoclasm in the Catalan pre-Pyrenees
Pla, JoséUn señor de BarcelonaTolstoy's finch, linnet mania, and a false etymology of "shibboleth"
Poikolainen, KariPerfect drinking and its enemiesStatistically speaking I've got my drinking about right
Quiñones, FernandoRelatos de don CarnalBack in circulation
Quiñones, FernandoDe Cádiz y sus CantesBorderline nonsense language in Cádiz carnival
Remarque, Erich MariaThe Road BackRemarque, The Road Back
Rexach, JMLa fiera corrupiaCampaign to get people to dance in Catalan
Rexach, JMLa fiera corrupiaCampaign to get people to dance in Catalan
Rice, Elmer CookThe national standard squab book - a practical manual for the installation of a successful squab plant - how to make a pigeon and squab business payCooking with pigeons in Spain
Robb, GrahamThe discovery of FranceThe colonisation of Paris
Rodoreda, MercèThe time of the dovesSales of Catalan-language fiction in English translation on Amazon
Roth, JosephRebellionBlackletter OCR
Ruiz Zafón, CarlosThe shadow's windArty-farty
Ruiz Zafón, CarlosShadow of the windHilarious Shadow of the wind reviews
Rumsfeld, DonaldKnown and UnknownSpain, invisible; leaders, dumb
Sagan, EliAt the Dawn of TyrannySqueezing it for all it's worth
Saviano, RobertoGomorrahSaddam and Gomorrah
Schiavelli, VincentBruculinu, AmericaPan di Spagna?
Scott, MichaelThe cruise of the midgeBacalado
Scott, MichaelThe cruise of the midgeBacalado
Self, WillThe buttTerminal Germinal
Semprun, JorgeNetchaïev est de retourMore Francophone condemnations of the US
Sender, RamónLa tesis de NancyThe oldest surname in the world
Sirera Miralles, CarlesCuando el fútbol no era el reyCollserola bike accident anecdotes
Skutnabb-Kangas, ToveLinguistic Genocide in EducationLanguage immersion counter-productive, says Finnish prof
Skutnabb-Kangas, ToveLinguistic Genocide in EducationLanguage immersion counter-productive, says Finnish prof
Smiles, SamuelJames NasmythFoundry extension near Castellbisbal
Süskind, PatrickPerfumePerfume
Süskind, PatrickPerfumePerfume
Theroux, PaulThe mosquito coastMosquitoes, alcohol and violence
Thompson, ChristopherThe Tour de France: a cultural historyThe cycling Cartesian
Tóibín, ColmA long winterSpecs on the beach
Tombs, PeteMondo Macabro: Weird and Wonderful Cinema Around the WorldEuro exploitation flick documentaries on YouTube
Torres, MarujaMientras vivimosThe number 73
Torres, MarujaMientras vivimosThe number 73
Tortella, GabrielThe development of modern SpainBuffalo Bill, first vendor of palomitas/popcorn in Spain?
Toseland, MartinThe Ants are my Friends: Misheard Lyrics, Malapropisms, Eggcorns and Other Linguistic Gaffes"Amaral pide que el estadio sea una hoya a presión"
Townsend Warner, SylviaWith the Hunted: Selected WritingsSylvia Townsend Warner, The scapegoat, and the Diodorus phallic thimble quatrain
Tschiffely, A.F.Tschiffely's RideTschiffely's Ride
Vallmitjana, JuliSota MontjuïcBirthday pics
Vargas Llosa, MarioThe feast of the goatThe perejil shibboleth
Vargas Llosa, MarioGuide to the Perfect Latin American IdiotGuide to the Perfect Spanish Idiot
Venkatesh, SudhirGang Leader for a DayYet another example of "If you're from Catalonia/Belgium/Hampshire, then you must speak Catalan/Belgian/Hampshire"
Verdaguer, JacintL'AtlàntidaI read all of L'Atlàntida!
Voltaire, CandideCalling all Barcelona-based Ukrainian anarcho-communists
Wald, ElijahNarcocorridoNeeded, a ballad for the Olli Rehn empire
Waugh, EvelynDecline and fallNgram: afternoon nap vs siesta
Wittgenstein, LudwigPhilosophical InvestigationsDuck-billed dog
Zamora Vicente, AlonsoDialectología españolablimey es para que te suba el blood pressure
Zamyatin, YevgenyWe¡Bienvenido a la caverna!


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