Jingoistic poem celebrating the Battle of Vigo Bay (1702)
Half roasted Frenchmen, some o’er Gratings Broil’d/Do mix with Spaniards in the Sea parboil’d;
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Half roasted Frenchmen, some o’er Gratings Broil’d/Do mix with Spaniards in the Sea parboil’d;
A Dutch compliment becomes a French insult.
Serious separatists will drive on the left, in Vic, starting Sunday.
Party political prejudice, or yet more historical memory bollocks?
Mr Muñoz Soliva postulates the participation of some peculiarly phurtive Phoenicians.
Spanish entries from the 1811 Dictionary of the vulgar tongue, with some fanciful etymological speculation and a mercifully brief bout of bar-room anthropology.
Moreto’s El desdén con el desdén and Reznicek’s Donna Diana: Vicky Christina Barcelonas of yesteryear?
Molly Greene describes the complex anarchy that existed between the collapse of the Mediterranean powers and the entry of northern fleets.