Gerra civil Cataluña contra Calunya

Activists who can’t spell “war” with the paintbrush deserve to die by the sword, no? I think we’ve already established that schools should be teaching peepul how to write in whatever language they prefer, and that nations can go fuck themselves, so let’s not go here: … or here:
Slogan in Bon Pastor, Barcelona. I blame a CGT drunk.

Fixing the rootless cosmopolitans

Most of the people I know regard themselves as left-wing, so I’ve heard this form of apocalyptic xenophobia more from guys with curious haircuts than from guys who have dispensed with the razor guard altogether. Mein Kampf etc are familiar but I don’t really know the “left” national-socialist equivalents. Here, however, is the Stalinist machine…

“Doesn”t time fly”

Hypercorrection over at the excellent El Café de Ocata? Don’t think I’ve seen that one before. (Via the echo at IRQ.)

Pronouncing democracy

English: deMOcracy, Spanish: demoCRAcia, German: demokraTIE. Would multilingual discussion and implementation of such a potentially useful concept be facilitated by the creation by Brussels of a well-remunerated Accent Unification Committee, or is diversity key? It’s downright aucword to think that others may think you’re dumb just because you stress such a basic term wrongly in…

Good Barcelona World rants

Miquel at Tot Barcelona suspects this may just be another scheme to enrich the Catalan oligarchy at the cost of the rest, while Salvador Sostres wonders why, since profit trails here generally lead to fiscal paradises rather than reinvestment, the ruling class describe themselves as Catalan, rather than Swiss, patriots. Did Barcelona’s tourist crime entrepreneurs…

Flamenco: (manifestación cultural de la) escoria de un país bajo?

Lectura estival, Baroja La Feria de los Discretos, en el cual Quintín Roelas se encuentra secuestrado por error por una banda de gitanos en la Córdoba de 1868: – Yo le diré a usted quién soy, y si después de saberlo no le parece mal, seremos amigos. – Y antes también. – No, antes no.…