Category: Vehicles
World Heritage taxi
Bicing, Spain’s worst public bike scheme
Sez a German motoring organisation.
Un año en la vida de una estación de Bicing
Disponibilidad de bicicletas en Torrent de les Flors (plaça Rovira i Trias) para el año 2012-3.
The 1903 Paris-Madrid race that got away
A remarkable feat of memory from Arturo Barea’s autobiography.
A bicycling boho hobo, tempted by Cockaigne, fearful of Ruin
What to do when a mysterious lady offers you a free ride?
The right and the wrong type of snow, according to Avicenna, Aristotle and Plutarch
With an excerpt from a plea for more state funding by the Bostonian Western Rail-road, in which we are given to understand that snow is not necessarily a bad thing.
Eastern Black Sea Tour, Tunisia
Barcelona Airport T1 pics
But getting there is still a pain in one’s posterior end.
Spidy Wasch
A bit of free association, or rambling, as it is more widely known.