Category: The air and the clouds
Do Welsh expats incline to rain-drenched hills?
Nature vs nurture in the Italian Jones tribe.
Lleida airport (pot), meet Ciudad Real airport (kettle)
La Vanguardia appears interested in Spanish local airports as a means of diverting large sums of public money to private pockets to no obvious public benefit–except when the airport happens to be a Catalan one.
The Snow Virgin ain’t afraid of the rain
Not that it ever rains in Villanueva de la Jara, Cuenca.
Photos and video of snowstorm in Park Güell
Includes video of snow felling a pine tree and a photo of a municipal bus which almost skated its way down-town.
The right and the wrong type of snow, according to Avicenna, Aristotle and Plutarch
With an excerpt from a plea for more state funding by the Bostonian Western Rail-road, in which we are given to understand that snow is not necessarily a bad thing.
Barcelona Airport T1 pics
But getting there is still a pain in one’s posterior end.
The smog is back
But here are a couple of photos from the day after the great storm