Is Javier Cercas a necromancer?
How else to explain his repeated use of the motif “políticamente * y personalmente roto” in Anatomía de un instante?
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
How else to explain his repeated use of the motif “políticamente * y personalmente roto” in Anatomía de un instante?
Pío Baroja got pretty damn close to the Catalunacy of José Luis Espejo in La dama errante.
English-speakers are leaving in droves, Spanish-speakers are more equivocal, and Francophones are proving hard to un-crack.
David Bar-David, the lemming messiah.
With the Anglo-Saxon plot in tatters and Jewish machinations a non-starter, some strategic paranoia for Mr Zapatero. (Like: Is Mendelssohn’s Elijah a secret weapon of German subversion?)