Lös Töstaös

A fine example of Spanish enthusiasm for the heavy metal umlaut, downstairs in the bus station in Hellín, Albacete. The -ado -> dipthongised -ao shift is common in Spanish dialects, and what you’ve got here in the last example is actually kind of diaeresis-ish. On my next visit I will communicate this information to the…

Llorens off ice

Ian Llorens–who is only slightly mad, and there’s nothing wrong with that–is back. Here to celebrate is a photo of the front of the excellent Picó Lloréns family coffee and sticky things chain store in Albacete: Hoards of Catalan and Valencian merchants are to be found throughout provincial Spain, helping provide a more sensible explanation…


There’s something wrong inside this garage in Plañel, Albacete:

Grisly video footage of bullfight in Riópar, Albacete province

Village bullfighting is far more exciting and beautiful than the formalised crap on offer in big rings like Barcelona’s Monumental, but if the photo above gives some idea of the upside, the downside involves stuff like dwarf bullfighters cutting fillets off animals as they race past because they’re too short to plunge the sword in…

State-directed swamping of Catalonia by immigrants from other parts of Spain

Along with stuff like the banning of the sardana and of Catalan, this is another of the absurd lies told about the Franco regime by Catalanist victimists and by those they manage to con, typically left-leaning Brits and Americans. Here, for example, is the Lonely Planet entry on Barcelona, which is presumably taken seriously at…

Corruptest nation

P tells of an interesting upcoming case in N in southern Albacete. The Forestry Commission planted trees on substantial areas of private land in the vicinity without asking permission and now wants to sue landowners for the value of the lumber. The latter submit that in 12 years none of the trees has grown above…

Pause + Antonio Fuentes anecdote

An expedition to examine the remains of Moorish castles and drink village wine on the Albacete-Jaén borders means that things will be fairly quiet around here until perhaps September 5, when last minute preparations will commence for the launch of a revolutionary new communications model at the Albacete Fair. The Feria de Albacete is not…

American communists unimpressed by Albacete nightlife

From a piece by Cecil Eby on the not particularly lovely time had by the Abraham Lincoln Battalion in the Civil War: In their time off, the recruits prowled the city; they sampled the local conac [sic], said to have been blended from equal parts of rancid olive oil and low-octane gasoline; and they bought…