What is acceptable in boxers and (Don) kings is not necessarily so in lesser mortals. Here‘s some English-German translator explaining for the umpteenth time on his blog why he is the best: My old school used to be a hands-on kind of school, but now, after they adopted new curricula last fall, it’s just downhill…
I’m afraid we’re not doing very well in the cowbike drawing competition. Although there have been encouraging rustlings from Stoke Newington, Hampstead and Albacete, the only entry in so far is from Geoff (35) in Bermondsey – yes, the one displayed here. Geoff, while obviously a talented young artist, unfortunately forgot to include the bike.…
Segons fonts prop de la Guàrdia Civil d’Albacete, era ben sabut des de fa molt que quan no podia dormir Antonio Peñafiel, el subjecte de les notícies tràgiques d’ahir, tenia costum de disparar a les colomes des de la seva habitació en la caserna a Valdemoro on treballava. El que no entenc (si això és…
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