Tag: catalan language
Epic Occitan language fail
With a brief moan re online editions of Lou Tresor dóu Felibrige.
Quién soy, quién somos
Catalañol for qui sóc, qui som.
Comer chez el Agüelo
Vygos Cagados, a jingoistic Dutch print celebrating the Battle of Vigo Bay (1702)
But why, and for whom, would a Dutchman pun on Vigo / figo (fig) when both spelling and pronunciation of the latter were long obsolete in standard Spanish?
What did the Catalan-speaking seamstress say on arriving in London W11?
In defence of Catalan language immersion
It’s a fine example of practical neo-feudalism, and screw the serfs.
€100+ subsidy per ticket at Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
How would *you* spend it?
Brits pronouncing Barça
It’s Barker vs Barser, but you can’t blame the proto-Lebanese.
A tribute to the Valencian work ethic
Featuring my draft recording of “El dilluns jo no treballe”, with various other European “7 days lazy” songs.