Organ-grinding tweets for December
Xmas &c.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Xmas &c.
More rubbish.
“‘Tis glorious misery to be born a man,” generally taken to refer to a hen-pecked husband, is in fact a misquotation of verse by the 17th century Romford and London poet, Francis Quarles, dealing with human mortality.
Past performance is no guide to future performance, my dears.
Sin brújula, que tampoco es verdad, ma è ben cantato.
But a joke I have just cobbled together suggests otherwise.
A Catalan children’s song remembered by Francesc Candel; early rave culture on Central America’s eastern seaboard.
Kalebeul’s investigation into Vosk and the Na’kuhl temporal conduit yields some surprising results.