Why we can legitimately call ourselves Barcelonians

Re mine and his, it’s because Barcelonia is a common, though minor and generally foreign (but not French?), spelling of Barcelona, now fallen into disusual. E.g.g.: The Kinges Commission for the Imbarment of All English Ships. [Translated from the Spanish.] (At Barcelonia, 29 May [1585].). Horatii Tursellini, Historiarum ab origine usque ad annum 1598 (1653),…

Star Trek, the origins

Kalebeul’s investigation into Vosk and the Na’kuhl temporal conduit yields some surprising results.

Did Columbus actually ever come to Barcelona?

Letters of Alexander Von Humboldt to Varnhagen Von Ense (GBS): On the 9th of June, 1839, Varnhagen writes in his diary: “Humboldt agrees with me in the assertion made by me at different times, that too much cannot be inferred from the silence of the historians. He refers to three highly important and undeniable facts,…