El gallito inglés / le coq anglais

Proud English cock, limp Latin hen: the binary opposition of English and Spanish fowls as a metaphor for the contrast between growing British military might and declining Spanish power.

Photo by <a href=http://www.drbizarre.net/post/el-gallito-ingles>Dr. Bizarre</a>, licence <a href=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/mx/>CC 2.5 Mexico</a>

The great Catalan gunpowder swindle

As the evenings draw in, the Arenys de Mar sensimilla syndicate has taken time off from the plantation to post another shambling Gran Armada-wreck of nationalist historical revisionism. (It’s dated 2006, but this is the first time it’s turned up in my reader, so…) As is customary, our scenario is back-to-the-future: a massive 15th century…


“You call it a bat, but I call it a fluttermouse.”