Our sands may be shifting more than we thought: Google Translate thinks (< Carlos Ferrero) that Castile and León in Spanish is Catalonia in Catalan. X steps forward, Y steps back.
Here, and just as the regional election campaign was getting underway. The state-financed separatist organisation, Òmnium Cultural, believes there is a plot, and is therefore mounting its own campaign to nobble Google Translate. (H/t Alex)
In a surreal exchange, mediated by Carlos Ferrero Martín and Margaret Marks, and with the usual machine googleation, “in declarations conducted in Majorca days ago, our minister of Culture, Bald Carmen, pronounced the following phrase: ‘Before cook I was fraila’.” Whereupon the journalist said, ‘Bis bald, Carmen,’ but was severely beaten by the Balearic pun…
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