Tag: hackney
Tweets for March 2021
The great Victoria Park nursery rhyme schism of 2021
Retrograde Akira resolves a bitter “Row, row, row your boat” confrontation between Hackney and Tower Hamlets parents. Includes a Newfie joke.
Stanley Johnson: rock ‘n’ roll drummer, magician, Hackney style icon
The best-dressed man on Well Street talks about his work with Gene “Be-bop-a-Lula” Vincent and much more. With several exclusive photos.
May tweets
Lots of Ramsgate photos, plus the usual nonsense.
April tweets
Just the usual load of nonsense.
March tweets
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Organ-grinding tweets for February
More untruths & idle opinions.
January tweets
Organ-grinding tweets for December
Xmas &c.