April tweets

Just the usual load of nonsense.

Jimmy Brennan panning for gold in the Sperrins, Tyrone in 1983.

Jimmy Brennan panning for gold in the Sperrins, Tyrone in 1983.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Mon Apr 01 07:22 Comment: @tombcn Quite possible. I don't even know when Brexit is, or whether this is pro, parody or contra:
  • Mon Apr 01 12:06 BLOG: Peter the Great’s April Fool’s jokes: of dwarves, arson, stammerers, and binge drinking.
  • Mon Apr 01 12:32 If you want to nick books from the BL reading rooms, wait till the doorman is facing the wrong way for dhuhr
  • Mon Apr 01 14:18 Short-lived Welsh tipster blog Reads exactly like the bit in whichever Flann O'Brien novel
  • Mon Apr 01 16:06 Thread: the Archipelago of Brexit, including Kate Hoey and a cat but not the Civil War option
  • Mon Apr 01 16:08 A mill-style horse-driven iron horse patented in 1825. Were mills ever driven by sheep, or aren't they powerful enough?
  • Mon Apr 01 18:49 1877 gear for a couple of days cycling in Surrey, Sussex and Kent: brandy, a sandwich and a bugle. Lycra was invented in 1958.
  • Mon Apr 01 21:25 What happened to the plan to relocate MPs to Stromboli during repairs?
  • Mon Apr 01 22:43 Historia de Barcelona, 2/4: * 1448: Alfonso V entrega los Usatjes de Marquilles al Consejo de Ciento (17+22) * 1847: Una llegada en barco (191/i) * 1848: El ayuntamiento asiste a la fiesta de San Francisco de Paula (52) * 1918: Pla: Com que sempre he…
  • Tue Apr 02 07:32 Someone tell Verhofstadt about the old pun on Abyssinia: I'll be seeing you.
  • Tue Apr 02 07:33 Comment: And Milton recited by TTA: Into this wild abyss the wary fiend / Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while, / Pondering his voyage
  • Tue Apr 02 07:34 Comment: But Red Riding Hood: k Ben niet bang voor de wilde dieren / k Ben niet bang, k ben niet bang
  • Tue Apr 02 16:09 Finally, subtitling that explains what Macron's on about
  • Tue Apr 02 18:44 Gammon? Moi? I have certainly been very fond of G Ammons for as long as I can remember
  • Tue Apr 02 18:46 Comment: Every ten years all us ruddy-faced white men will make a pilgrimage to Chicago
  • Tue Apr 02 19:37 Francis Grose: what a good person
  • Tue Apr 02 20:58 Comment: @the1Stefania It's way past time for "La forza dei nani", set in a Spanish travelling circus.
  • Tue Apr 02 22:48 Historia de Barcelona, 3/4: * ~0801: Los francos toman Barcelona (1165+98) * ~1493: Entra Cristobal Colón de vuelta de su primer viaje con sus marineros, que introducen la sífilis en Barcelona, desde donde se propaga por toda Europa (682+175) * 1495: Las…
  • Wed Apr 03 22:58 Historia de Barcelona, 4/4: * 1152: Nace Alfonso, después II de Aragón (38) * 1847: Misa en la catedral, Domingo de Resurrección. Una cabalgata a Gracia y Montjuic. La "Compañia Anglo-Americana" en la plaza de toros. Apertura del gran teatro del Liceo de…
  • Thu Apr 04 23:02 Historia de Barcelona, 5/4: * 1628: Terremoto (12) * 1688: Nace el jurista José Finestres (6) * 1709: Los ingleses dejan de ayudar a los austriacistas para perseguir a los piratas berberiscos (109) * 1846: Comienza a construirse el nuevo frontis del…
  • Fri Apr 05 22:20 Comment: @ibexsalad Can't he be the UK's leader in exile?
  • Fri Apr 05 22:25 You'll need a government licence to view this kind of stuff in a couple of weeks #PornLaws
  • Fri Apr 05 23:10 Historia de Barcelona, 6/4: * 1530: Llega Andrea Doria para buscar a Carlos I (13+16) * 1918: Pla: Si algun dia decideixo escriure uns retrats familiars, potser es podran aprofitar els detalls següents * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * ☼ 06:24-19:23, 12:58 horas;…
  • Sat Apr 06 07:23 Comma coma
  • Sat Apr 06 09:17 Apparently gays are being stoned to death at the Dorchester, so cocktails presumably also démodé
  • Sat Apr 06 10:28 Expansion of Nothingness proposed to accommodate increasing popularity of nihilism
  • Sat Apr 06 14:36 Why do AirBnB places always have terrible pictures of bathrooms but good ones of the taps? Is there some kind of dark web tap fetish community?
  • Sat Apr 06 23:17 Historia de Barcelona, 7/4: * 1249: Principio del sistema de gobierno municipal (55) * 1573: Entran las cabezas de 23 bandoleros (34/i) * 1847: Una salida en barco para Valencia (681) * 1919: Pla: La Societat Sportiva Pompeia * ☼ 06:22-19:24, 13:01…
  • Sun Apr 07 05:24 So who handles 5 am residential raves if @MPSHackney say it's @hackneycouncil 's problem and the council's guy goes to bed at 5?
  • Sun Apr 07 11:13 Vultures & international frontiers. I remember when a bunch of my local Pyrenean vultures turned up in Holland as a result of the mad cow restrictions on carcass disposal. Did the ravens go to the Tower originally to feast off ex-prisoners?
  • Sun Apr 07 20:56 Managed to resist the linguistic temptation of the "Persian dinging experience" on Kensington High St
  • Sun Apr 07 23:23 Historia de Barcelona, 8/4: * 1569: Entra el archiduque Carlos de Habsburgo (5+20) * 1573: Exhibición de cabezas de bandoleros (27/i) * 1702: Felipe V embarca hacia Nápoles (54) * 1919: Pla: Passo una gran part de la nit en una saleta de l’Ateneu amb…
  • Mon Apr 08 09:52 Nailed an African stranger by accent as Zimbabwean from Bulawayo last week, today misidentified an upper-class Han as Japanese. Win some, lose quite a lot.
  • Mon Apr 08 15:00 Earliest conversing automaton thread
  • Mon Apr 08 15:38 Pigeon adds missing accent to theatre sign in Córdoba to correct the ignorant peasants in charge and conform with the national language academy's guidelines. Made my day.
  • Tue Apr 09 00:38 Historia de Barcelona, 9/4: * 1626: Felipe IV celebra su 21º cumpleaños lavando y besando los pies de 13 pobres (641) * 1631: Llevan a San Severo al convento de Santa Clara para pedir lluvia y así poder comer (146) * 1637: Llevan a San Severo de nuevo a…
  • Tue Apr 09 13:58 Perfidious Albion on speed
  • Tue Apr 09 14:03 Comment: @TitaniaMcGrath Hitler was a veggie
  • Tue Apr 09 14:30 Population Malta: 400,000. Crowdfund a tenner each to pressure their politicos to veto an extension and we could be out of this phase of misery in three days.
  • Tue Apr 09 18:01 Why do women worry about drinking during pregnancy when everything gives you cancer anyway? We can't all eat armadillos.
  • Wed Apr 10 00:42 Historia de Barcelona, 10/4: * 1452: Menú al monasterio de santa Ana el lunes de Pascua (38) * 1624: Gran alboroto contra los genoveses; ahorcan a dos de los responsables; los conflictos políticos (531) * 1919: Pla: El meu pare –fresc, roig, resistint…
  • Wed Apr 10 07:28 Jimmy Brennan out gold-panning in the Sperrins in 1983 Legendary figure from my childhood
  • Wed Apr 10 07:38 And there was me thinking that the Whitehall farces were an obscure branch of Restoration comedy
  • Wed Apr 10 08:01 Comment: And look, there's Annie Slane
  • Wed Apr 10 11:53 Librarian songs Favourite is Dutch, De Bende van Baflo Bill's Debiliothecaris - describes pre-IT profession
  • Wed Apr 10 21:01 Ngram dirty Irish vs dirty English. I'm afraid I am haunted by The Poor Mouth
  • Thu Apr 11 00:48 Historia de Barcelona, 11/4: * 1278: Privilegio por Pedro el Grande a la ciudad de Barcelona sobre el puente-peaje del Llobregat; construcción en madera a partir de 1301; significado para Barcelona y viajeros (0+398) * 1562: Santa Madrona vs la sequia…
  • Thu Apr 11 05:41 Yet another outstanding contribution by @ofo_bicycleUK to fossil-fuel-free local deliveries in East London
  • Thu Apr 11 05:42 Monkey dreams of unhappy end for organ-grinder
  • Thu Apr 11 06:14 Pull out the tubes. Are all modern human movements death cults?
  • Fri Apr 12 00:56 Historia de Barcelona, 12/4: * 1402: La universidad de Lérida se muda a Barcelona (17+6) * 1904: Atentado del anarquista Joaquín Miguel Artal contra Antonio Maura, presidente del Consejo de Ministros (0+93) * 1918: Pla: El meu pare, que em veu donar…
  • Fri Apr 12 07:20 Brexit Party PR looks so ... French, so UPM
  • Fri Apr 12 11:30 Hofmannsthal stereotypes Austrians vs Prussians. Works in other places too.
  • Fri Apr 12 11:46 Sistinism: Hackney's Veysel Baba can compete with Vlu's garage pub
  • Fri Apr 12 16:05 Turkic rock. Are the cowbells Turkmen or did they have to be imported?
  • Fri Apr 12 22:00 Historia de Barcelona, 13/4: * 1716: Son quemados por el verdugo los privilegios de la ciudad (25) * 1848: Fiesta de la conversión de María Magdalena (56) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge de Rams * ☼ 06:12-19:30, 13:17 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 63,50%,…
  • Sat Apr 13 11:57 Comment: @ibexsalad Time is Remainer, Sun pretends to be Brexiter.
  • Sat Apr 13 12:02 Every ward should have a repentant Dickensian villain crying "Lord help me!" and a bearded Hardyan good 'un longing silently for his sweet cyder. I know the childhood dream of the guy who wants to inspect my bus ticket.
  • Sat Apr 13 22:08 Historia de Barcelona, 14/4: * Domingo de Ramos es el 14 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 16 de abril * ... y en 1939 fue el 3 de abril * 1481: En Calatayud Fernando II designa a Isabel de Castilla como corregente, gobernadora y administradora en los…
  • Sun Apr 14 06:23 Ruby is obviously an admirable name for a modern baby, who may identify as mineral rather than animal, so why not Granite, which severs all ties with the despicable human institution of marriage? Parsnip is another favourite.
  • Sun Apr 14 08:32 Comment: @Transblawg Hahaha, isn't that a worm wedding?
  • Sun Apr 14 16:56 This is what caving should be like
  • Sun Apr 14 17:40 Belshazzar without la belle Shazza
  • Sun Apr 14 22:17 Historia de Barcelona, 15/4: * 1134: San Olegario y la entrada de los Templarios en la Corona de Aragón (339) * 1493: Una visión romántica de la recepción de Colón por los Reyes Católicos (775) * 1507: Empezada la capilla de san Sebastián por voto de la…
  • Mon Apr 15 06:03 Comment: @justinjerez @DanielJHannan @Conservatives Dude needs to work on his timing.
  • Mon Apr 15 22:23 Historia de Barcelona, 16/4: * 1549: Carlos I de España jura los fueros (14) * 1843: Apertura del Teatro Nuevo (7) * 1848: Domingo de Ramos (324/i) * 1918: Pla: De vegades em passejo pels carrers amb l’exclusiu objecte de mirar la cara dels homes i de…
  • Tue Apr 16 07:28 RIP Maurice Sutcliffe, here on Partisans, Chetniks, Cossacks etc in Slavonia 1944-5: I didn't know about Tito's role as recruiter for the International Brigades in Spain
  • Tue Apr 16 07:43 I shall arise / with extra fries
  • Tue Apr 16 08:01 Terry Gilliam: "Our headlines are about this stuff every day. The only difference now is people have lost a lot of their sense of humour that they had back when we made the film."
  • Tue Apr 16 08:21 So what's the word for the person who shields a protégé? Protectionniste?
  • Tue Apr 16 13:13 When I saw my first McDonald's I think I realised it was a chain.
  • Tue Apr 16 17:08 Jörg Perleberg, trainer of police dogs and now Málaga organ-grinder. He doesn't sing but he does give his earnings to charity.
  • Tue Apr 16 17:09 Vatican reacts with disbelief
  • Tue Apr 16 23:08 Historia de Barcelona, 17/4: * Miércoles Santo es el 17 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 19 de abril * 1456: El día de San Jorge es declarado fiesta oficial (55+25) * 1919: Pla: Trobo Hermós, mudat com un senyor * ☼ 06:06-19:35, 13:28 horas; ☾ luna…
  • Wed Apr 17 05:22 Fritz Wunderlich: when heaven is a tubby German Working on a trombone and barrel organ version
  • Wed Apr 17 05:33 Comment: (The aria is "Che gelida manina," not "When heaven is a tubby German" - gap in the market)
  • Wed Apr 17 05:58 Surely plagiarised from Finn McCool
  • Wed Apr 17 07:14 Comment: @FinanceHog @ByRobDavies Look around and you'll get a whole lamb for that
  • Wed Apr 17 07:17 Comment: @Transblawg Here you go
  • Wed Apr 17 21:18 Disinclined to take lessons in dining etiquette from someone with red wine stains on her ceiling.
  • Wed Apr 17 23:18 Historia de Barcelona, 18/4: * Jueves Santo es el 18 de abril este año; en 1626 fue el 9 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 20 de abril * 1807: Frutos, géneros y efectos admitidos libres de aranceles aduaneros a la ciudad (132+383) * 1809: Un policía en…
  • Thu Apr 18 05:58 Morning tonic: Andy Casserley singing Searching For Lambs
  • Thu Apr 18 07:03 Lilo & Stitch works fine as Lilo & Stich for Spanish speakers, so whence the Lilo & Stick movement?
  • Thu Apr 18 07:41 Off to Brizzle this weekend to take revenge on their public transport
  • Thu Apr 18 08:51 ¡Qué buen descubrimiento: el germá Germán de Diego y de las gambas! Pero le falta una coreografía Daphnis et Chloé con organillero
  • Thu Apr 18 08:53 - Table for 24, please - But there's only 13 of you - I know, but we're all going to sit on the same side
  • Thu Apr 18 09:11 Constraining basket numbers to limit aisle congestion also standard in modern retail. Wonder how this plays out in online retail - packers with trolleys in aisles of warehouse
  • Thu Apr 18 15:28 Working through a leg of Easter lamb to prevent me dying of dementia
  • Thu Apr 18 18:29 Nigerian Hebrew Israelites in their KKK costumes washing each other's feet and pates outside, but are they pro or contra Pontius Pilate?
  • Thu Apr 18 19:32 "Thai food," "typhoid," whatever.
  • Thu Apr 18 22:09 The true purpose of under-used Spanish regional airports: auditoria
  • Thu Apr 18 23:24 Historia de Barcelona, 19/4: * Viernes Santo/Viernes Bueno es el 19 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 2 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 21 de abril * 1848: Miércoles Santo, 1848 (1393) * 1919: Pla: Dissabte Sant * ☼ 06:03-19:37, 13:33 horas; ☾ luna…
  • Fri Apr 19 06:49 Comment: @jpikov Ups!
  • Fri Apr 19 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 20/4: * Sábado Santo es el 20 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1847 fue el 3 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 22 de abril * 1439: Una oveja es indebidamente embargada bajo…
  • Sat Apr 20 17:04 It is possible that the Larkhall Inn, Bath, was even better in 1956
  • Sun Apr 21 00:17 Historia de Barcelona, 21/4: * Domingo de Resurrección es el 21 de abril este año; en 1847 fue el 4 de abril * ... y en 1848 fue el 23 de abril * ... y en 1842 fue el 27 de marzo * 1486: Desde Castilla, Fernando II dicta sentencia arbitral acabando con…
  • Mon Apr 22 00:24 Historia de Barcelona, 22/4: * Lunes de Pascua es el 22 de abril este año; en 1848 fue el 24 de abril * ... y en 1452 fue el 10 de abril * 1452: Barcelona pide a varios conventos oraciones para acabar con varias pestilencias (48+71/i) * 1533: Llega…
  • Mon Apr 22 22:44 Historia de Barcelona, 23/4: * 1382: Duelo con consecuencia fatal entre Atarazanas y Montjuic (188) * 1490: Fechada la Piedad Desplá, obra maestra de Bermejo (19+246/i) * 1533: Empieza una fiesta de San Jorge de cinco días para Carlos I (544) * 1720:…
  • Tue Apr 23 23:27 Historia de Barcelona, 24/4: * 1829: Ábrese la Real Fábrica de Cigarros (48+529) * 1848: Lunes de Pascua, 1848 (849) * 1918: Pla: Quan en una casa hi ha un boig explícit, gairebé tots els qui formen part de la família ho són una mica * 1919: Pla: Com…
  • Wed Apr 24 05:41 Why the middle-aged are all psychos
  • Wed Apr 24 05:41 Wurst Bank
  • Wed Apr 24 05:43 Brief and unsolicited glimpse into Facebook: people who believe the Titanic was sunk by fire and people impersonating other people so they'll have some friends
  • Wed Apr 24 06:36 Great doc by Fabio Caramaschi last night at UCL Italian Film Club/Italia DOC: Pugni in faccia / Dark Corner re boxer Mirco Ricci, who I tend to think of as the Italian Javi García Roche. Many thanks to @the1Stefania for organising & hoping for a 4th season
  • Wed Apr 24 08:37 Surely I'm not the first to tell @Scotmaritime that ship is feminine in Gaelic, as is shipwreck... Will Brexit include the proscription of all gendered languages?
  • Wed Apr 24 09:05 mangetout = man get out. removal will require brain surgery
  • Wed Apr 24 21:13 Police helicopter hovering outside for half an hour, so I go out and shout, "She's not here!" and they booger off. #MarriageOfInconvenience
  • Wed Apr 24 22:47 Comment: @Master_Plum Que empiecen con el inglés - el Jafaican de Hackney me cuesta
  • Wed Apr 24 23:32 Historia de Barcelona, 25/4: * 1333: Hambre grandísima y subida de precios, peste (101+5) * 1533: Carlos I ofrece pagar las tarifas aduaneras sobre su ropa (47) * 1706: Cae Montjuic a los borbónicos, muriendo su ingeniero en jefe (40+162) * 1970: "Primer…
  • Thu Apr 25 09:17 One of Ray Ventura's better translations: Les plus grands poètes, même les décadents, / Aiment les bananes, parce qu'y a pas d'os dedans!
  • Thu Apr 25 21:10 Thread. I love the whale pulpit
  • Thu Apr 25 23:36 Historia de Barcelona, 26/4: * 0911: Muere el conde Wifredo II de Barcelona (15) * 1556: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1814: Alegria y peleas al firmarse la retirada francesa (217) * 1918: Pla: A certes hores del dia, a l’hora baixa, per exemple, el perfum…
  • Fri Apr 26 15:49 RIP AMA
  • Fri Apr 26 15:58 Comment: @steve_guy Thanks mate!
  • Fri Apr 26 16:02 Apparently people want to crowdfund NCT classes for me in exchange for video recordings which they can laugh at when they are drunk, which is most of the time.
  • Sat Apr 27 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 27/4: * 1460: Bacanal en el Consejo de Ciento (31) * 1706: Las tropas aliadas entran en la ciudad, supuestamente desembarcando en barcas de pescadores (533/i) * 1919: Pla: La primavera, tan aèria, té, sobre el cos, un pes…
  • Sat Apr 27 17:21 Guardian clickbait. (Hint: the Spanish elections are tomorrow.)
  • Sun Apr 28 00:58 Historia de Barcelona, 28/4: * 1770: Traslado del archivo de la corona de Aragón del palacio real al archivo de la Audiencia (17) * 1848: Fiesta de san Prudencio (27) * 1901: Hasta 8 de mayo, graves disturbios promovidos por los catalanistas (0) * 1918:…
  • Sun Apr 28 22:03 Historia de Barcelona, 29/4: * 1462: Es sacada la bandera municipal en los ventanales de la casa de la ciudad durante la guerra civil (49) * 1842: Romería a la ermita de san Pedro Mártir, 1842 (48) * 1848: Romería a la ermita de san Pedro Mártir, 1848…
  • Mon Apr 29 22:45 Historia de Barcelona, 30/4: * 1529: Entrada solemne de Carlos I de España para celebrar cortes (12) * 1599: El sobrino nieto de Andrea Doria dispara contra la ciudad por no recibirle como persona real (98) * 1848: Fundación de la Asociacion defensora…
  • Tue Apr 30 07:33 Terribly sad to hear of the death of Clive Fenner, a great and lovely man
  • Tue Apr 30 09:03 Time for a 16-year-old Cassandra from Swindon #MoonrakerPower
  • Tue Apr 30 22:52 Historia de Barcelona, 1/5: * ~1115: Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels (246+247) * 1493: Carta de Pedro Mártir sobre Colón (74) * 1535: Carlos I come en la calle Ancha par ver entrar las galeras de Andrea Doria antes de la expedición a Túnez…

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