Two points re Eunuch umpires needed (for the Madrid Masters): Being a eunuch doesn’t necessarily lessen desire or its outward manifestations. It depends when the snip occurs. Eunuchs should be playing, not umpiring. Those intended for senior office in various societies used to be done in order to remove their ability to create a dynasty…
In a riposte to a piece by Ron Gompertz about Spanish plans to sue Italy over the Roman occupation, Al Pernales suggests that a win might encourage Madrid to sue the US for collaborating with continental drift during the Triassic and thus raising to an unacceptable level the price of an afternoon’s shopping in Manhattan.…
I keep seeing new words that describe the destruction of the Catalan countryside by corrupt Catalan constructors and politicians. There’s a sheet hanging in the Plaça de la Vila de Madrid, plagued by drunks and junks since the council landscaped lurking places into it, that says PROU LLORETITZACIO!
These Canadians have just started out to drive from Barcelona to Beijing and they need your prayers: not because their van is powered by cooking oil or because of potential difficulties during the Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-China stretch of the journey, but because they appear to have taken six weeks to get from Barcelona to the French border,…
It will be of particular interest to the deranged conspiracy theorists who make up roughly half of Barcelona’s population that there is a shop called Goma 2 (Goma 2 was the explosive used in the Madrid massacre) just a couple of blocks up from a beer factory called Sadamm (or however you spell it):
One of the principal flaws in the Vatican’s claims that the Inquisition was not really all that bad is the supposition that the distance that now exists in Spain between church and state was also present when torturing and burning women was the norm. It’s possible that the Spanish state tortured and burnt more than…
There was a sad report on the Beeb last week about the Woodwards from Guernsey who were robbed by a gang on the A7 near Tarragona after having a tyre shot out: The incident is the third of its type in the area in the last month. Spanish authorities believe the shooting of car tyres…
On Saturday, while I was being chewed by a sheepdog with an intestinal disorder, that notorious socialist Catalan republican separatist (I think that’s the correct sequence), Francesc Ferrer, was watching the Spanish royal wedding. Our Francesc takes life seriously – his writing leads one to suspect that he, too, was once bitten by a dog…
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