Beware: a full-contact gym is not quite the same thing as a full-contact sauna. Stroking a karate expert and kicking a massage parlour worker may, nevertheless, have similar long-term consequences in terms of your dentistry needs and general sense of well-being.
Up at what was originally a Civil War AA battery on Torre de la Rovira: In the early 1940s the installations were adopted and adapted by immigrant squatters who built 110 shanty dwellings, known as Los Cañones, on the steep slopes and in the old quarries around them. I believe these homes were demolished around…
A popular photography course, copied from a neighbourhood magazine produced by Alejandro Pérez, an enterprising Nou Barris estate agent, encountered on this walk: I imagine the Bayeux Tapestry was planned in similar fashion.
Kalebeul wouldn’t watch a hagiography of a faghating totalitarian fuckwit like St Paul, so it sees no reason this weekend to take cinema seats away from Barcelona’s chiliastic masses in their nostalgic lust for Hispanic dictators and good-looking saints. Paul Berman’s piece from 2004 applies. Even the regime sociologists seem to have noticed that Cataloonia…
Graffiti of Camarón de la Isla and guitarist, somewhere in Barcelona, I think in Carmelo, so overlooking the place where he died: More here. Kabe-Otoko/Wall Man, neither human nor demon, observes the world from within walls:
The “Tengo 4 ijos” is faux Andalusian, the calligraphic differential is impressive, and it’s a shame some of the Arabic got marginalised. (On c/ Hospital, Barcelona)
Bar Los Baskos on Ramelleres, Barcelona: The interior is a curious clash of old CNT/anarchist graphics with neo-fascist skinhead children. I’m not particularly fond of the one or the other, but I quite like the bar. I suppose, not being Spanish, that I could buy it and turn it into a Hayek shrine. Not sure…
So interested was one in the almonds: … that one failed to see perceive twixt the branches: … the incipient eclipse: Most of the almonds could have done with another week or two, but if we hadn’t got there first, hordes of bloody Manchego pensioners would have shaken and whacked down every last one. The…
A double reflection makes up the man who was born on the thirteenth day of the moon, lost his throne on the thirteenth day of the moon, and fought the battle of Waterloo on the thirteenth day of the moon: I wonder if Josephine’s astrological babblings didn’t cause Napoleon’s natural military interest in the moon…
With the vaguest of references to i-shepan-im here’s Kirby’s wonderful and scientific museum in 1820: The fecundity of the rabbit is truly astonishing ; it breeds seven times in the year, and generally produces eight young at a time ; from which it is calculated, that one pair may increase in the course of four…
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