El Partit Humanista de Catalunya: “Si et sents humanista, vota Partit Humanista.” El Gran Diccionari: “humanisme. 3 FILOS Corrent de pensament que col·loca l’home com a centre del seu interès.” És a dir, arribar a conclusions en base de fets, no emoció. Si només et sents humanista, per definició no ho ets. (I la pròxima…
Today’s photoboot stars a small green grasshopper which was having its insides sucked out by a spiky black Bosch-beast when we walked past. If only, for the sake of camouflage, it had been able to change places with Ivor Cutler‘s: A great grey grasshopper jumped on my knee, dusty with age. I was wearing my…
There’s probably an applicable (quasi-)Biblical reference of which I am unaware, but this stomped-on, clickable Jesus in a rural Maresme cemetery, rose petals lodged in his broken heart, reminded me of Barbry Allen: Sweet William died on a Saturday night And Barbara died on Sunday Her mother died for the love of both And was…
Yesterday on this walk we met five very healthy-looking wild cats near a hidden spring on a hill just outside Barcelona, feasting on lamb offal. Do not fear, though: it turns out the local butcher climbs the hill most lunchtimes to feed them.
Elections are still taken too seriously in Spain and Spain is still too monocultural for there to have arisen a tradition of mock-millenialist non-conformist participants such as Holland’s Rapaille Partij and Britain’s Monster Raving Loonies. And this probably isn’t going to change anytime soon: judging by its mistakes, this Sant Cugat election poster (click it!)…