Wurst is German for sausage

Wrust is a Spanish speciality and a Botswanan all-black metal band: Did they intend to call themselves sausage? How strong is the residual regional influence of German South-West Africa, not to mention boerewors camp? More namby-pamby posturing from Gaborone: A very shy black friend once became the lead singer of a moderately good all-white Leeds…

Pinterest and the Five Stages of Beef

Because there is a limit to the Catalan sausage with Jews one can consume, here’s the estimable Miguel Llorens on how US Facebook-bubble wannabes Pinterest have been trying, and failing, to get translation for free. On his blog, watch Sarah Tavel raft the five rivers of Hades, aka the dotbomb marketeer’s Five Stages of Beef™:…

Sepia to the iron with ali smelt

Via Carlos Ferrero Martín and @ucedaman, another great menu, featuring ears to the iron, sepia to the iron with ali smelt, almejas to the sailor, tape of lomo… “Ali smelt” is original and perhaps a calculated insult to one or all Shias, but “a la” as “to the” has tested the imagination, though not always…

The japanish writer Haruki Murakami awarded with the 23th Premi Internacional Catalunya

We’re talking the front page of the website of a Catalan government whose words consist of endless recycling of the cliché about taking its rightful place among the family of nations (its deeds are something different), which spends millions employing friends and relatives in “embassies” around the world, and which has just given a celebrated…

Catalan sausage with Jews

In a comment on the sausage with Jews post, translation pro Mike Devlin links to photographic evidence of anti-Semitic cannibalism in a Barcelona restaurant, which also serves “squid to the iron” and other Spanish delicacies.