James Last, a bicycle trailer, and a pianola

From a tip by the Nun, the story that Hans’ dad, Louis, used to drive to gigs with a bicycle trailer containing bandoneon and drums, working entire evenings for four marks – this presumably before hyper-inflation. And at home there was an old (?!) electric piano with a remote music roll mechanism on which he…

Video of functional organ-MIDI set-up

Featuring a passing neighbour of the maker, Diabolus.org: I’m awaiting somewhat trepidly surgery which I hope will clean up what little is left of my left inner and middle ear and put in some kind of replacement (posts here and here; latest addition to the lexicon, cholesteatoma, incipient; the Messiah), but between various other recent…

Long time no see, but…

Organ‘s almost there: And one’s mind is furtively wandering again through the world of cargo cycles. Recent sightings include a very impressive 4-wheeler from FietsXpress.nl in Den Haag: Apparently it’s Berlin-built, but by whom? Vrachtfiets.nl, a spin-off from the excellent technical university in Delft (I used to cycle there from Rijswijk every lunchtime for fried…