May 2020 tweets

Second month in Bethnal Green, the old East End and the City.


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Fri May 01 07:21 Freedom (Press) is still at the end of the alley next to KFC on the Whitechapel Road. Today, Workers Day, there is qualified support from the Green Anticapitalist Front For Ever (GAFFE) for the regime's position

  • Fri May 01 07:29 #DoggerelOfTheDay
  • Fri May 01 08:34 Official: marmots don't use each other as wheelbarrows
  • Fri May 01 13:49 Comment: The two coppers at the Bank were quite unconcerned about revolutionary socialism, but anarchists had struck at Barclays on Fenchurch Street: "Closed for good. We can bail out destructive big business begging for billions OR We can invest in people & a sustainable future."
  • Fri May 01 13:57 Someone has removed all the Tower Hamlets council red tape from the play/gym equipment, sorry, benches on Weavers Field & questions whether taping benches is essential work

  • Fri May 01 13:59 Comment: Londonist noticed the CCTV on the sculpture
  • Fri May 01 19:50 Another May Day-ism, under the Cheesegrater: a tiny echo of the huge medieval maypole erected annually at Leadenhall St/Lime St/St Mary Axe, overshadowing St Andrew Undershaft, until decommissioned after xenophobic riots in 1517 & then burnt by Puritan lunatics in 1549
  • Fri May 01 19:53 Comment: This +- from Stowe's Survey of London (1893), which also gives some pseudo-Chaucer #DoggerelOfTheDay about "the great shaft of Cornhill"
  • Fri May 01 19:55 Comment: Skeat's Chaucer Canon says it may be Lydgate, and corrects the text
  • Fri May 01 19:57 Comment: The statue of Navigation in the photo is from the old P&O offices, & the two have been plonked together against a wall as a sop to enemies of Richard Rogers & a reminder of how much more pleasant phallic symbols used to be
  • Fri May 01 20:40 Pimpompet, f. an antick dance of three kicking each others bum. Englished as bumdockdousse.
  • Fri May 01 22:39 Historia de Barcelona, 2/5: * 1348: Manifestación contra la peste negra (53) * 1874: Noticia del levantamiento del cerco carlista de Bilbao; empiezan las obras del nuevo mercado del Borne, inaugurado octubre de 1875 (416+39/i) * 1891: Ataque anarquista…
  • Sat May 02 18:57 A Stepney Green doormat says "Welcome" when you step into the world, not your home. I suppose you could have the message on both sides, Janus-like, but I would probably get trapped in between.
  • Sat May 02 19:00 Genesis Cinema on Whitechapel Rd has moved on from the Monty Python Black Knight quote to "Dear virus, you will NOT kill cinemas," which seems a tad optimistic given Zoom drinking/commenting sessions for groupwatch
  • Sat May 02 19:02 Comment: I don't see any way back for pubs (even gastropubs) if Zoom can start adding random strangers to the mix, & enabling dimming yourself out of the group: completes the circle to how pubs used to be, but without the chance of physical sex or a fight
  • Sat May 02 19:04 Tower Hamlets Youth Services' youth drugs & alcohol service says "Yes you can," perhaps as part of HMG's Prevent deradicalisation programme, but afaik there are no freebies
  • Sat May 02 19:07 The Radical Figures exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery seems to promote random snogging & has been closed as a threat to the state
  • Sat May 02 19:10 Just because you sleep behind an ad hoarding doesn't mean that guests shouldn't leave their shoes at the door
  • Sat May 02 22:41 Historia de Barcelona, 3/5: * 1632: Entran el rey y sus hermanos, dando lugar a dos semanas de fiestas (3082) * 1860: Elogio a los voluntarios catalanes en la Guerra de África leído debajo de un arco de triunfo en calle Carmen (367+225/i) * 1937:…
  • Sun May 03 06:23 First convincing imitation of my piano-vocals act: babe thumps table +-in time and yells AAAAAAAAAHHHHH. She also really enjoyed the acoustic of a car-free Lombard Street yesterday.
  • Sun May 03 06:56 Maybe those who airily dismissed last year's plan to get a piglet and some sharp knives will now say sorry
  • Sun May 03 07:27 Comment: A nice example from the supermarket of Saving Jobs vs Frustrating Darwin: are you prepared to pay a lot more for your fresh Indian Ocean tuna steaks so that air freight can be dedicated to Chinese masks?
  • Sun May 03 11:24 Blog: April 2020 tweets in one place, inc the Glyn Road, Clapton gnomes waiting for us to die, so they can move in
  • Sun May 03 17:17 Gladstone at Bow Church. 2 statues near us to William Booth, 2 to Edward VII etc, but one missing is Mrs Catherine Gladstone: worked at (Royal) London Hospital in 1866 cholera epidemic, set up convalescent home at Woodford, Essex & orphanage at Clapton. Eg

  • Sun May 03 17:21 Comment: More
  • Sun May 03 21:06 Inigo Jones thought the Romans built Stonehenge, while Walter Charleton proved it was the Danes
  • Sun May 03 22:44 Historia de Barcelona, 4/5: * 1529: Carlos I abre cortes (6) * 1638: Incendio y saqueo popular del hospital de la Santa Cruz (308) * 1770: Fundación del antecesor de la Real Academia de Medicina de Cataluña (7) * 1836: Se suprime una insurrección…
  • Mon May 04 05:56 What a tremendous noise Firebird (still) is, with the Berlin Phil bones razzing away on whatever instruments they were playing in the mid 50s I must have absorbed some of the Stokowski schtick, cos didn't know he was born in Marylebone
  • Mon May 04 06:51 This isn't a sulky and I'd say it's a gig, but your man was on pressing business
  • Mon May 04 06:53 "Last restaurant unit available" would be a great name for a high-street chain post-covid
  • Mon May 04 06:58 One thing missing from this apocalypse is rats, because the myriad rodent traps are still being maintained, so be grateful for this. I'm guessing a Bangladeshi stallholder did it, but the mechanics puzzle me
  • Mon May 04 07:07 Rubicon < rubico < rubeus = red. I recommend crossing your Rubicon with vodka.
  • Mon May 04 07:39 London must burn
  • Mon May 04 19:48 Comment: @Transblawg I used to know someone who was a chorister at Salisbury (pretty sure not Winchester) Cathedral in the 1970s & used to look out & see Stokowski listening at the back & just couldn't work out how such a distinguished foreigner had ended up there
  • Mon May 04 20:20 Excellent initiative from @TowerHamletsNow, which should be made permanent - Skew Bridge is normally unsafe for pedestrians
  • Mon May 04 20:38 The crowds of people taking photos of crowds are now bigger than the crowds themselves
  • Mon May 04 21:21 #DoggerelOfTheDay 1616 Christ's bloody sweat was that distilling river, The comfortable Jordan, whose fair streams Did cleanse the Syrian Naaman & deliver His body from the leprosy's extremes: We all are Naamans, leprous, but more foul, Till in his bloody sweat he purge our soul.
  • Mon May 04 21:33 Perhaps the architect responsible for 1 Poultry (btw the clock is wrong) threw in the monstrosity on top of the western entrance to the Limehouse Link Tunnel for free

  • Mon May 04 21:38 Comment: Getting drunk upstairs is OK, though, as long as the customer is paying

  • Mon May 04 21:40 Comment: Not necessarily worse than what went before, though. I've forgotten what the building on the corner of Princes & Poultry is
  • Mon May 04 21:44 Comment: From Cornhill with the Exchange to the right
  • Mon May 04 22:12 Proverb of the day is from James Howell's Lexicon Tetraglotton (1660): "Of all the fishes in the sea, give me a naked woman."
  • Mon May 04 22:44 Historia de Barcelona, 5/5: * 1918: Pla: Una de les tavernes de més còmoda freqüentació de la vila és la que té Gervasi a la Plaça Nova * 1937: Asesinado el secretario general de UGT y consejero de la Generalidad, el sindicalista estalinista Antonio Sesé…
  • Tue May 05 19:11 RT @anotherJon: If the 'Play Street' sign caught your eye you may be interested to learn that Salford designated the UK's first one in 1929…
  • Tue May 05 20:10 The Carillon by Ida Gerhardt - a fine war poem from 1941 by a remarkable person The C17th Valerius song played by the (Utrecht?) carilloner refers to the military help sent by Elizabeth I to the United Provinces in 1585
  • Tue May 05 22:46 Historia de Barcelona, 6/5: * 1836: Instálase la primera sociedad de seguros mutuos contra incendios en Barcelona (0+436) * 1848: San Juan de la Puerta Latina y los impresores (279) * 1918: Pla: «La Revista» de López-Picó publica un llarg assaig de Joan…
  • Wed May 06 07:09 Pundemic
  • Wed May 06 07:42 RT @thhamilton: Can’t believe they went with this when they could have had JOCK DOC MOCKED COCK-BLOCK LOCK; CLOCKED; STOCK ROCKED.
  • Wed May 06 07:43 Someone is learning to draw (babies)
  • Wed May 06 07:55 William Ellis (d. 1758), The New Art of Brewing re water temperature for malt: Set your water to cool till it is of a right heat; which, to be exactly informed of, it is when the steam or reek has left the hot water, and you can easily see your face in it.
  • Wed May 06 08:08 Can't really blame people who thought Honington Camp was Roman
  • Wed May 06 12:47 Comment: @lordbonkers What's the point of corona if the herring & the mackerel are still with us?
  • Wed May 06 13:59
  • Wed May 06 19:22 Comment: @Transblawg Not that I've noticed
  • Wed May 06 22:49 Historia de Barcelona, 7/5: * 1824: Mandan a los constructores dirigir la lluvia por el interior de los edificios (26+54) * 1859: Real orden autorizando el (privado) Manicomio Nueva-Belén de Gracia, donde está prohibido pegar a los inquilinos (249+28/i)…
  • Thu May 07 06:35 Perception that it's a good time to own a car in London (no congestion charge, quiet roads in the mornings, cheap fuel) & a bad time to use public transport (poor service & you'll get hassled or sick).
  • Thu May 07 07:29 Comment: @DrFrancisYoung Eh? See Nancy Kollmann Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia
  • Thu May 07 18:18 I'm pretty relaxed grammatically, but this is twattery: "Find out how Imperial War Museums is commemorating 75 years since the end of the Second World War" / "IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUMS EXPLORES CONFLICT AND ITS IMPACT ON PEOPLE’S LIVES" / dadada
  • Thu May 07 18:26 Can't beat a plasticised sticker
  • Thu May 07 18:44 Dives' development & the Lazarus building, Shoreditch High Street / Holywell Lane: not Lazarus, borne to Abraham's side on death, but Abraham Lazarus, posh tailor, who moved in in 1889. Haven't been inside, but the restoration by Guild AR looks gorgeous
  • Thu May 07 18:49 A mock Delftware tile by the potter Simon Pettet (1965-93) on a hoarding on Folgate Street: "Morgen is een andre dag" - "Tomorrow is another day"
  • Thu May 07 20:18 There's a frustrating lack of symbiosis between those with log burners & those with wooden cladding, who I thought would be seeking any means to get rid of it
  • Thu May 07 20:21 The British-Italian Sweet Shop appears to be run by Sylhetis, but it does sell some sweets. Reminiscent of the old joke about Indian restaurants in the UK serving Pakistani dishes prepared by Bangladeshis
  • Thu May 07 20:25 I guess you won't need CCTV to catch the anarchist graffitista on Cannon Street Road (sic)
  • Thu May 07 22:46 Historia de Barcelona, 8/5: * 1836: Llegan los coches fúnebres (13) * 1853: Inauguración de los jardines del placer "los Campos Elíseos" entre las murallas y Gracia (257+25) * 1975: El embajador de Jordi Pujol a las naciones platillovolantes no quiere…
  • Fri May 08 06:30 Being an opera singer and kick boxer no longer pays, so yesterday babe interviewed to be a helicopter pilot with Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, on Weavers Fields to pick up personnel from the Royal London
  • Fri May 08 06:32 She thinks the shutters mean that the neighbours have simply gone on holiday, but I noticed that the dog barked weakly for a while after they stopped making noise, & fear a dreadful scene will meet my eyes when I break in to search for fennel tea
  • Fri May 08 18:32 The trail of the state-funded Red Arrows fading above the council-funded 90-foot minaret at the Brick Lane Mosque
  • Fri May 08 19:10 The cakes in the Leon on Cheapside are a bit old, but they've converted into a general store, selling off their eggs, butter, rice, oats, lemons, avocado, ginger & mint (?), mushrooms, apples, bread, croissants, toilet paper and kitchen roll at reasonable prices
  • Fri May 08 22:43 Historia de Barcelona, 9/5: * 1563: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1950: Fundación de la SEAT (395) * ☼ 05:36-19:58, 14:22 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Geroncio de Cervia, Gregorio Ostiense, Hermas, Isaías, Pacomio *…
  • Sat May 09 06:19 Unorthodox S01E01 impressions: Yiddish seems more German & thus easier than what I hear pram pushing on Stamford Hill, accents different, decors more trad, Esty's walk & Moishe & rabbi excellent, story full of clichés but who's going to watch I Tonya?
  • Sat May 09 20:41 RT @mragilligan: Here is the new national statutory guidance on reallocating roadspace, in effect from today.
  • Sat May 09 23:17 Historia de Barcelona, 10/5: * 1562: Motín y fuga de la cárcel (22) * 1601: Llega noticia de la canonización de Raimundo de Peñafort, el santo superyate (285+584) * 1840: Nace el primer sindicato en España, la Sociedad de Tejedores, con una canción…
  • Sun May 10 06:04 Why try to cut babe's nails when she's happy filing them on slate?
  • Sun May 10 10:55 Boerenkiel in feestuitvoering
  • Sun May 10 10:56 Comment: Also: why buy teething toys when chewing banana skin is preferred to eating the contents?
  • Sun May 10 19:19 One person began listening to the PM seriously & then went red and began shouting, because that's how she does a poo
  • Sun May 10 19:25 Memorial on Aston Street, Limehouse to Pvt Thomas Joseph Green, 5th Btn The Dorsets, who died July 4th 1944 & is buried at Saint-Manvieu, west of Caen.
  • Sun May 10 19:28 Comment: @mragilligan We were conned: that was a decoy to distract attention from the PM wants most people to swap from public transport to cars
  • Sun May 10 19:28 RT @BryceElder:
  • Sun May 10 23:19 Historia de Barcelona, 11/5: * 1565: En la playa, la Vera Cruz lucha contra la sequía (16) * 1706: El ejército del Rey Sol huye de Barcelona bajo un eclipse solar tremendo, pactando con los migueletes en el camino (733+428/i) * 1848: Fiesta de San…
  • Mon May 11 08:48 Out-of-tune barrel-organ effect in Schumann, Papillons 11, about 19:00 in this Lívia Rév recording
  • Mon May 11 08:51 Compare with ca 2:20 in Katyna Ranieri La pianola stonata
  • Mon May 11 08:58 Comment: Another out of tune pianola (tho the lyrics mention a violin & accordion) in Canzone da due soldi by Katyna Ranieri Other versions seem to run with the pianola effect, see e.g. Nilla Pizzi, but Jula de Palma is more complicated
  • Mon May 11 16:34 Comment: @petersymon We'd come and visit but apparently we'll be arrested at Berwick
  • Mon May 11 18:28 Comment: @petersymon Do you mean Greta green?
  • Mon May 11 18:49 Comment: @petersymon Is that how you talk to her now she can't fly?
  • Mon May 11 18:59 Comment: @petersymon My virtual background is Barcelona
  • Mon May 11 19:07 Shitting dogs: Georg Hermann, after Paul Flindt (de Jonge), 1595 ( & Tower Hamlets Borough Council, 2020

  • Mon May 11 23:17 Historia de Barcelona, 12/5: * 1545: Obras en el palacio real para crear espacio para la Audiencia (23) * 1848: Fiesta de San Pancracio; la pereza de los catalanes (221) * 1913: Muere encarcelada Enriqueta Martí, supuesta vampira de la calle de Poniente,…
  • Mon May 11 23:38 "No back to normal," says Gaf
  • Tue May 12 07:15 These medieval weapons are called impellers
  • Tue May 12 07:44 Comment: Not repellers or impalers. Very puzzling.
  • Tue May 12 11:23 Should "1 Poultry" be "1 Pullet" or should "2 Poultry" be "2 Poultries"?
  • Tue May 12 12:59 RT @GermanAtPompey: More UK editions of German classics (for @rider_jon)

  • Tue May 12 13:05 Comment: @Transblawg My natural vertigo was always a risk during business lunches up at Coq d'Argent
  • Tue May 12 13:06 Comment: Sorry Gaf, there are quotes: it's "No 'back to normal'"
  • Tue May 12 13:38 Ahhhhh
  • Tue May 12 16:20 Comment: @Transblawg That's a very pretty picture of a good view. I wonder if anyone's ever managed to take a good land-based pic of the BofE round to the left.
  • Tue May 12 16:35 Battle of the education providers: (1) Swanlea School, Ofsted outstanding but doesn't care that it can't handle basic typography, vs. (2) ProdiTeach, spaces its vertical strokes consistently and has just (allegedly) cut prices from £25 to 15/hour

  • Tue May 12 18:07 Comment: @Transblawg I feel you'd need to tunnel into it or something
  • Tue May 12 23:22 Historia de Barcelona, 13/5: * 1509: Empiezan las obras de la fuente del Hospital de la Santa Cruz (79/i) * 1539: Llega noticia de la muerte de Isabel de Portugal, esposa de Carlos I (20) * 1818: Socios de la Real Academia de las Buenas Letras explican…
  • Wed May 13 09:13 Off out to find the child psychologist who says you should put them down when they're drowsy in order to punch him/her in the face
  • Wed May 13 10:32 I adore the lack of discretion. Guys seem to be praying in sizeable groups in the carpark under the mosque here, but they're not filming each other or wearing gorilla masks.
  • Wed May 13 11:19 Comment: @jmguardia @abc_conocer Por qué comprando cervezas estás ayudando a otros a mantenerse.
  • Wed May 13 20:37 All-time popularity of writers in the UK: Dahl, Dickens, B Potter, Rowling, Blyton, Shakespeare, Christie, King, Tolkien, Austen... But Stan Lee of Marvel Comics is way down at 29 - very unfair
  • Wed May 13 23:02 #DoggerelOfTheDay by Thomas Flatman (1637-88): Westphalia Ham, and the Bolognia Sawsage; For second or third course will clear a passage, But Lettuce after meales! fie on't, the Glutton Had better feed upon Ram-ally-Mutton. Fetter Lane broth was good.
  • Wed May 13 23:04 Comment: @Transblawg Lives in Hackney, two more cards received. I'd never heard of him, & I can't imagine anyone else has, but he invented everything for Marvel Comics. Unbelievable.
  • Wed May 13 23:18 Historia de Barcelona, 14/5: * 1569: Veinte galeras salen para la Guerra de Granada (20) * 1641: Incremento en consejeros de cinco a seis (13) * 1854: Aliviado un domingo aburrido por una éxitosa manifestación a favor de la lluvia (126) * 1923: Empieza…
  • Thu May 14 08:14 Louis Jordan's "Open the Door, Richard" is the model as the monster learns to bang the table in time
  • Thu May 14 08:20 Comment: None of Darius Dhlomo's Louis Jordan covers online (I think he's often the better singer) but here's the man in a German carpark with a middling Dutch band & an old-time standard
  • Thu May 14 08:21 Comment: @ibexsalad Louis Jordan & Louis Prima in the mornings. The neighbours have gone a bit icy
  • Thu May 14 18:10 Comment: @Hackneycyclist @hazzer2001 One in particular recalls a certain Australian prison soap, and has acquired a fan club.
  • Thu May 14 18:43 RT @path_dependent: Have to reshare this from today - my best ever twitter interaction and I can't imagine anything surpassing it.
  • Thu May 14 22:06 Building work is drawing to a close on Mr Larry Lockdown's new diner on Whitechapel Road, just in time for him to open on May 19th (2020). Menu: beans on toast, bubble & squeak, double bubble. Staff wanted, apply within.

  • Thu May 14 23:19 Historia de Barcelona, 15/5: * 1387: Carta de Juan I a un matador aragonés pidiendo toros y matatoros para una corrida en Barcelona (74) * 1457: Peste (24) * 1460: Fiestas para celebrar la paz entre Carlos de Viana y Juan II (67) * 1569: Auto de fe en el…
  • Fri May 15 07:11 Less clapping last night, but no booing yet
  • Fri May 15 14:04 Comment: @petersymon Not the kind of thing Scottish witches rustle up?
  • Fri May 15 14:12 I guess it's sad that the sectors the govt least wants to open are those most prepared to take a chance - the cluster of Islamic clothing stores behind the mosque, a neighbourhood café, a pub ("Come & sit down round the side darling")... Perhaps schools could be opened in them
  • Fri May 15 18:43 The Virus Song: The Singing Organ-Grinder, ex Willem Wilmink & Harry Bannink When uncle Tom had had a poo He scraped by hand each glob of goo From his scrawny bum, And scrupulously wiped his mitt On towels he also used for spit And coughed-up scum. Etc.
  • Fri May 15 23:23 Historia de Barcelona, 16/5: * 1901: Bendición del edificio del hospital de ciegos viejos, Amparo de Santa Lucía (113+41) * 1919: Pla: Aquests últims dies he dormit molt malament * ☼ 05:29-20:05, 14:36 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%,…
  • Sat May 16 12:25 Yvonne: "So I said to the cabbie, Tollet Road, and he said, you mean Toilet Road, and I said Tollet Road, and he said, OK Mrs Bouquet."
  • Sat May 16 12:31 Comment: Later, three women agree: "Why should we send our children back to school when MPs are too frightened?"
  • Sat May 16 13:10 To the guy on the gocart with a wandering Westie, on the basis of information received from a lady on Stepney Green: - How's Elvis? With a smile: - That's Spot. Elvis is dead. I still don't know what he meant.
  • Sat May 16 13:23 Talking to a nice bloke about the Jewish cemetery on the other side of the wall & about London house price inflation. 25 years:
  • Sat May 16 13:31 The ants who drag away & devour the last Buendía, a baby with pig's tail, at the end of 100 Years of Solitude
  • Sat May 16 15:16 Afflicted by a terrible & unrealizable urge to drink lots of cider from Indicknowle Farm
  • Sat May 16 18:25 PartyNeedsCake
  • Sat May 16 19:23 Thread: Spanish high-speed rail & how politicians in a hurry saddled the network with two gauges. Despeñaperros Pass (often & probably incorrectly etymologised as ~"dog-hurler") is tremendous by train, or on foot (as the French army discovered)
  • Sat May 16 23:25 Historia de Barcelona, 17/5: * 1882: Chistes sobre Lohengrin, la primera ópera de Wagner que se representa en Barcelona; comentarios de Josep Pla sobre el wagnerianismo (533+803) * 1918: Pla: El vent ha assecat el país * 1944: Intercambio de prisioneros…
  • Sun May 17 06:54 Only 0.99 at the takeaway, so this Chinese shop on the main road further east may be making hay, but then my chicken one cost a tenner. Several men cleaning their cars are seriously convinced that the Chinese infected us in order to sell us the cure, & that Wuhan was a trial run.
  • Sun May 17 07:09 .@LordAshcroft will be chuffed that a window shelf of reading for the children at Mazahirul Uloom, a failing Islamic secondary school on Mile End Road, contains, as well as the Koran & tracts, some prayer beads & a rug, his Special Ops Heroes

  • Sun May 17 07:18 Freight transport within London has been moving to the Thames for years to beat congestion. This ex Tower Bridge, HMS Belfast upstream. But babe no longer sleeps in the pram, so focus now on (outfacing) social interactions (doggies, cats, grannies...) rather than distance...
  • Sun May 17 07:21 Comment: E.g. the lovely lady with a doggie I couldn't identify who through the railings deposited a daisy on the pram in exchange for a smile & some mumping
  • Sun May 17 07:22 Comment: At Carlton Square. Doggie called Tilly. Here's a less happy Tilly story:
  • Sun May 17 12:20 Scottish autodidact artist-philosopher, photographing Tower Hamlets' bizarre orange-netted playground installations in Meath Gardens, explains Covid as Bernays + Baudrillard, implemented by the Bullingdon Club & the Soviet Union. What's his name? Won't tell.
  • Sun May 17 18:00 The Pet Shop Boys retire from music to focus on the pet shop, which makes more
  • Sun May 17 18:04 Some homes have become veritable NHS shrines
  • Sun May 17 18:15 THEY. First interesting piece of graffiti I've seen for years - the Scot this morning was right about that
  • Sun May 17 18:17 Social distancing in a lift at Canary Wharf. This counts as 1.83 metres (= 6 foot) because the virus can't attack diagonally.
  • Sun May 17 18:21 Senrab Street is exactly the same as nearby Barnes Street except you have to walk down it backwards

  • Sun May 17 20:16 Comment: @DanielWunsch Uf, machst du das? How's kluger Daniel aus Katalonien?
  • Sun May 17 23:25 Historia de Barcelona, 18/5: * 1343: Pedro del Punyalet sale para tomar Mallorca (19) * 1510: Relajación de las ordenanzas del gremio de los maestros de esgrima (159) * ☼ 05:27-20:07, 14:40 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22…
  • Mon May 18 06:40 .@ClaptonCFC
  • Mon May 18 18:09 Excellent news
  • Mon May 18 19:01 To an amiable-looking Bangladeshi man sitting on Edward VII's plinth at the crossing by the Whitechapel Mission. - You know you look very like Edward VII? - That's what I think too, but you're the first person to notice!
  • Mon May 18 20:04 Comment: @_Juarma_ @anagorria La novela de Bulgákov es buenísima. Es un escritor fabulosamente creativo y cínico.
  • Mon May 18 20:25 Marvellous thread (albeit totally unwieldy on Twitter) & look at those sci-fi arches!
  • Mon May 18 20:29 Comment: I don't know what that device is called, but fine tuning the forces must have been interesting. Neither do I know what the following common effect is called, where the top of the door reflects the arch - here at Sir John Cass Primary School at Aldgate:
  • Mon May 18 20:40 At 39 Lombard Street the CCTV cable has been pushed thru the hole originally made for the fire alarm cable - the camera doesn't trigger the fire alarm when you molest the eagle. Chris Partridge has nice pics of these 1860s Italianate build-to-let offices
  • Mon May 18 20:50 Deconstructed stalls awaiting full resumption of Whitechapel Road commerce from the other side of the District Line. Took me a while to realise that Edward Passage Rd was the cut & cover route for the Metropolitan/District extension thru to Whitechapel -> rattling in quiet hours
  • Tue May 19 00:02 Historia de Barcelona, 19/5: * 1792: Acabado el edificio de la Aduana (26+13) * 1848: Fiesta de San Ivo, elogio de la abogacía (591) * ~1893: Joan Maragall sobre el nacimiento de su hija, Helena (224+110) * 1901: El éxito de la Lliga Regionalista en las…
  • Tue May 19 06:50 Bath as one had only half-imagined it
  • Tue May 19 10:54 Traffic noise pollution is back, but babe is still managing to communicate over it with passers-by. A white lady this morning said, "What a wonderful song that is!" and tripped over the kerb, while a Windian gardener speculated that we might both be of extra-terrestrial origin
  • Tue May 19 12:22 Comment: @edwest Yeah, but then you need to police specifications or provide them to everybody. My latex chicken mask is probably more effective than a lot of the stuff people are wearing.
  • Tue May 19 14:08 Some confirmed early superspreader events were choirs. A lot of others were churches, where everyone gets together and sings hymns full-blast.
  • Tue May 19 19:32 #DoggerelOfTheDay is on an interfaith epitaph found on the tomb of the lawyer Alfred Alexander Jones (1826-1856) in Lauriston Road Jewish cemetery & previously on that of Sarah Wrightson (1747/1748-1803) somewhere else in Hackney (Orchard's Epitaphs, 1827

  • Tue May 19 19:33 Comment: See a previous post on a Catholic epitaph from St Patricks Cemetery in Leytonstone repeated in Waltham Forest Muslim cemetery
  • Tue May 19 19:40 Comment: Mr Jones had offices at Quality Court (also home to the Lunatic Office) on Chancery Lane & lived at The Paragon on the New Kent Road
  • Tue May 19 19:40 Comment: More on his grave & family here
  • Tue May 19 19:44 Comment: Orchard has several other Hackney epitaphs, including one to Elizabeth Holmes (1803-8). I can't remember which sociologist said that our ancestors weren't that bothered about children dying because they had so many, but he/she clearly didn't frequent graveyards
  • Tue May 19 19:50 Comment: A general view of the Lauriston Road United Synagogue cemetery looking WSW. I think that if you went in there with a terrier you would find that some of the pits are being squatted by Renard or Robin Run-a-hole
  • Wed May 20 00:02 Historia de Barcelona, 20/5: * 1562: Noticia de Felipe II de que el príncipe Carlos ya se encuentra mejor (21) * 1911: Distanciándose de la ciudad progresista de Cerdá, la revista "Cataluña" propone la creación de un Barrio Gótico como modificación de la…
  • Wed May 20 04:35 I thought that the plague might be divine retribution for the linguistic sin that is "pre-booking", but someone yesterday used "underlying" to mean "chronic" so forget that.
  • Wed May 20 04:46 Comment: @charlottelevene They should send everyone a free packet to apologise for making us fat & thus susceptible to the plague.
  • Wed May 20 05:06 No money in theatres, so this is the new script
  • Thu May 21 00:04 Historia de Barcelona, 21/5: * El Día de la Ascensión es el 21 de mayo este año; en 1848 fue el 1 de junio * 1348: Sus vecinos matan a 20 judíos por la Peste Negra sin intervención de las autoridades y con una respuesta bastante tardía por parte de Dios…
  • Thu May 21 05:55 Cornerstone (the mobile infrastructure company, not the restaurant) suggest that it was impossible to call friends, family and the emergency services before #5G. No idea what these cabinets on Globe Road are for, but help warm up the streets on these cold spring days we're having

  • Thu May 21 06:12 Bended Bus by Jawad of Globe Primary School on a "make folks feel good about this development" hoarding on Approach Road. The vehicle is a mutation of the New Routemaster and goes to Circers Oxford, something the real no. 8 hasn't done for perhaps 7-8 years: remember Crossrail?
  • Thu May 21 06:17 Tiktok door-knocker bird, perhaps on Globe Road north. Bill & neck are wrong for a woodpecker. I'm stumped.
  • Thu May 21 12:33 Comment: @crowder @creakingplanks @KathrynTewson The credit at the bottom has been made almost indecipherable, but says Abi M Salami
  • Thu May 21 13:42 has been guided more by trombonists than by the science on this one
  • Thu May 21 17:12 I think the Dubliners used to do this - hurts my brain. We used to do it with trumpet & trombone, which is easier, and with two trombonists lying down head to toe & holding each other's slide with their toes, which is hard when you are drunk
  • Thu May 21 17:14 Mitch, the elderly cabbie round the corner, adores babe: They're wonderful, aren't they, but then they grow up and break your heart.
  • Thu May 21 20:18 Lovely phrase from Shakespeare, Henry VIII: "Little wanton boys that swim on bladders." I suppose that almost makes them bagamuffins.
  • Thu May 21 21:50 From an ode to Milton by AAL from Tuskegee, Alabama: We are thy debtors for the vail upraised, For vistas reaching far, for lofty heights, Outposts of thought, whene'er our souls aspire To grasp the wonders of the Infinite. #DoggerelOfTheDay
  • Fri May 22 00:05 Historia de Barcelona, 22/5: * 1640: Matanza de soldados fuera de la muralla por los somatenes; con gritos religiosos, sacan al diputado militar y dos consejeros de la cárcel, y queman casas; intento de fuga del Virrey; huye el ejército a Rosellón…
  • Fri May 22 20:43 I always find it comforting when motivational quotes are misspelled
  • Fri May 22 20:47 How to make Tower Bridge look crap
  • Fri May 22 20:51 The marvellous relative in times long past who wrote to the bank manager asking for a new cheque book, the old one and her false teeth having been stolen by a ghost
  • Sat May 23 00:05 Historia de Barcelona, 23/5: * 1337: Privilegios para los proveedores de bienes básicos que no sean italianos (64) * 1488: Quemadas 3 personas y 20 estatuas en un auto de fe (15) * 1803: Vista de la ciudad, los encantos de la catedral, italianos en el…
  • Sat May 23 06:20 Peter Grimes, biker. But since when have (well-)used motorbikes been raffled?
  • Sat May 23 19:04 Shrine off Lauriston Road, Hackney. I'm waiting for a @yougov poll to correlate attitudes to quarantine not only with those re Brexit but also with the side taken in the English Civil War
  • Sun May 24 00:03 Historia de Barcelona, 24/5: * 1562: Celebración oficial de la convalecencia del príncipe Carlos (17) * 1918: Pla: Records de família * 1919: Pla: Dissabte * 1937: Largo Caballero y Companys, decididos a derrotar a los anarquistas (81) * ☼ 05:22-20:13,…
  • Sun May 24 09:08 Comment: @CecilyLeSage Well, that's sorted for a while
  • Sun May 24 09:29 Frome in its current pronunciation used to rhyme with home in some dialects. I also have this pretend theory that Frome used to be pronounced like home is now, and that it is related to the Dutch vroom, godly.
  • Mon May 25 00:03 Historia de Barcelona, 25/5: * 1448: Un terremoto daña el castillo nuevo y la luna muestra rayos de color de sangre (163) * 1533: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1803: Un pueblo religioso, el espantoso palacio de la Virreina, la Escuela Llotja (501/i) * 1814:…
  • Mon May 25 05:59 What better way to take one's mind off Cummings, Kinnock & all the other hardened Cs than Alice & her Queen of Hearts?
  • Mon May 25 06:16 The front door of the best teahouse in the Mabley Green area has stayed heroically open to serve tea 24*7 during the plebes' national emergency - apart from brief interludes, when tea-lovers in their desperation have tried to batter it down in search of the finest Darjeeling
  • Mon May 25 06:20 Comment: There is something paradisiacal about its location next to a motorway, and I think of Delius every time I see a certain ageing black couple making their daily pilgrimage, just before noon, to take their daily cup of tea
  • Mon May 25 06:44 Nice Mail sub, tho "illusive elusive" for 10/10. #DoggerelOfTheDay from The Grotto by "Peter Drake, fisherman, of Brentford": "Be wise and panic fright disdain, / At notions, meteors of the brain; / And sights performed, illusive scene! / By magic lantern of the spleen."
  • Mon May 25 06:50 Comment: Peter Drake was Matthew Green (1696–1737), who worked in the City custom house & successfully petitioned the govt not to cut funds that were used to feed the custom house cats. I haven't read his Spleen but rather like The Grotto:
  • Mon May 25 06:53 Comment: The @OED 's attribution of this citation for illusive is wrong, but faithfully plagiarised by various other etymologies
  • Mon May 25 06:59 Lovely photos of a hare. If only I didn't have the heart of a dog
  • Mon May 25 07:22 I don't mind if Babe beats my glasses to pieces, but she needs to do it in time
  • Mon May 25 08:35 I didn't know that Boris had African ancestry, but maybe there's more to London slang than Colin MacInnes
  • Mon May 25 18:33 Letter on the fridge, no ref to Cummings annex. A government lawyer helping draft, but with family in the country, might think, "'When you do have to leave your home' ain't wriggle room, but no one knows my face & I'll stay off motorways." Cummings failed the Mark Oaten test
  • Mon May 25 18:50 If you need to call your halal product after a pork product you've failed: Najma Halal Turkey Chorizo
  • Mon May 25 18:54 "LOST: Does Evie belong to you?" Trinity Green Almshouses, Bethnal Green
  • Mon May 25 18:57 More Beijing-style motivational platitudes: "Post no ills" by Tim Fishlock. Who pays for all this?
  • Tue May 26 00:04 Historia de Barcelona, 26/5: * 1561: Reforma interna de los (muy mundanos) mercedarios, prohibiendo los sombreros; preparaciones para una gran expedición contra los moros (28+475) * 1629: Rogativas por lluvia y el Señor escucha (191) * 1803: Montjuic,…
  • Tue May 26 07:48 Comment: @DickDelingpole @jonestowncoffee Pray tell.
  • Tue May 26 08:03 Comment: @lordbonkers Boredom?
  • Tue May 26 08:09 I can go one better than Cummings & now Gove driving to test their eyesight: I used to walk to school with my eyes closed to test my hearing.
  • Tue May 26 08:25 Dolls from Mitch, who opened his front door while I & babe were talking to a street sweeper outside. M. came to the East End from Dublin in 1957 with 24 shillings in his pocket. One of 13 children, there was no money to buy dolls for his sisters, but "London has been good to me."
  • Tue May 26 08:27 Comment: Babe's favourite is Lucy, second right. I am unsure as to whether the pair on the left are Irish dancing dolls or Hitler Youth. A pot of Walthamstow Marsh blackberry jam was provided in return.
  • Tue May 26 08:34
  • Tue May 26 12:21 If I were to be allowed one eccentricity, I'd shut down private cars now
  • Tue May 26 14:03 Comment: @alexkbcn But which is ascendant?
  • Tue May 26 14:16 Missed chance for #DoggerelOfTheDay: the grave in Bunhill Fields of Dame Mary Page, who had oedema: "In 67 months she was tap'd 66 times. Had taken away 240 gallons of water..." But this hotbed of nonconformists didn't really do doggerel (if you exclude Blake)

  • Tue May 26 14:24 Comment: The end of a marvellous love poem attributed to Jonathan Swift (but everything marvellous & anonymous was attributed to him) mentions oedema/dropsy
  • Tue May 26 14:24 Comment: Here blanes is not the seaside town north of Barcelona
  • Tue May 26 14:29 Comment: "My bowels wambling make me spew" throws a whole new light on "Underground, overground, wombling free, / The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we"
  • Tue May 26 20:53 Duracell bunnie
  • Tue May 26 21:19 Please don't let this end
  • Wed May 27 00:05 Historia de Barcelona, 27/5: * 1076: Muere Ramón Berenguer I (7/i) * 1397: Llega Martín desde Sicilia para tomar posesión de la Corona de Aragón (35) * 1533: Sale vino blanco de la fuente de la Llotja para Carlos I e Isabel de Portugal (45+107) * 1839:…
  • Wed May 27 05:29 RT @george_szirtes: Deep under this world there should exist another, complete in itself. We should go there now, while we have time and l…
  • Wed May 27 06:20 RT @diamondgzrblog: Track and trace
  • Wed May 27 12:37 Comment: @tombcn Bandolers hipster?
  • Wed May 27 12:40 Diaper-patterned brickwork is quite common, but what did the builders back then call it?
  • Wed May 27 13:18 76 trombones ... almost, & unlike any trombone choir you've heard. I didn't know the United House of Prayer (UHOP) & its shout bands, nor did I imagine that Londonderry Air/Danny Boy could become He Looked Beyond My Faults, like this. Stupendous
  • Wed May 27 13:19 Comment: (Daddy is Our Lord)
  • Wed May 27 13:30 Comment: MGS must be Madison Glorious Sounds brass band from Washington DC. No decent video of them, but & more bands
  • Wed May 27 20:25 Pandemics & philosophical polities
  • Thu May 28 00:06 Historia de Barcelona, 28/5: * 1814: Sale el ejército francés y entran elementos del hispano-británico, incluso el Héctor de San Andrés; linchamientos y detenciones de traidores como un cierto Pujol (490+75) * 1919: Pla: Coromina, que està una mica gelós…
  • Thu May 28 08:33 Comment: @tombcn Now all is clear
  • Thu May 28 10:25 I love law firms who post in-depth articles on their websites about technical stuff & then you phone them up to run through some detail & they say, "Ooh love, don't even know what that is."
  • Thu May 28 20:49 If you insist on pronouncing Cephas (as in Cephas Avenue & Street in Bethnal Green) with a hard C, like the Aramaic, Greek & Latin, then you should probably also say Kaiser, instead of Caesar, mentalist
  • Fri May 29 00:46 Historia de Barcelona, 29/5: * 1708: El comandante de las tropas austriacas es atacado por un asesino y luego por su propio ayudante de campo (86+34) * 1711: La campaña británica, arruinada por falta de dinero (295) * 1918: Pla: Compareix a la tertúlia…
  • Fri May 29 08:10 Comment: @tombcn They're pretty scary close-up. But never had one fly in.
  • Fri May 29 08:58 Comment: @tombcn Thief/tourist?
  • Fri May 29 09:07 Re Nissan south of Barcelona: most predictions eventually have their moment of glory
  • Fri May 29 10:53 If only the Alma was still a pub they could have a little terrace there now
  • Fri May 29 12:51 A historical typography of the Royal London Hospital's old outpatients department on Stepney Way, Whitechapel: top unhyphenated 1890s, bottom hyphenated 1980s(?); middle unhyphenated 1990s(?). No idea whether it's all being demolished or whether just the latter two will go.
  • Fri May 29 19:09 Comment: @MatthewWells @Hackneycyclist The Barnabas Road filter is ignored by ca 50% of cars. If there is a camera & fines are issued they'll be struck down because @hackneycouncil has no warning signs on Berger Road & Oriel Road (ratrun path) & would take Poirot to notice the prohibition as you turn right out of both
  • Fri May 29 20:30 It is said that the Tories plan to confine sweaty joggers in buildings where they will be forced to weave baskets under their New Pore Law
  • Fri May 29 20:33 Not sure whether the constant dealing & consumption of heroin on the path connecting Coopers Close and Cleveland Way in Bethnal Green honours the tradition of the Charrington brewery that previously occupied the land
  • Fri May 29 20:41 RT @DrJACameron: My hunt for Coventry's Missing Cathedral is ready! As usual, my most ambitious production, which is like x1000 better than…
  • Fri May 29 22:53 Historia de Barcelona, 30/5: * Sábado de Pentecostés es el 30 de mayo este año; en 1848 fue el 10 de junio * 1410: Terremoto y peste (18+17) * 1519: Juana la Loca y Carlos I ratifican los estatutos del gremio de pintores (83) * 1535: Se embarca Carlos I…
  • Sat May 30 04:39 Comment: Impeccable authority says that the school was sent a copy for free by Michael Ashcroft & that its wannabe Islamic scholars are not offered commando training.
  • Sat May 30 04:47 Times grocer's apostrophe clickbait: will the full phrase be "the online grocer's high-flying shares from the comparison" or is this a joke - "the online grocer's from the comparison"?
  • Sat May 30 14:59 For the infant, Steve the libertarian sweeper does a Broadway song-and-dance routine as well as a Covid-inspired Zappa impression: I'm the tool of the Government And industry too For I am destined to rule And regulate you Honour-bound to confess that she laughs more at him
  • Sat May 30 18:14 Comment: @lordbonkers "Temporarily"
  • Sat May 30 22:51 Historia de Barcelona, 31/5: * Domingo de Pentecostés es el 31 de mayo este año; en 1842 fue el 15 de mayo * ... y en 1848 fue el 11 de junio * 1410: Muere Martín el Humano, sin sucesor y quizá envenenado por los afrodisíacos (802+82/i) * 1919: Pla: Fa…
  • Sun May 31 07:43 At last, someone relates the Iberian caganer to the European tradition of putti pisciatori like Manneken Pis in Brussels
  • Sun May 31 08:02 Comment: A Charles II Manneken Pis/Manuky-Piss anecdote from John Macky Journey Through the Austrian Netherlands. Charles was right. Probably hilarious for those on the payroll.
  • Sun May 31 14:18 Louis Jordan pronounced ration to rhyme with inflation and station instead of fashion and passion because that's the way he did it. Trying to think of people changing pronunciation lastingly to facilitate lyric couplets
  • Sun May 31 22:49 Historia de Barcelona, 1/6: * Lunes de Pentecostés/Segunda Pascua es el 01 de junio este año; en 1848 fue el 12 de junio * 1460: Un rosal romano de oro para Juan II (40/i) * 1848: Fiesta de San Fortunato (78) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1937: Alba &…

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