The most honest blue skies I know from these parts are to be found in the Matisse’s Collioure paintings. The Canon A70 I picked up last summer encourages me to commit a crime often detectable in the photos of other recent immigrants: reducing the light and deepening strategic blues and browns, particularly when the high summer sun bleaches the colours. This creates a richer, more sensual palette which leads to great jealousy in colder climes but which isn’t terribly honest. I’ve tried to be slightly fairer in the slightly rejigged ex-funfair below, but there’s a pre-monkey .psd file (1MB) for anyone who feels like improving on it:
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I didn’t even do anything to my last pigeon photo, taken on a cold day recently, but it seems improved
(better not mention that I’m reading Bei Hitlers, by a housemaid at the eagle’s nest…)
Filters and Photoshop. Best Blues from Kodachrome slide film, polarising filter, 1-2 stops underexposure and pointing 90 degrees from the sun. Graduated filters and Photoshop saturated blue/cyan are cheats. Smartest fotoblog is