If, as Francesc Ferrer writes, the Carod scandal is a Madrilenian plot to discredit Catalan nationalism, why did Carod fall for it? He’s not a Spanish agent, is he?
If you’re not already tied up (or down) this evening, try to make it along to the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carme 47), where John Barrass, director and editor of Barcelona Business, is giving a talk at 19:30 entitled Invertir a Catalunya: totxos, cargols i carreteres. I think it’s open to all, and, with Aragon apparently…
One of the greatest benefits of country walks around Barcelona is the break they provide from street rage induced by the complete lack of interest shown by urban pavement users in the needs of others. The conventional explanation is that bumping is the result of a different sense of the relationship between self and society,…
This is good: the NY Times says that smart dealers are trawling eBay for misspelled items, buying them cheap, spelling them correctly and relisting them: John H. Green, a jeweler in Central Florida, is one of them. Mr. Green once bought a box of gers for $2. They were gears for pocket watches, which he…
Hell, I didn’t know that Thomas Pynchon had been referred to on the Simpsons, nor that we’ll get to see him (not) on the show in Spain in about 2010. Via Elastico.
In a country in which even traffic wardens carry guns, both ERC, the party of disgraced politico Carod-Rovira, and its youth wing, JERC, like to refer to ETA as an armed organisation. Why this vagueness? A wolf and a sheep are both mammals, but it seems to me important to be able to distinguish between…
Hahahahahahaha. This is going to drive La Vanguardia’s apparently deranged plagiarist and liar Rafael Ramos completely bonkers. After months of him telling us, allegedly from London, that Blair’s lies and the BBC’s overwhelming saintliness were about to be exposed for all to see, it seems that Hutton has said the opposite. Now, I’m sure The…
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