
I’ve done my reading this morning and I’ve changed my mind. I don’t think it was ETA. Here, however, is the NY Times quote of the day:

“It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. They are all a bunch of terrorists. One does it for God, the other because they think they have a purer blood line.”
– JESÚS MIGUEL GÓMEZ, at a demonstration in Madrid.

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  1. Oh my, Trevor, you’ve blown it! you’re 36 hours ahead of schedule, you were not supposed to “change your mind” until tomorrow 8 pm!

  2. Andy,
    Reading the press and in particular LaVa this morning. But I’m confused as hell. For example, some papers are saying that they definitely did use Titadine, while others are saying that they didn’t. Nother example: copper detonators. In lots of home-made detonators you can substitute aluminium for copper with no hassle, and I know that the IRA sometimes used copper hot water pipe models, and they were close to ETA. I don’t think it will make any difference to voting patterns who did it: the PP says go after them in both cases, while the PSOE says let’s talk or not get involved at all.

    Mr Ed,
    I thought your first name was Llewel(l)yn. What’s the shelf-life on the current avatar?

  3. Trevor

    (1) Why would a party direct its members to lose x’000’s election-tide votes?

    but then again

    (2) By the mid-1990s ETA allegedly was recruiting children as bus bombers.

    I have no answer to the ‘who-did-it’ question. My sympathies to all in Spain and beyond who have lost someone in the recent outrages.

  4. I just saw the headline in the NYTimes about the arrests. I hope it brings some measure of comfort to the people of Spain. My sympathies go out to them.

  5. Wake up, Argentina hates you (see TrackBack). Your enemy works for the General Belgrano University, so there may be something historical involved.

  6. Stop it you morons or no one will ever take me seriously. Anyhow, the IMF says I shouldn’t talk to someone who owes us money.

  7. Otra mirada desde España
    Si algo hay en los weblogs son diferentes puntos de vista de mismos temas; sin embargo la opinión de John y de Oreneta son francamente incomprensibles. Dice John de las elecciones de ayer:”Fue una victoria de la cobardía. El pueblo…

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