Anti-guiri? yes, but…

Frequently racist paranoia vis-à-vis “imperialistic cultures” like the “Anglo-Saxon and Germanic” (with particular reference to the former) has permeated political thought of most varieties here for a long time and has been particularly evident in the last year or so. Sometimes, however, conflicts of interest arise. José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) was an elitist liberal…

Social netrics

Kaleboel figures for insignificant reasons in an academic paper by Fernando Tricas-García and Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós. The Spanish-speaking Blogosphere: Towards the Powerlaw? (PDF) introduces a spider-based tool developed by the authors, the Blogómetro, and includes the following interesting comment: We have the feeling that Spanish bloggers do not link so often and frequently as they…